Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Space Warp? (Cosmos conversion on Galaxian hardware)


Machine Name Space Warp? (Cosmos conversion on Galaxian hardware)
Year 1983
Manufacturer Century Electronics
Sound Channels 1
Players Count 2
Coins 2
Latest Version 0.252


ROM Name: swarpt7f.bin

SHA1: db8218510052a05670cb0b722b73d3f10464788c

CRC32: 04d744e3

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Name: swarpt7h.bin

SHA1: bc438515618683b2a7c29637871ee00ed95ad7f8

CRC32: 34a36536

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 2000

ROM Name: swarpt7m.bin

SHA1: d1c72848450dc5ff386dc94a26e4bf704ccc7121

CRC32: a2dff6c8

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 6000

ROM Name: swarpb1h.bin

SHA1: 8150f2ecd59d3a165c0541b550664c56d049edd5

CRC32: 6ee3b5f7

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: gfx1

ROM Name: swarpb1k.bin

SHA1: 28b91381658f598fa62049489beee443232825c6

CRC32: da4cee6b

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: gfx1

ROM Offset: 800

ROM Name: gal_hb_cp

SHA1: 4515a6e12a0a5c485a55291feee17a571120a549

CRC32: cbff6762

ROM Size: 32

ROM Region: proms


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