Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Amusement Machines: 1905 (type: All)


Entries in this index: 144
Name Manufacturer Year Type Genre Description Images
6-Way Dice United Automatic Machine Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Dice
Acme Acme Sales Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Dice
Auto Stereoscope Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade / Viewer
Automatic Chicken (Rectangular Nest) Unknown 1905 Vending
Automatic Chicken - Round Nest Unknown 1905 Vending / Candy
Automatic Medical Battery & Lung Tester R. J. White Manufacturing Co. 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Automatic Phonograph Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Music / Phonograph
Automatic Photograph Machine Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade / Service
Automatic Pistol Automatic Target Machine Co., The 1905 Arcade / Pistol
Balloon Lung Tester Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Balloon Lung Tester Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Black Diamond Pepsin Gum National Vending Machine Co. 1905 Vending / Gum
Box Ball Alley American Box Ball 1905 Arcade / Bowler
Bull's Head Perfume Bull Novelty Co. 1905 Vending
Centaur Triplet Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Slot Machine / Upright
Climax Advance Machine Co. 1905 Vending / Bulk
Colgan's Taffy Tolu National Vending Machine Co. 1905 Vending / Gum
Collar Buttons Price Collar Button Machine Co. 1905 Vending
Commercial Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Slot Machine / Wheel
Conjurer Fortune Teller Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade / Fortune
Corona Automatic Changer Style 35 Regina Co., The 1905 Music / Disc
Corona No. 35 Regina Co., The 1905 Music
Counter Combination Blow & Grip Mac Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Doctor Vibrator Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Vending
Doremus Cigars Doremus Automatic Vending 1905 Vending / Cigar
Drop Card Viewer Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade / Viewer
Drop Nickel In Slot Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Dice
Dumb-Bell Lifting Machine Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Eagle Paupa & Hochriem Co. 1905 Slot Machine / Reel
Electric Chimes Grip and Lung Tester Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Electric Chimes Lifter Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Electricity Is Life F. H. Electric Co., The 1905 Arcade / Shocker
Electriseur Vert Meyer 1905 Arcade / Shocker
Electron New Polyphon Supply Co. 1905 Arcade / Shocker
Elk Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Reel
Emblem Embossing Machine Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade
Enterprise Peanuts Enterprise Vending Machine Co. 1905 Vending / Bulk
Erascope Haydon & Urry, Ltd. 1905 Arcade / Viewer
Express Gold Changer Express Gold Change Till Co. 1905 Vending
Express Gold Changer C. Garrett & Co. 1905 Vending
Fat Lean Lollipop Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Vending / Scale
Force de la Main, La A. Braesch 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Fortuna Sicking Manufacturing Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Card game
Foxy Grandpa Austin, Nichols & Co. 1905 Vending / Cigar
Freeport Dragons Freeport Novelty Co. 1905 Vending / Bulk
Freeport Peanut Vendor Freeport Novelty Co. 1905 Vending / Bulk
Freeport Twins Freeport Novelty Co. 1905 Vending / Bulk
Full Deck Watling Manufacturing Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Future Scope Charles G. Bissel & Co. 1905 Arcade / Fortune
Gauloise, La A. Braesch 1905 Slot Machine / Wheel
Guguss, Les Pasteur 1905 Slot Machine / Wall game
Hamilton Safety Matches (globe) Hamilton Manufacturing Co. 1905 Vending / Match
Haras, Le New Polyphon Supply Co. 1905 Slot Machine / Reel
Hercules Tug of War W. H. Ell & Co. 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Hilo Gum Climax Hilo Gum Co. 1905 Vending / Gum
Hilo Roll Gum (All Metal) Hilo Gum Co. 1905 Vending / Gum
Hilo Roll Gum (Unknown) Hilo Gum Co. 1905 Vending / Gum
Honest Clerk Jackson Supply Co. 1905 Vending / Cigar
Horoscope Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade / Fortune
Ideal Strength Tester R. J. White Manufacturing Co. 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Imperial Puritan Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Slot Machine
Improved Gold Changer C. Garrett & Co. 1905 Trade Stim.
Improved Grip Machine Peter Beetz 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Improved Kelley Kelley Manufacturing Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Reel
International Safety Matches International Vending Co. 1905 Vending / Match
Jackson Honest Clerk Jackson Supply Co. 1905 Vending / Cigar
Jockey Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Card game
L'Equitable - The Fair Unknown 1905 Arcade / Skill game
La Merveilluese - The Marvelous P. Beraud 1905 Slot Machine / Upright
Lady Perfume Sprayer Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Vending
Le Monte-Carlo New Polyphon Supply Co. 1905 Slot Machine / Wheel
Lee-White Lee-White Vending Machine Co. 1905 Vending
Les Petits Chevaux Pierre-Abel Nau 1905 Trade Stim. / Reel
Les Trois Couleurs - The 3 Colors Nau 1905 Slot Machine / Bell
Little Roulette Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Slot Machine / Roulette
Loreley O.R. Fische 1905 Arcade / Shooter
Marble Match Dunn Brothers 1905 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Mercer Peanut Mercer Novelty Co. 1905 Vending / Bulk
Merveilleuse, La Pierre Bussoz 1905 Slot Machine / Wheel
Michigan Vending Machine Co. Michigan Vending Machine Co. 1905 Vending
Mills New 1905 Package Gum Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Vending / Gum
Mills Package Vending Machine Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Vending / Gum
Miniature Perfume Sprayer Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Vending
Mixed Triplet: Centaur-Lone Star-Big Six Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Slot Machine / Upright
Multiphone Multiphone Operating Co. 1905 Music / Jukebox
Mutoscope Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade / Viewer
Mutoscope Table Bio-Automatics Ltd. 1905 Arcade / Viewer
New Palm Reader Marvin & Casler Co. 1905 Arcade / Fortune
Nut & Candy Vender Freeport Novelty Co. 1905 Vending / Bulk
Olympia Puncher Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
One Cent Merchant Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Reel
Orage A. Braesch 1905 Arcade / Shocker
Owl Gum Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Vending / Gum
Owl Match Vender Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Vending / Match
Owl Vending Machine London Novelty Co. 1905 Vending / Gum
Pansy Gum Pansy Gum 1905 Vending / Gum
Pansy Gum Roth's Pansy Gum 1905 Vending / Gum
Peerless Scale Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Vending / Scale
Pepsin Gum Case Chicle Co. 1905 Vending / Gum
Pepsin Gum Standard Gum Machine Works 1905 Vending / Gum
Perfection Dunn Brothers 1905 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Perfume Dorman Manufacturing Co. 1905 Vending
Petits Chevaux, Les Pierre-Abel Nau 1905 Slot Machine / Reel
Phenix, Le 1905 Pierre-Abel Nau 1905 Slot Machine / Coin drop
Plain Grip and Lung Tester Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Plain Grip and Lung Tester Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Pneumatic Punching Machine (1905) Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Postage Stamps National Vending Machine Co. 1905 Vending / Stamp
Prepayment Fan Electric Fan Motors Co. 1905 Vending / Service
Price Collar Button Price Collar Button Machine Co. 1905 Vending
Puritan Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Reel
Puritan Puritan Manufacturing 1905 Trade Stim. / Reel
Puritan/Vendor Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Reel
Rouge et Noire Pierre-Abel Nau 1905 Slot Machine / Wheel
Roulette Serpent Paul Valter 1905 Slot Machine / Wheel
Royal Success Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Card game
Safety Matches Jackson Vending Co. 1905 Vending / Match
Salter Musical Cigarette George Salter & Co. 1905 Vending / Cigarette
Samson Lifter Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Searchlight Grip and Lung Tester Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Soda Mint Gum Soda Mint Gum Co. 1905 Vending / Gum
Souvenir Post Card Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Vending
St Dunstan's Horoscope Unknown 1905 Arcade / Fortune
Stollwerck Sampler Schilling-Stollwerck & Co. 1905 Vending / Candy
Taxi, Le P. Beraud 1905 Slot Machine / Wall game
Tigre, Le Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Slot Machine / Reel
Tonneaux, Les Unknown 1905 Slot Machine / Wall game
Triplette, La Unknown 1905 Slot Machine / Wheel
True Blue Gum Co. Automatic Sales Co. 1905 Vending / Gum
U.A.M.C. Electricity Is Life Shocker United Automatic Machine Co. 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Umpire Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Reel
Unit Picture Machine Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade / Viewer
Venus - Double Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Slot Machine / Upright
Verdon's Twisters Cigars Michigan Novelty Works 1905 Vending / Cigar
Victor Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Slot Machine / Upright
Victor Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Card game
Washington Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Vending / Scale
White's Automatic Sapho R. J. White Manufacturing Co. 1905 Arcade / Viewer
Wizard Clock Huffman's Progressive Mfg. Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Wizard Clock White Vending Machine Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Wizard Clock (4 Column) Loheide Manufacturing Co. 1905 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Wrigley Dice Dunn Brothers 1905 Trade Stim. / Dice
Yankee Caille Bros. Co. 1905 Slot Machine / Coin drop
Zeno Collar Button Zeno Button Co. 1905 Vending
