Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Drews Revenge (v.2.89, set 1)


Machine Name Drews Revenge (v.2.89, set 1)
Year 1986
Manufacturer Drews Inc.
Sound Channels 1
Players Count 1
Coins 3
Latest Version 0.252


ROM Name: drhl_v2.89.u12

SHA1: e8046b4042ca1e203d831de70da2bf940b2094a0

CRC32: a0f63638

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Name: drhl_v2.89.u18

SHA1: bb4a186d13b24ffd22e291c8d6c67f5012aa8001

CRC32: f3590633

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 1000

ROM Name: drhl_v2.89.u19

SHA1: e8e489c670a17d4c48491b94bad1976cbb4742eb

CRC32: 8abd7f40

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 2000

ROM Name: drhl_v2.89.u26

SHA1: 51090c737873b652ba95435d553fb88fac730892

CRC32: 44ae3cdc

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 3000

ROM Name: drhl_v1.0.u31

SHA1: 9268a430764a5ea8ba7cd18944ec254a44d9dff2

CRC32: bbc7c970

ROM Size: 4096

ROM Region: gfx

ROM Name: drhl_ampal16l8pc.u51

SHA1: 2d0634e8edb3289a103719466465e9777606086e

CRC32: bd76fb53

ROM Size: 260

ROM Region: plds


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