Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Slap Fight (bootleg set 2)


Machine Name Slap Fight (bootleg set 2)
Year 1986
Manufacturer bootleg
Sound Channels 1
Players Count 2
Coins 2
Latest Version 0.252
Dip Switches See Game Dip Switches


ROM Name: sf_r19eb.bin

SHA1: 69ce3e83a0d8fa5ee4737c741d31cf32db6b9919

CRC32: 2efe47af

ROM Size: 16384

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Name: sf_r20eb.bin

SHA1: d76e7a72f6ced67b550ba68cd42987f7111f5468

CRC32: f42c7951

ROM Size: 16384

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 4000

ROM Name: sf_rh.bin

SHA1: 8e4da1e6e73603e484ba4f5609ac9ea92999a526

CRC32: 3c42e4a7

ROM Size: 32768

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 10000

ROM Name: sf_r05.bin

SHA1: a90d5644ce268f3321047a4f96df96ac294d2f1b

CRC32: 87f4705a

ROM Size: 8192

ROM Region: audiocpu

ROM Name: sf_r11.bin

SHA1: d0c3560bb1f0c2647aeff807cb4b09450237b955

CRC32: 2ac7b943

ROM Size: 8192

ROM Region: gfx1

ROM Name: sf_r10.bin

SHA1: 59ffc206c62a651d2ac0ef52f519dd56edf2c021

CRC32: 33cadc93

ROM Size: 8192

ROM Region: gfx1

ROM Offset: 2000

ROM Name: sf_r06.bin

SHA1: c7bb4236a75ec6b88f011bc30f8fb9a718e2ca3e

CRC32: b6358305

ROM Size: 32768

ROM Region: gfx2

ROM Name: sf_r09.bin

SHA1: 2554617e0e6615ca8c85a49299a4a0e762478339

CRC32: e92d9d60

ROM Size: 32768

ROM Region: gfx2

ROM Offset: 8000

ROM Name: sf_r08.bin

SHA1: 696fba24bcf1f3a7e914a4403854da5eededaf7f

CRC32: 5faeeea3

ROM Size: 32768

ROM Region: gfx2

ROM Offset: 10000

ROM Name: sf_r07.bin

SHA1: 3840550fc3a833828dad8f3e300d2ea583d69ce7

CRC32: 974e2ea9

ROM Size: 32768

ROM Region: gfx2

ROM Offset: 18000

ROM Name: sf_r03.bin

SHA1: 9a1fd5bfd8fb830b8e46643c08eef32ba968fc23

CRC32: 8545d397

ROM Size: 32768

ROM Region: gfx3

ROM Name: sf_r01.bin

SHA1: 199b0b52bbeb384211171eca5c50a1c0ebf6826f

CRC32: b1b7b925

ROM Size: 32768

ROM Region: gfx3

ROM Offset: 8000

ROM Name: sf_r04.bin

SHA1: c251ef9597a11ec8de39be4fcbddaba84e649ef2

CRC32: 422d946b

ROM Size: 32768

ROM Region: gfx3

ROM Offset: 10000

ROM Name: sf_r02.bin

SHA1: 90abe961494a1af7c87693a419fbabf7a58a5dee

CRC32: 587113ae

ROM Size: 32768

ROM Region: gfx3

ROM Offset: 18000

ROM Name: sf_col21.bin

SHA1: 5df01663480acad1f89abab8662d437617a66d1c

CRC32: a0efaf99

ROM Size: 256

ROM Region: proms

ROM Name: sf_col20.bin

SHA1: bfbd0db52b23fe1b4994e05103be3d412c1c013e

CRC32: a56d57e5

ROM Size: 256

ROM Region: proms

ROM Offset: 100

ROM Name: sf_col19.bin

SHA1: abfa58fa4e44ebc56f2e0fac9bcc36164c845fa3

CRC32: 5cbf9fbf

ROM Size: 256

ROM Region: proms

ROM Offset: 200


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