Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

C.S.I. v2.00


Machine Name C.S.I. v2.00
Year 2008
Manufacturer Stern
Latest Version 0.252


ROM Name: boot_eprom_01_02.bin

SHA1: aed7ba2f988df8c95e2ad08f70409152d5caa49a

CRC32: 92c93cba

ROM Size: 1048576

ROM Region: boot

ROM Name: boot_eprom_01_06.bin

SHA1: 775590bbd52c24950db86cc231566ba3780030d8

CRC32: fe7bcece

ROM Size: 953032

ROM Region: boot

ROM Name: boot_eprom_02_10.bin

SHA1: 115d0b73c40fcdb2d202a0a9065472d216ca89e0

CRC32: 0f3fd4a4

ROM Size: 983812

ROM Region: boot

ROM Name: boot_eprom_02_30.bin

SHA1: d865edf7d1c6d2c922980dd192222dc24bc092a0

CRC32: a4258c49

ROM Size: 984612

ROM Region: boot

ROM Name: boot_eprom_03_10.bin

SHA1: e4a9a818fa3f1754374cd00b52b8a087d6c442a9

CRC32: de017f82

ROM Size: 1048576

ROM Region: boot

ROM Name: csi200a.bin

SHA1: 385bede7955e06c1e1b7cd06e988a64b0e6ea54f

CRC32: ecb25112

ROM Size: 31596480

ROM Region: flash


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