Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Super Missile Attack (not encrypted)


Machine Name Super Missile Attack (not encrypted)
Year 1981
Manufacturer Atari / General Computer Corporation
Category Shooter / Command
Sound Channels 1
Players Count 2
Coins 3
Latest Version 0.252
Dip Switches See Game Dip Switches


ROM Name: 035820.sma

SHA1: 32ed71b6a869d7b361f244c384bbe6f407f6c6d7

CRC32: 75f01b87

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 5000

ROM Name: 035821.sma

SHA1: 5bb04b985421af6309818b94676298f4b90495cf

CRC32: 3320d67e

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 5800

ROM Name: 035822.sma

SHA1: 43912cc565cb43256a9193594cf36abab1c85d6f

CRC32: e6be5055

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 6000

ROM Name: 035823.sma

SHA1: 899cd8b378802eb6253d4bca7432797168595d53

CRC32: a6069185

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 6800

ROM Name: 035824.sma

SHA1: f46fd6847bc9836d11ea0042df19fbf33ddab0db

CRC32: 90a06be8

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 7000

ROM Name: 035825.sma

SHA1: c8e4301704e3700c339557f2a833e70f6a068d5e

CRC32: 1298213d

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 7800

ROM Name: 035826-01.l6

SHA1: 2beebf7855e29849ada1823eae031fc98220bc43

CRC32: 86a22140

ROM Size: 32

ROM Region: proms


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