Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Fortress 2 Blue Arcade (Korea) (ver 1.00 / pcb ver 3.05)


Machine Name Fortress 2 Blue Arcade (Korea) (ver 1.00 / pcb ver 3.05)
Year 2001
Manufacturer Eolith
Category Shooter / Gallery
Sound Channels 2
Players Count 2
Coins 1
Latest Version 0.252
Dip Switches See Game Dip Switches


ROM Name: ftii012.u43

SHA1: 2f02f103de180561e372ce897f8410a11c4cb58d

CRC32: 6424e05f

ROM Size: 524288

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Name: ftii000.u39

SHA1: ee072044f84e11c48537d79bd9766bf8cc28f002

CRC32: be74121d

ROM Size: 4194304

ROM Region: maindata

ROM Name: ftii004.u34

SHA1: 88f5a1097f44d2070cfc96c9cd83342d1975dcfe

CRC32: d4399f98

ROM Size: 4194304

ROM Region: maindata

ROM Offset: 2

ROM Name: ftii001.u40

SHA1: d05dee021e1a93e224b05949c18a5107e0aceb4d

CRC32: 35c396ff

ROM Size: 4194304

ROM Region: maindata

ROM Offset: 800000

ROM Name: ftii005.u35

SHA1: d9f1ebc28098a20a59b76ee859527e946c82a1df

CRC32: ff553679

ROM Size: 4194304

ROM Region: maindata

ROM Offset: 800002

ROM Name: ftii002.u41

SHA1: 0319392dbfe4a20be462ca9cc5a66575ba0a32b4

CRC32: 1d79ed5a

ROM Size: 4194304

ROM Region: maindata

ROM Offset: 1000000

ROM Name: ftii006.u36

SHA1: bd9231b5fe1a7307668960c1f9f188f4a49f1c45

CRC32: c6049bbc

ROM Size: 4194304

ROM Region: maindata

ROM Offset: 1000002

ROM Name: ftii003.u42

SHA1: aca009a39b5d6049e3cf234f4412868a569ffb18

CRC32: 3cac1efe

ROM Size: 4194304

ROM Region: maindata

ROM Offset: 1800000

ROM Name: ftii007.u37

SHA1: b013fbfaa1e3f573a305e6346e50b930766daa1d

CRC32: a583a672

ROM Size: 4194304

ROM Region: maindata

ROM Offset: 1800002

ROM Name: ftii008.u111

SHA1: 09a2d5705d7bc52cc2d1644c87c1e31ee44813ef

CRC32: 79012474

ROM Size: 32768

ROM Region: soundcpu

ROM Name: ftii009.u108

SHA1: c4e34601f754ae2908dd6d59ea9da0c5c6f56f2d

CRC32: 9b996b60

ROM Size: 524288

ROM Region: sounddata

ROM Name: ftii010.u107

SHA1: 71ace1b749d8a6b84d08b97185e7e512d04e4b8d

CRC32: afd5263d

ROM Size: 32768

ROM Region: qs1000:cpu

ROM Name: ftii011.u97

SHA1: 5a9824280f30ef2e7b7f16652b2f9f9559cb764f

CRC32: 8a431b14

ROM Size: 524288

ROM Region: qs1000

ROM Name: qs1001a.u96

SHA1: 57b14f97c7d4f9b5d9745d3571a0b7115fbe3176

CRC32: d13c6407

ROM Size: 524288

ROM Region: qs1000

ROM Offset: 80000


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