Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Black Heart


Machine Name Black Heart
Year 1991
Manufacturer UPL
Category Shooter / Flying Horizontal
Sound Channels 1
Players Count 2
Coins 2
Latest Version 0.252
Dip Switches See Game Dip Switches


ROM Name: blkhrt.7

SHA1: 0649f4f8682404aeb3fc80643fcabc2d7836bb23

CRC32: 5bd248c0

ROM Size: 131072

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Name: blkhrt.6

SHA1: d8cd126d921c95478346da96c20da01212395d77

CRC32: 6449e50d

ROM Size: 131072

ROM Region: maincpu

ROM Offset: 1

ROM Name: 4.bin

SHA1: 408f46613b3620cee31dec43281688d231b47ddd

CRC32: 7cefa295

ROM Size: 65536

ROM Region: audiocpu

ROM Name: 3.bin

SHA1: 3fb57c9d2ef94ee188cbadd70378ae6f4407e71d

CRC32: a1ab3a16

ROM Size: 131072

ROM Region: fgtile

ROM Name: 90068-5.bin

SHA1: b9f8104d53eda87ccd4000d049ee74ac9aa20b3e

CRC32: a1ab4f24

ROM Size: 1048576

ROM Region: bgtile

ROM Name: 90068-8.bin

SHA1: b37a246ad37f9ce092b371f01122ddf2bc8b2db6

CRC32: 9d3204b2

ROM Size: 1048576

ROM Region: sprites

ROM Name: 90068-2.bin

SHA1: 9226f1ea7725e4b48bb055d1c17389cf960d75f8

CRC32: 3a583184

ROM Size: 524288

ROM Region: oki1

ROM Name: 90068-1.bin

SHA1: da050880e186954bcf0e0adf00750dd5a371551b

CRC32: e7af69d2

ROM Size: 524288

ROM Region: oki2

ROM Name: 9.bpr

SHA1: f125ad05c3cbd1b1ab356161f9b1d814781d4c3b

CRC32: 98ed1c97

ROM Size: 256

ROM Region: proms

ROM Name: 10.bpr

SHA1: 588822f6308a860937349c9106c2b4b1a75823ec

CRC32: cfdbb86c

ROM Size: 256

ROM Region: proms

ROM Offset: 100


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