Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Dec 27-31, 2024 Year End Appeal: The Museum of the Game and The International Arcade Museum Library both launched great initiatives in 2024, but each is spending more doing so than they bring in. We're asking for your direct support for the New Year, as we'd like to sustain our momentum in 2025! Learn More

We are asking you to reflect on how valuable you find our offerings, whether you believe in arcade, coin-op, and video-game preservation, and whether you would be able to give at least $5. If you have given in the past and we still provide you with value, please kindly donate again. If you have never contributed, please consider joining our efforts today. If everyone reading this gave just $5, we'd be well on our way to reaching our goals. All that matters is that you choose to support our preservation efforts. Every contribution helps, whether it's $2 (a common first donation), $5 (the most common donation amount), $12 (the average), $20, $50, $100, or more.

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Galaga (Midway set 2)


Machine Name Galaga (Midway set 2)
Game Record Galaga
Year 1981
Manufacturer Namco (Midway license)
Category Shooter / Gallery
Sound Channels 1
Players Count 2
Coins 2
Latest Version 0.252
Dip Switches See Game Dip Switches


Official dip switch information may be available in the manual:

  1. German manual ADP 6 pages, 1 MB
  2. misc. pinout DIP switch settings 7 pages, 1.7 MB
  3. Parts Operating Manual 92 pages, 9.3 MB
  4. Parts and Operating Manual 82 pages, 9.1 MB
  5. Parts and Operating Manual 46 pages, 4 MB
  6. Trouble Shooting 17 pages, 1.3 MB
  7. Schematic 29 pages, 703 kB


ROM Name: mk2-1

SHA1: 18db33ade0ca6e47cc48aa151d2ccbb4646e3ae3

CRC32: 23cea1e2

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Name: mk2-2

SHA1: fda5557018884e903f855bf3b69a25d75ed8a767

CRC32: 89695b1a

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 1000

ROM Name: 3400c.bin

SHA1: a7eb799be5e23058754a92b15e6527bfbb47a354

CRC32: 16233d33

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 2000

ROM Name: mk2-4

SHA1: d4c03e2ed582cfa7f8168ac352f790ef7af54cb8

CRC32: 24b767f5

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 3000

ROM Name: gg1-5.3f

SHA1: d29b68d6aab3217fa2106b3507b9273ff3f927bf

CRC32: 3102fccd

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: sub

ROM Name: gg1-7b.2c

SHA1: 44c1a04fba3c7c826ff484185cb881b4b22e6657

CRC32: d016686b

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: sub2

ROM Name: gg1-9.4l

SHA1: 62f1279a784ab2f8218c4137c7accda00e6a3490

CRC32: 58b2f47c

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: gfx1

ROM Name: gg1-11.4d

SHA1: e697c180178cabd1d32483c5d8889a40633f7857

CRC32: ad447c80

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: gfx2

ROM Name: gg1-10.4f

SHA1: c340ed8c25e0979629a9a1730edc762bd72d0cff

CRC32: dd6f1afc

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: gfx2

ROM Offset: 1000

ROM Name: prom-5.5n

SHA1: 1a6dea13b4af155d9cb5b999a75d4f1eb9c71346

CRC32: 54603c6b

ROM Size: 32

ROM Region: proms

ROM Name: prom-4.2n

SHA1: 0281de86c236c88739297ff712e0a4f5c8bf8ab9

CRC32: 59b6edab

ROM Size: 256

ROM Region: proms

ROM Offset: 20

ROM Name: prom-3.1c

SHA1: cdd4bc1013f5c11984fdc4fd10e2d2e27120c1e5

CRC32: 4a04bb6b

ROM Size: 256

ROM Region: proms

ROM Offset: 120

ROM Name: prom-1.1d

SHA1: 085ada18c498fdb18ecedef0ea8fe9217edb7b46

CRC32: 7a2815b4

ROM Size: 256

ROM Region: namco

ROM Name: prom-2.5c

SHA1: 0c4d0bee858b97632411c440bea6948a74759746

CRC32: 77245b66

ROM Size: 256

ROM Region: namco

ROM Offset: 100


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