Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Dec 27-31, 2024 Year End Appeal: The Museum of the Game and The International Arcade Museum Library both launched great initiatives in 2024, but each is spending more doing so than they bring in. We're asking for your direct support for the New Year, as we'd like to sustain our momentum in 2025! Learn More

We are asking you to reflect on how valuable you find our offerings, whether you believe in arcade, coin-op, and video-game preservation, and whether you would be able to give at least $5. If you have given in the past and we still provide you with value, please kindly donate again. If you have never contributed, please consider joining our efforts today. If everyone reading this gave just $5, we'd be well on our way to reaching our goals. All that matters is that you choose to support our preservation efforts. Every contribution helps, whether it's $2 (a common first donation), $5 (the most common donation amount), $12 (the average), $20, $50, $100, or more.

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Amusement Machines: 1983 (type: Pinball)

Entries in this index: 44
Name Manufacturer Year Type Genre Description Images
4X4 Atari 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Amazon Hunt Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Centaur II Bally Manufacturing Co. 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Conan Rowamet Indúa Eletrometalúa LTDA 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Eight Ball Deluxe-Limited Edition Bally Manufacturing Co. 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Farfalla Zaccaria 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Fire Action De Luxe Taito Do Brazil, a division of Taito 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Firepower II Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Games I, The Mylstar 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Goin' Nuts Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Gold Ball Bally Midway 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Grand Slam (2 player version) Bally Midway 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Grand Slam (4 player version) Bally Midway 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Granny And The Gators Bally Midway 1983 Pinball / Hybrid Pinball/Videogame Platform
Guardian Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Hannibal (never produced) Mylstar 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Hawkman Taito Do Brazil, a division of Taito 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Hill Climb Mylstar 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Joust Pinball Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Krull Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Krull II (never produced) Mylstar 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Le King Jeutel 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Miss Disco 7 Card Playmatic 1983 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Moon Mine (never produced) Mylstar 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Pin Ball Pool Bell Games 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Pinball Bell Games 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Pinball Champ Zaccaria 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Q*Bert's Quest Gottlieb, D., & Co., a Columbia Pictures Industries Co. 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Q*by (never produced) Mylstar 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Rack 'em Up! Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Rat Race Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Rat Race (never produced) Mylstar 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Ready...Aim...Fire! Mylstar 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Royal Flush Deluxe Gottlieb, D., & Co., a Columbia Pictures Industries Co. 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Sexy Girl Deluxe Arkon Automaten 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Sharp Shooter II Game Plan 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Sky Warrior I.D.I. 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Star Fighter Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Super Orbit Gottlieb, D., & Co., a Columbia Pictures Industries Co. 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Time Fantasy Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Time Machine Zaccaria 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Time Machine LTD 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Trick Shooter LTD 1983 Pinball / Solid State
Vortex Taito Do Brazil, a division of Taito 1983 Pinball / Solid State