Member: Swoop

Games Owned

* = High Scores are simply self-reported, unverified, and un-official.
Game Type Cabinet Condition Serial Num High Score* Knowledge Comment For Sale


[Census] [Game Info]
Videogame Original/dedicated

Working: Yes

Limited Its on Ebay as of 1292012.httpwww.ebay.comitmClownsbyMidwaycocktailtableArcadeGameGreatworkingconditionMustSee330841624900ptLH_DefaultDomain_0hashitem4d07b29144 Yes


[Census] [Game Info]
Videogame Original/dedicated

Working: Yes

Limited Its Currently on eBay as of 1292012.httpwww.ebay.comitmWarriorVectorbeam1979CinematronicsAllORIGINALPioneerFightingGame330841574307ptLH_DefaultDomain_0hashitem4d07b1cba3 Yes

Parts Owned

* = High Scores are simply self-reported, unverified, and un-official.
Game Type Condition Comment For Sale