Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Thunder Dragon 3 (bootleg of Thunder Dragon 2)


Machine Name Thunder Dragon 3 (bootleg of Thunder Dragon 2)
Year 1996
Manufacturer bootleg (Conny Co Ltd.)
Sound Channels 1
Players Count 2
Coins 2
Latest Version 0.252
Dip Switches See Game Dip Switches


ROM Name: h.27c2001

SHA1: 025e5f7ff12eaa90c5cfe757c71d58ba7040cba7

CRC32: 0091f4a3

ROM Size: 262144

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Name: l.27c020

SHA1: 1851a4b5ad9c2bac230126d195e239a5ebe827f9

CRC32: 4699c313

ROM Size: 262144

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 1

ROM Name: 1.27c1000

SHA1: ea5d45c3a3ab805e55806967f00167cf6366212e

CRC32: b870be61

ROM Size: 131072

ROM Region: audiocpu

ROM Name: 12.27c1000

SHA1: c6a4d776fee770ec197204b855b85bcc719469a5

CRC32: f809d616

ROM Size: 131072

ROM Region: fgtile

ROM Name: conny.3

SHA1: c262aeda0befcf4ac30638d42f2d40ba54c66ea7

CRC32: 5951c031

ROM Size: 1048576

ROM Region: bgtile

ROM Name: conny.4

SHA1: fcf980272c5e4088f492b429cb288bc0c46cf5a2

CRC32: a7772524

ROM Size: 1048576

ROM Region: bgtile

ROM Offset: 100000

ROM Name: conny.2

SHA1: a68069691cef0454059bd383f6c85ce19af2c0e7

CRC32: fefe8384

ROM Size: 1048576

ROM Region: sprites

ROM Name: conny.1

SHA1: 7b689a7e23a9428c6d36f0791a64e7a9a41e7cfa

CRC32: 37b32460

ROM Size: 1048576

ROM Region: sprites

ROM Offset: 1

ROM Name: conny.5

SHA1: b325b00e6147266dbdc840e03556004531dc2038

CRC32: baee84b2

ROM Size: 2097152

ROM Region: sprites

ROM Offset: 200000

ROM Name: conny.6

SHA1: 010dd001fda28d9c15ca09a0d12cac438a46cd54

CRC32: 564f87ed

ROM Size: 1048576

ROM Region: oki2

ROM Offset: 40000

ROM Name: conny.7

SHA1: 34e3f747716eb7a585340791c2cfbfde57681d69

CRC32: 2e767f6f

ROM Size: 1048576

ROM Region: oki2

ROM Offset: 140000

ROM Name: 9.bpr

SHA1: 575b4a46ea65179de3042614da438d2f6d8b572e

CRC32: 435653a2

ROM Size: 256

ROM Region: proms

ROM Name: 10.bpr

SHA1: 6d81b1c0233580aa48f9718bade42d640e5ef3dd

CRC32: e6ead349

ROM Size: 256

ROM Region: proms

ROM Offset: 100


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