, James

Location Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Contact Method My contact method may be available to logged in members.
First Piece Collected Area 51 Site 4
Favorite Piece Asteroids Sit down table
Why It Is My Favorite Fun and challenging and sit down
Current Project(s) Sky Jump, Nintendo Red Tent, Area 51 Max force Duo conversio
Bio 1. Asteroids (Functions Perfectly other than a few scratches on play glass. 2. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Fully Restored) 3. Area 51 Max Force Duo (One gun trigger not working will install the chip and update) 4. Area 51 Site 4 (PCB / Hard Drive / Hea
Visits Confirmation Required - Invited Guests Only Please.
Travels No Locations Visited
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Most members have painstakingly added to their collection. The community exists to share information about this treasures. It is rude and bothersome when members or non-members mail unsolicited Are you selling Such 'N Such? messages to members. Please refrain from doing so, unless a member has marked a specific item For Sale on their list.

Members who bother other members with such requests may be banned this site; it goes directly against a member requirement.

The For Sale section of our Message Forums is a good place to find games for sale, as are local dealers and eBay.