Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

AX-350 II (MSX2, Arabic)


Machine Name AX-350 II (MSX2, Arabic)
Year 1987
Manufacturer Sakhr
Sound Channels 2
Players Count 2
Latest Version 0.252


ROM Name: ax350iibios.rom

SHA1: 35195ab67c289a0b470883464df66bc6ea5b00d3

CRC32: ea306155

ROM Size: 32768

ROM Region: mainrom

ROM Name: ax350iiext.rom

SHA1: ebb76f9061e875365023523607db610f2eda1d26

CRC32: 7c7540b7

ROM Size: 16384

ROM Region: subrom

ROM Name: ax350iiarab.rom

SHA1: f8cd4c05083decfc098cff077e055a4ae1e91a73

CRC32: e62f9bc7

ROM Size: 32768

ROM Region: arabic

ROM Name: ax350iiword.rom

SHA1: 3a74e73b94d066b0187feb743c5eceddf0c61c2b

CRC32: 307ae37c

ROM Size: 32768

ROM Region: swp

ROM Name: ax350iipaint.rom

SHA1: ace202e87337fbc54fea21e22c0b3af0abe6f4ae

CRC32: 18956e3a

ROM Size: 65536

ROM Region: painter

ROM Name: ax350iidisk.rom

SHA1: 358e69f427390041b5aa28018550a88f996bddb6

CRC32: d07782a6

ROM Size: 16384

ROM Region: diskrom


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