Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Vs. Skate Kids. (Graphic hack of Super Mario Bros.)


Machine Name Vs. Skate Kids. (Graphic hack of Super Mario Bros.)
Year 1988
Manufacturer hack (Two-Bit Score)
Category Platform / Run Jump Scrolling
Sound Channels 1
Players Count 2
Coins 2
Latest Version 0.252
Dip Switches See Game Dip Switches


ROM Name: mds-sm4-4__1dor6d_e.1d or 6d

SHA1: 08162a7c987f1939d09bebdb676f596c86abf465

CRC32: be4d5436

ROM Size: 8192

ROM Region: prg

ROM Name: mds-sm4-4__1cor6c_e.1c or 6c

SHA1: de4494e4dd52f7f7b04cf1d9019fd89fb90eaca9

CRC32: 5e3fb550

ROM Size: 8192

ROM Region: prg

ROM Offset: 2000

ROM Name: mds-sm4-4__1bor6b_e.1b or 6b

SHA1: 8563ceaca664cf4495ef1020c07179ca7e4af9f3

CRC32: b1b87893

ROM Size: 8192

ROM Region: prg

ROM Offset: 4000

ROM Name: mds-sm4-4__1aor6a_e.1a or 6a

SHA1: f17db88ce0c9bf1ed88dc16b9650f11d10835cec

CRC32: 1abf053c

ROM Size: 8192

ROM Region: prg

ROM Offset: 6000

ROM Name: __skatekds,.2b

SHA1: b9a25c906d1861c89e2e40e878a34d318daf6619

CRC32: f3980303

ROM Size: 8192

ROM Region: gfx1

ROM Name: __skatekds,.2a

SHA1: b6c32791481fafddc8504adb4eaed30a2fb3a03e

CRC32: 7a0ab7eb

ROM Size: 8192

ROM Region: gfx1

ROM Offset: 2000

ROM Name: rp2c04-0004.pal

SHA1: 0f9090225eb1f08ae5072d40af3e95547cbce05f

CRC32: 0c2e8e4d

ROM Size: 192

ROM Region: ppu1:palette


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