Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Coin-Op, Video Game, and Arcade - Cheats, Easter Eggs, and Bugs


Entries in this index: 4
Name Manufacturer Year Type Genre Text (See Game for Complete Cheats, Easter Eggs, and Bugs)
1943: The Battle Of Midway Capcom 1987 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
A little known trick in the game is to hold down the fire A button at the very end of a board immediately after beating the boss. By holding down the button until the plane takes off in the subsequent board, the game gives you a full ammunition load (65 Seconds). This trick only works every third board or so and it may even change your selected weapon. A good solution if you want to do a big score: In each boss level, kill all the enemies except the boss. If you do not kill the boss you will start back at the beginning of the level. This trick works only one time for each level boss, but in the last level, round 16, if you never kill the boss you will continue to start back at the beginning every time. It is theoretically possible to score an infinite amount of points.
2 Minute Drill Taito 1993 Arcade Sports
2 On 2 Open Ice Challenge Midway Games 1995 Videogame Sports
Play as Gordie Howe: Create a new player and enter "G[Space]H" as the initials, March 31 as the date, and choose any size head. The announcer will say "Mr. Hockey" to confirm correct code entry.
800 Fathoms US Billiards 1981 Videogame Shooter
In the first area where the player moves the submarine through the underwater fortress, the moving barriers can be shot with the missiles just as they appear on the screen and have a white color.
