Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Moune Creste (Jeutel French Moon Cresta bootleg)


Machine Name Moune Creste (Jeutel French Moon Cresta bootleg)
Year 1980?
Manufacturer bootleg (Jeutel)
Sound Channels 1
Players Count 2
Coins 2
Latest Version 0.252


ROM Name: w.7f

SHA1: 60fb7aa6c82741c75739adc2b9a56506f077fb8a

CRC32: b8ef3a6b

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Name: x.7h

SHA1: cfdf3e46b9b970bb781c628daefbe7e2609df45d

CRC32: b878f354

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 800

ROM Name: y.7j

SHA1: 5b1a44ddee138775b6e85401e70d31ca26910379

CRC32: 021762f4

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 1000

ROM Name: z.7k

SHA1: 2c6e608369cf5c307e7faf2d197a80e234ad8130

CRC32: f249ae30

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 1800

ROM Name: k.1h

SHA1: d726ee18b79774c982f88afb2a508eb5d5783193

CRC32: 528da705

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: gfx1

ROM Name: m.1h

SHA1: 8a879dc34fdecc8a121c4a87abb981212fb05945

CRC32: 5a4b17ea

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: gfx1

ROM Offset: 800

ROM Name: l.1k

SHA1: f72386a3766a7fcc7b4b8cedfa58b8d57f911f6f

CRC32: 4e79ff6b

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: gfx1

ROM Offset: 1000

ROM Name: n.1k

SHA1: 0839a4c9b6e863d12253ae8e1732e80e08702228

CRC32: e0edccbd

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: gfx1

ROM Offset: 1800

ROM Name: prom.6l

SHA1: 140335d85c67c75b65689d4e76d29863c209cf32

CRC32: 6a0c7d87

ROM Size: 32

ROM Region: proms


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