Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Video Hustler (bootleg, set 3)


Machine Name Video Hustler (bootleg, set 3)
Year 1981
Manufacturer bootleg
Sound Channels 1
Players Count 2
Coins 2
Latest Version 0.252


ROM Name: b1.bin

SHA1: 48f0f5289366a3c4dec86f5bb48d16a33745844d

CRC32: f87d75c7

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Name: b2.bin

SHA1: 2130de635f41f915db26a5fcba9654ae140d0ecc

CRC32: a639d4e1

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 800

ROM Name: b3.bin

SHA1: b4ebb69c0f17fde7a527d54ec8406b1b80798e0c

CRC32: 1b75520e

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 1000

ROM Name: b4.bin

SHA1: 6120919445599ec9116d14d0baf4fb4e4720e473

CRC32: fdea3165

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 1800

ROM Name: b5.bin

SHA1: 81e44d768ca4e654981c14660e12e355fe720636

CRC32: 730100e1

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 2000

ROM Name: b6.bin

SHA1: 5dad38db45afbd79b5627a75b295fc920ad68856

CRC32: 68dff552

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 2800

ROM Name: bs1.bin

SHA1: f7733fbc5cabb441ba039b9d7202aaf0cebb9a85

CRC32: b559bfde

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: audiocpu

ROM Name: bs2.bin

SHA1: eba0bdc8bc1652ff2f62594371ded711dbfcce86

CRC32: 6ef96cfb

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: audiocpu

ROM Offset: 800

ROM Name: c1.bin

SHA1: 8e6f1737604f3801c03fa2e9a5e6a2778b54bae8

CRC32: 0bdfad0e

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: gfx1

ROM Name: c2.bin

SHA1: 7e52a1669804b6c2f694cfc64b04abc8246bb0c2

CRC32: 8e062177

ROM Size: 2048

ROM Region: gfx1

ROM Offset: 800

ROM Name: mni6331.e6

SHA1: 311dd17aa11490a1173c76223e4ccccf8ea29850

CRC32: aa1f7f5e

ROM Size: 32

ROM Region: proms


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