Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Ghostmuncher Galaxian (bootleg) Dip Switch Settings

Below are the dip-switch found in MAME for this Ghostmuncher Galaxian (bootleg) romset.

WARNING: While MAME has very useful dip switch settings, many of them are listed in reverse order (ie: the settings are really for switches 8 down to 1 instead of 1 up to 8, or vice versa, or on really should be off and off really show be on. If you compare what is shown on the chart to the switch settings you already know, you should be able to figure it out. When available, please see manual)

Dip Switch: SW1 (GAMESEL)

1 2 3 4 Function Option
Off Game Select Galaxian
On Ghost Muncher*

Dip Switch: SW2 (GLIN1)

1 2 3 4 Function Option
Off Off Galaxian - Coinage Free Play
On Off 1 Coin/2 Credits
On Off 2 Coins/1 Credit
On On 1 Coin/1 Credit*

Dip Switch: SW2 (GMIN1)

1 2 3 4 Function Option
Off Off Ghost Muncher - Bonus Life 20000
On Off 15000
On Off 10000*
On On None

Dip Switch: SW2 (GLIN2)

1 2 3 4 Function Option
Off Galaxian - Bonus Life 7000
On 5000
Off On 4000*
On On None
Galaxian - Lives 5
On 3*

Dip Switch: SW2 (GMIN2)

1 2 3 4 Function Option
Off Ghost Muncher - Coinage Free Play
On 1 Coin/1 Credit*
Off On 1 Coin/2 Credits
On On 2 Coins/1 Credit
Ghost Muncher - Lives 1
On 2
Off On 3*
On On 5

NOTE: Dip switch setting information is contributed by the community and although is believed to be correct (most of the time), has not been tested or verified.

Use this information at your own risk.