Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

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Properties: Old West

Entries in this index: 10
Name Manufacturer Year Type Genre Description Images
Badlands Konami 1984 Videogame Adventure Interactive Movie Shooter
FastDraw Showdown American Laser Games 1994 Videogame Shooter Interactive Movie
Gun Fight Midway Manufacturing Co. 1975 Videogame Shooter
Last Bounty Hunter, The American Laser Games 1994 Videogame Shooter
Lethal Enforcers II: Gunfighters Konami 1994 Videogame Shooter
Mad Dog II - The Lost Gold American Laser Games 1992 Videogame Shooter Interactive Movie
Mad Dog McCree American Laser Games 1990 Videogame Shooter Interactive Movie
Sure Shot Sheriff Konami 1995 Videogame Adventure Shooter Interactive Movie
Wild Gunman Nintendo 1984 Videogame Shooter
Zorton Brothers (Los Justicieros) Web Picmatic 1993 Videogame Interactive Movie Shooter