Return to the game record for Tempest
This game has been tagged as belonging to conversion class: unique
There is a specific pin-out record on file for Tempest:
"Tempest" (Atari, 1980) ----------------------- P20: 44-pin edge connector component side solder side -------------- ----------- +5VDC RETURN A 1 +5VDC RETURN +5VDC B 2 +5VDC C 3 +22VDC D 4 -22VDC COIN R E 5 SLAM COIN C F 6 COIN L DIAG STEP H 7 SELF TEST X INV J 8 OUT 5 (not used) Y INV K 9 BLUE GREEN L 10 RED VIDEO GND M 11 MONOCHROME VIDEO COIN CTR R N 12 COIN CTR L COIN CTR C P 13 PWR GND PWR GND R 14 +10.3 VDC UNREG Y INVERT S 15 X INVERT X OUT T 16 X GND Y GND U 17 Y OUT ~RESET V 18 E (2.4 kHz clock) -22VDC W 19 +22VDC X 20 +5VDC Y 21 +SENSE (+5V) +5VDC RETURN Z 22 -SENSE (GND) C, D, 19 & 20 appear to be unused P18: 30-pin edge connector component side solder side -------------- ----------- +5VDC RETURN A 1 +5VDC RETURN +5VDC B 2 +5VDC ~COCK C 3 +22VDC AUDIO- D 4 -22VDC AUDIO- RETURN E 5 AUDIO+ ~RESET F 6 AUDIO+ RETURN CLK1 H 7 CLK2 DIR1 J 8 DIR2 FIRE2 K 9 FIRE1 ZAP2 L 10 ZAP1 P2 START M 11 P1 START -22VDC N 12 P1 LED +22VDC P 13 P2 LED +5VDC R 14 +5VDC +5VDC RETURN S 15 +5VDC RETURN Notes: ------ "RETURN" pins are ground, but specifically for the voltages indicated. Ground ~COCK if you're installing in a cocktail table, and connect X INV to X INVERT and Y INV to Y INVERT. Hook up a 2nd set of controls to CLK2, DIR2, FIRE2 and ZAP2 and the game will "flip" for 2 player games.
NOTE: Conversion class and pin-out data is contributed by the community and although is believed to be correct (most of the time), has not been tested or verified.
Use this information at your own risk.