Kopp, Jason (username: ArcadeJason) VAPS Profile Picture

Kopp, Jason (username: ArcadeJason)

Location Masury, Ohio
Contact Method My contact method may be available to logged in members.
First Piece Collected I cant remember centipede cocktail
Favorite Piece complete atari vector collection all in the dedicated cabine
Why It Is My Favorite fun to play or rare
Current Project(s) everything
Bio I have been building z80 computers and collecting vintage computers for years One day I had a garage sale with a whole bunch of electronic parts out on tables and I made a friend that was into arcades I never even thought about owning a game until then
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Travels No Locations Visited
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Most members have painstakingly added to their collection. The community exists to share information about this treasures. It is rude and bothersome when members or non-members mail unsolicited Are you selling Such 'N Such? messages to members. Please refrain from doing so, unless a member has marked a specific item For Sale on their list.

Members who bother other members with such requests may be banned this site; it goes directly against a member requirement.

The For Sale section of our Message Forums is a good place to find games for sale, as are local dealers and eBay.