Museum of the Game ®

***** DEVELOPMENT & TESTING SITE (development) *****

JAMMA Pinout Class

There is a specific pin-out record on file for the ' . JAMMA . ' pinout class:

                       This Video Game Pinout Data Sheet Was Typed In By James R. Twine.
                     EMail:  [email protected]

                     -> JAMMA Standard Connector <-

Name Of Game: N/A
Notes: Not all games will use all pins, and some kits may have extra connectors
       for more/different controls!  i.e. Street Fighter II and Ikari Warriors.

            Solder Side            |             Parts Side
               GND             | A | 1 |             GND
               GND             | B | 2 |             GND
               +5              | C | 3 |             +5
               +5              | D | 4 |             +5
               -5              | E | 5 |             -5
               +12             | F | 6 |             +12
             - KEY -           | H | 7 |           - KEY -
        Coin Counter # 2       | J | 8 |      Coin Counter # 1
       Lock Out Coil # 2       | K | 9 |     Lock Out Coin # 2
           Speaker (-)         | L | 10|         Speaker (+)
                               | M | 11|
          Video Green          | N | 12|        Video Red
          Video Sync           | P | 13|        Video Blue
         Service Switch        | R | 14|        Video GND
           Tilt Switch         | S | 15|          Test Switch
         Coin Switch # 2       | T | 16|        Coin Switch # 1
           2P  Start           | U | 17|          1P  Start
           2P  Up              | V | 18|          1P  Up
           2P  Down            | W | 19|          1P  Down
           2P  Left            | X | 20|          1P  Left
           2P  Right           | Y | 21|          1P  Right
           2P  Button 1        | Z | 22|          1P  Button 1
           2P  Button 2        | a | 23|          1P  Button 2
           2P  Button 3        | b | 24|          1P  Button 3
                               | c | 25|
                               | d | 26|
               GND             | e | 27|             GND
               GND             | f | 28|             GND


The following games have been tagged as having the same conversion class and may have similar pinout layouts:

There are too many JAMMA games to list individually (We just listed 5 just here now).The JAMMA connector is a very important standard. See the Wikipedia JAMMA page for more information.

NOTE: Conversion class and pin-out data is contributed by the community and although is believed to be correct (most of the time), has not been tested or verified.
Use this information at your own risk.