Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Vs. T.K.O. Boxing


Machine Name Vs. T.K.O. Boxing
Year 1987
Manufacturer Namco / Data East USA
Category Sports / Boxing
Sound Channels 1
Players Count 2
Coins 2
Latest Version 0.252
Dip Switches See Game Dip Switches


ROM Name: tkoprg.bin

SHA1: 257c9f3565ff1d136094e99636ca57e300352b7e

CRC32: eb2dba63

ROM Size: 65536

ROM Region: prg

ROM Name: tkochr.bin

SHA1: 160131586aeeca848deabff258a2ce5f62b17c5f

CRC32: 21275ba5

ROM Size: 65536

ROM Region: gfx1

ROM Name: rp2c04-0003.pal

SHA1: 653182ce0cbaff66a8fc5788e32cc088b6735f2e

CRC32: fd6c578b

ROM Size: 192

ROM Region: ppu1:palette


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