Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Cobra: The Arcade (CBR1 Ver. B)


Machine Name Cobra: The Arcade (CBR1 Ver. B)
Year 2005
Manufacturer Namco
Latest Version 0.252


ROM Name: r27v1602f.7d

SHA1: f0a74bbcaf801f3fd0b7002ebd0118564aae3528

CRC32: 2b2e41a2

ROM Size: 2097152

ROM Region: bios

ROM Name: cbr1verb.ic002

SHA1: 97c8e98c44d66231ee3f2527756d92dbc947b76d

CRC32: aecda462

ROM Size: 8388608

ROM Region: key

ROM Name: cbr1verb_spr.ic002

SHA1: 5cc642f71bef3b5e44db5e999e8abccca7fdaa4c

CRC32: 65aaadcf

ROM Size: 262144

ROM Region: key

ROM Offset: 800000


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