Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Honey Pot (03J00241, NSW/ACT)


Machine Name Honey Pot (03J00241, NSW/ACT)
Year 2000
Manufacturer Aristocrat
Sound Channels 2
Players Count 1
Coins 1
Latest Version 0.252


ROM Name: a562837.u36

SHA1: 29940dd50fb55c632935f62ff44ca724379c7a43

CRC32: 1f269234

ROM Size: 343

ROM Region: gals

ROM Name: a562838.u65

SHA1: b795dfa5cc4e8127c3f3a0906664910d1325ec92

CRC32: f2f3c40a

ROM Size: 343

ROM Region: gals

ROM Offset: 200

ROM Name: a562840.u22

SHA1: 1ca091fba69e92f262dbb3d40f515703c8981793

CRC32: 941d4cdb

ROM Size: 343

ROM Region: gals

ROM Offset: 400

ROM Name: 03j00241.u7

SHA1: 39e8be61ea8e47fcb8006868518d9de464dc63da

CRC32: 9c0c3a68

ROM Size: 524288

ROM Region: game_prg

ROM Name: 03j00241.u11

SHA1: c8293afa113213e5bd9210b4c3fb0aae11019c4d

CRC32: c91bc9e7

ROM Size: 524288

ROM Region: game_prg

ROM Offset: 2

ROM Name: 03j00241.u8

SHA1: 61419691b91c79aec3bde660895b520b9634237e

CRC32: cc3701fd

ROM Size: 524288

ROM Region: game_prg

ROM Offset: 100000

ROM Name: 03j00241.u12

SHA1: c4e5809a54c5a10479cbdfbaa7a51c5e36bd8655

CRC32: 1f2e3714

ROM Size: 524288

ROM Region: game_prg

ROM Offset: 100002

ROM Name: 03j00241.u9

SHA1: 71e32cfb97a1063cb363795dd03be0327f6ec3f0

CRC32: 906b275f

ROM Size: 524288

ROM Region: game_prg

ROM Offset: 200000

ROM Name: 03j00241.u13

SHA1: 6274ceee7ad49a9052b354d9dfc7e3cfa4e61017

CRC32: d98e20eb

ROM Size: 524288

ROM Region: game_prg

ROM Offset: 200002


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