Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Super Burger Time (World, set 2)


Machine Name Super Burger Time (World, set 2)
Year 1990
Manufacturer Data East Corporation
Category Platform / Run Jump
Sound Channels 1
Players Count 2
Coins 2
Latest Version 0.252
Dip Switches See Game Dip Switches


ROM Name: 3.11f

SHA1: ee4b0d2fcdc95aba0e78d066bd6c4d553a902848

CRC32: 98b5f263

ROM Size: 131072

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Name: 4.12f

SHA1: 4779e150518b9014c2154f33d38767c6a7447334

CRC32: 937e68b9

ROM Size: 131072

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 1

ROM Name: gc06.bin

SHA1: 5a8b29752c58ea76d9c7961c5b0d8c94f35037af

CRC32: e0e6c0f4

ROM Size: 65536

ROM Region: audiocpu

ROM Name: mae02.bin

SHA1: 0539bba39c60324d85599ac69ff78bb215deb511

CRC32: a715cca0

ROM Size: 524288

ROM Region: tiles

ROM Name: mae00.bin

SHA1: 5302cfd9bdaf90c4901fda75407379c4ce1cbdec

CRC32: 30043094

ROM Size: 524288

ROM Region: sprites

ROM Offset: 80000

ROM Name: mae01.bin

SHA1: 1cfd30d14f03554e826576d6d32ce424f0df3748

CRC32: 434af3fb

ROM Size: 524288

ROM Region: sprites

ROM Name: gc05.bin

SHA1: 3fcceb6f5aa5f33187bcf4c59d88327f396fa80d

CRC32: 2f2246ff

ROM Size: 131072

ROM Region: oki


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