Museum of the Game ®
***** DEVELOPMENT & TESTING SITE (development) *****

Amusement Machines: 1900 (type: All)

Entries in this index: 202
Name Manufacturer Year Type Genre Description Images
20th Century Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
20th Century Twins Miller Novelty Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
5 Reel Poker - Free Cigars A. J. Vanderwater 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
Adams Chewing Gum Adams Gum Co. 1900 Vending / Gum
Australasian Scale Australasian Automatic Weighing Machine Co. Ltd. 1900 Vending / Scale
Autarm Automatic Target Pistol Splitdorf Laboratory, NY 1900 Arcade / Pistol
Automat Unikum C. H. L. Gartmann Altona 1900 Vending / Candy
Automatic Medal Stamping Machine Simplex Vending Co. 1900 Vending / Service
Automatic Shooting Range A. Rowland & Son 1900 Arcade / Shooter
Automatic Therapy Automatic Spirometer Co. 1900 Arcade / Shocker
Automatic Therapy National Spirometer Co. 1900 Arcade / Strength tester
Banknote Cigar Vendor Bank Note Cigar Vendor 1900 Vending / Cigar
Banner McDonald Manufacturing Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Bar, The Unknown 1900 Vending / Candy
Barrel Machine Haydon & Urry, Ltd. 1900 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Bascule Automatique (1) Unknown 1900 Vending / Scale
Bascule Automatique (2) Unknown 1900 Vending / Scale
Bell Fruit Gum Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Coin drop
Ben Hur - Floor Model Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Wheel
Bennett Cigar Vendor Bennett and Co. 1900 Vending / Cigar
Bi Disc Graphophone Columbia Phonograph Co. 1900 Music / Phonograph
Big Star Six Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Black Diamond Gum Bethlehem Manufacturing 1900 Vending / Gum
BrikettmƤnnche Reiner, Pelzer & Co. 1900 Vending / Candy
Bull's Eye, The Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Canda Card Machine Leo Canda Manufacturing Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
Card Machine Sittman & Pitt 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
Cartes Postales Unknown 1900 Arcade / Fortune
Centaur - Lone Star Twin Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Centaur Eclipse Twin Double Upright Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Wheel
Chicago Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Chicago Jackpot Upright Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Wheel
Chiclets Gum Vending Scale Unknown 1900 Vending / Candy
Cigar Vending Machine Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Vending / Cigar
Clamshell Reel Viewer International Mutoscope Reel Co. 1900 Arcade / Viewer
Class M "Nickel-In-The-Slot" Edison Phonograph Works 1900 Music / Jukebox
Combination Punching Machine Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Arcade / Strength tester
Comete Automatique - Auto Comet P. Leoni 1900 Music / Disc
Commercial William H. Clune Manufacturer 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
Corona Regina Co., The 1900 Music / Disc
Correct Weight National Weighing Machine Co., The 1900 Vending / Scale
Counter Jumbo Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
Counter Success Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
Court House Bennett and Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Cowper Coin Drop Game Cowper Manufacturing Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Crap Shooters Delight F. A. Ruff Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Dice
delete JSR 1900 Videogame
Dewey Mead & Taylor 1900 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Dewey Chicago Twin Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Dewey Triplet Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Dewey Twins Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Dice Shaker Unknown 1900 Trade Stim. / Dice
Dictionary Coin Operating Book Holder Co. 1900 Vending / Service
Disc Changer Regina Co., The 1900 Music / Disc
Dragon Front 27 in. Automatic Disc Changer Regina Co., The 1900 Music / Wall box
Draw Poker Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
Dumb-bell Lifting and Grip Machine Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Arcade / Strength tester
Dunstan's Cigar Seller - Eureka Fortune Teller Unknown 1900 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Eagle, The Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Reel
Eclipse Triplet Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Eclipse Twin Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Eierlegende Gans (Egg-laying Goose) Reiner, Pelzer & Co. 1900 Vending / Candy
Eierlegender Hase (Egg-laying Hare/Rabbit) Reiner, Pelzer & Co. 1900 Vending / Candy
Eight-Way Automatic (Elk) T. J. Nertney Manufacturing Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Electric Shock Machine Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Arcade / Shocker
Electricity Ogden & Co. 1900 Trade Stim.
Electricity Is Life (Pedestal) Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Arcade / Shocker
Fairbanks Balance Beam Scale Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Vending / Scale
Fairplay Skill Tester Haydon & Urry, Ltd. 1900 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Fat Man (German) Reiner, Pelzer & Co. 1900 Arcade
Five-Way Coinograph T. J. Nertney Manufacturing Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Football A. Rowland & Son 1900 Arcade Sports
Forty-Five Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Wheel
Freeport Unknown 1900 Vending
Guillotine Unknown (Temporary) 1900 Arcade / Electro-Mechanical
Heureka Polyphon Musikwerke 1900 Slot Machine / Wall game
Hi-Man Novel Engineering Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Hygienic Exerciser Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Arcade / Strength tester
I Will Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Dice
Illusion Machine Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Arcade
Illustrated Song Machine Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Arcade / Viewer
Jack Pot Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Jockey Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
Jockey Chas. Molitar Novelty 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
Judgelet Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Jumbo Fortune Teller Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Reel
Jumbo Success Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
Kalliope Panorama Model 176P Unknown 1900 Music / Disc
Kanone (Cannon) Automat - German Reiner, Pelzer & Co. 1900 Vending / Candy
King Do Do Counter Wheel Watling Manufacturing Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Wheel
Kotex International Cellocotton Products Co. 1900 Vending
Kromo Kolored Kube Exhibit Supply Co., The 1900 Trade Stim. / Dice
L'Etonnant - Amazing L. Grasset 1900 Trade Stim. / Wheel
La Parisienne Musicale - The Parisian Musician French Automatic Devices - Francaise des Appareils Automatiq 1900 Slot Machine / Wheel
Le Facteur D'Amour Unknown (Temporary) 1900 Trade Stim.
Liberty Bell Striker International Mutoscope Reel Co. 1900 Arcade / Strength tester
Little Perfection Leo Canda Manufacturing Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
Little Wonder Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Vending / Bulk
Little Wonder Lung Test, The Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Arcade / Strength tester Skill
Lone Star Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Wheel
Lone Star - Forty-Five Twin Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Love Letter Box Nelson Lee 1900 Arcade
Lucky Four Leaf Clover Exhibit Supply Co., The 1900 Arcade / Fortune
Manilla, The Miller Novelty Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Matches Vendor Speialy Mfg. Co. 1900 Vending / Match
Medical Electric Machine Detroit Medical Battery 1900 Arcade / Shocker
Mermaid - Shooting Big Game Matheson Novelty & Mfg. Co. 1900 Arcade / Pistol
Mermaid - The Artillery Duel Matheson Novelty & Mfg. Co. 1900 Arcade / Shooter Shooter
Mermaid - The Marksman Matheson Novelty & Mfg. Co. 1900 Arcade / Pistol
Mermaid - The War Game Matheson Novelty & Mfg. Co. 1900 Arcade / Pistol
Mexican Fruit London Novelty Co. 1900 Vending / Gum
Model 1905 Music Box Regina Co., The 1900 Music / Disc
Model C Popcorn Wagon C. Cretors Co. 1900 Vending / Candy
Model E. Style No. 7 Ryede Specialty Works 1900 Vending / Candy
Music Box Style 17A Gum Vender Regina Co., The 1900 Vending / Gum
Musical Floor Machine Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Mutoscope (Indian) International Mutoscope Reel Co. 1900 Arcade / Viewer
National National Weighing Machine Co., The 1900 Vending / Scale
National Visible National Weighing Machine Co., The 1900 Vending / Scale
New Automatic Phonograph Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Music / Phonograph
New Century Strength Testing Machine Midland Manufacturing Co. 1900 Arcade / Strength tester
New Idea Cigar Machine Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Wheel
New Pistol Shooting Range Nicole Freres 1900 Arcade / Pistol
Nickel-In-The-Slot Edison Phonograph Works 1900 Music / Jukebox
No Blanks Coin Drop Yennick Novelty Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
No. 63 Music Box Polyphon Musikwerke 1900 Music / Disc
Owl Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Owl and Judge Twin Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Palace Billiards Haydon & Urry, Ltd. 1900 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Pansy Gum London Novelty Co. 1900 Vending / Gum
Pathe Concert Automatique Magister 1900 Music / Phonograph
Peanut Machine Advance Machine Co. 1900 Vending / Bulk
Peep Show Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Arcade
Penny Drop Unknown 1900 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Penny-In-Slot Machine No. 33 Day & Millward 1900 Vending / Scale
Perfect Weighing Scale Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Vending / Scale
Perfection Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Perfection Card Leo Canda Manufacturing Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Reel
Perfume Dispenser Unknown 1900 Vending / Service
Phone Style 143 disc phonograph Regina Co., The 1900 Music / Phonograph
Pickwick Klein & Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Picture Machine Leo Canda Manufacturing Co. 1900 Arcade / Viewer
Pilgrim Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Reel
Pilot, The Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Reel
Pneumatic Puncher Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Arcade / Puncher
Polyphon No. 4 Klein & Co. 1900 Music / Disc
Polyphon Style 104 Music Box Polyphon Supply Co. Ltd., The 1900 Music / Disc
Potter's Best Silk Unknown 1900 Vending
Prince, The Watling Manufacturing Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Wheel
Profit Sharing Register Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Punching Bag Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Arcade / Strength tester
Quadruple Vender Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Vending / Candy
Regina Regina Co., The 1900 Music / Disc
Reginascope Regina Co., The 1900 Arcade / Viewer
Reward Paying Punching Bag Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Arcade / Strength tester
Robert Emmet Cigars Spietz Cigar Co. Limited 1900 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Rolla-Poker Unknown 1900 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Roulette Imhof E. Imhof 1900 Slot Machine / Wheel
Roulette Mays, La A. Mays 1900 Slot Machine / Wheel
Samoa Chewing Gum Philadelphia Chewing Gum Mfg. Co. 1900 Vending / Gum
Schall Wheel D. N. Schall & Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Wheel
Scientific Punching Machine Rosenfield Mfg. Co. 1900 Arcade / Strength tester
Sculptoscope Viewer Whiting 1900 Arcade / Viewer
Shenandoah Up-To-Date Bennett and Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Singing Bird Cage Music Box Unknown 1900 Music
Singing Bird in Cage music box Unknown 1900 Music
Special Tiger Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Reel
Special Tiger With Gum Arrangement Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Reel
Standard Weighing Scale Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Vending / Scale
Star Pearsall and Finkbeiner 1900 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Star Green Bennett and Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Star Grip Tester Unknown 1900 Arcade / Strength tester
Stella Grand Stella Music Boxes 1900 Music / Disc
Stereoscope Viewer Unknown 1900 Arcade / Viewer
Storch (Stork) - German version Reiner, Pelzer & Co. 1900 Vending / Candy
Strength Test Pacific Machine Works 1900 Arcade / Strength tester
Stuckey Cigar Bennett and Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Sublime Harmony Cylinder Music Box Fidelio 1900 Music / Wall box
Success Columbia Manufacturing Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
Success Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
Superior Chewing Gum National Automatic Sales Company 1900 Vending / Gum
Test Your Strength New England Manufacturing Co. 1900 Arcade / Strength tester
Ticket Vendor Unknown 1900 Vending
Tiered Backdrop Unknown 1900 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Tiger, The Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Reel
Tin Egg Vendor Unknown 1900 Vending / Candy
Try Your Hand - Strength Test Unknown 1900 Arcade / Strength tester
Try Your Muscle Detroit Medical Battery 1900 Arcade / Strength tester
Tutti-Fruitti Adams Gum Co. 1900 Vending / Gum
Twentieth Century Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Twin Detroit Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Uno Paul E. Berger Manufacturing Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Velvet Molasses Champion Vending Machine Co. 1900 Vending
Victor William H. Clune Manufacturer 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
Visionneuse de Cartes - Drop Card Viewer Unknown 1900 Arcade / Viewer
W.H. Clune Poker Machine Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
Whirlygig Unknown 1900 Arcade / Fortune
Winner, The Unknown 1900 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Yacht Racer Automatic Sports Co. 1900 Arcade
You're Next Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
Your Next Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game
Your Next Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Card game