Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

VG-8230 (MSX2, Netherlands)


Machine Name VG-8230 (MSX2, Netherlands)
Year 1986
Manufacturer Philips
Sound Channels 2
Players Count 2
Latest Version 0.252


ROM Name: 8230bios.rom.u12

SHA1: 0de3c802057560560a03d7965fcc4cff69f8575c

CRC32: b31c851d

ROM Size: 32768

ROM Region: mainrom

ROM Name: 8230ext.rom.u11

SHA1: 3288894e1be6af705871499b23c85732dbc40993

CRC32: 8f84f783

ROM Size: 16384

ROM Region: subrom

ROM Name: 8230disk.rom.u13

SHA1: 0f5798850d11b316a4254b222ca08cc4ad6d4da2

CRC32: 7639758a

ROM Size: 16384

ROM Region: diskrom


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