Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Amusement Machines: S (type: Videogame)


Entries in this index: 883
Name Manufacturer Year Type Genre Description Images
S.A.P.T. - Special Automobile Police Team Uniana 2004 Videogame Driving
S.C.I. - Special Criminal Investigation Taito 1989 Videogame Racing
S.P.Y. Special Project Y Konami 1989 Videogame Fighting
S.R.D. Mission Taito 1986 Videogame Space
S.S. Mission Comad 1992 Videogame
S.T.U.N. Runner Atari Games 1989 Videogame Racing
Saboten Bombers Tecmo 1992 Videogame Platform
Sadari Dooyong 1993 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Safari Sega/Gremlin 1977 Videogame Shooter
Safari Taito 1977 Videogame Shooter
Safari Rally SNK 1979 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Safari Rally Taito 1980 Videogame Driving
Sagaia Taito 1989 Videogame Shooter
Saigo No Nindou Irem 1988 Videogame Fighting
Sailor Sam Magic Electronics 1985 Videogame
Saint Dragon Jaleco 1989 Videogame Shooter
Sakura Wars: Columns Sega 1997 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Salamander Konami 1986 Videogame Space
Salamander 2 Konami 1996 Videogame Shooter
Salary Man Champ Success 2000 Videogame Mini-Game Collection
Salon Series Electro Sport 1984 Videogame Gambling
Samba De Amigo Sega 2000 Videogame Skill
Same! Same! Same! Toaplan 1989 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Samurai Sega 1980 Videogame Platform
Samurai Jack Taito 2001 Videogame Platform
Samurai Nipponichi Taito 1984 Videogame Fighting
Samurai Shodown SNK 1993 Videogame Fighting
Samurai Shodown 64 SNK 1997 Videogame Fighting
Samurai Shodown II SNK 1994 Videogame Fighting
Samurai Shodown III SNK 1996 Videogame Fighting
Samurai Shodown III: Blades Of Blood SNK 1996 Videogame Fighting
Samurai Shodown IV SNK 1996 Videogame Fighting
Samurai Shodown IV: Amakusa's Revenge SNK 1996 Videogame Fighting
Samurai Shodown V Yuki Enterprise 2003 Videogame Fighting
Samurai Shodown V Special Yuki Enterprise 2004 Videogame Fighting
Samurai Shodown VI Tenkaichi Kenkakuden SNK Playmore 2005 Videogame
Samurai Shodown Warriors Rage SNK 1998 Videogame Fighting
Samurai Spirits SNK 1993 Videogame Fighting
Samurai Spirits 64 SNK 1997 Videogame Fighting
Samurai Spirits Sen SNK 2008 Videogame Fighting
Samurai Spirits Zankuro Musoken SNK 1995 Videogame Fighting
Samurai Surf X Namco / Bandai Games 2001 Videogame Sports
Samurai Surfin' Namco 2001 Videogame Simulator
Samurai-Fighter Shingen Jaleco 1988 Videogame Fighting
San Francisco Rush Atari Games 1996 Videogame Racing
San Francisco Rush 2049 Atari Games 1999 Videogame Racing
San Francisco Rush 2049 Special Edition Midway Games 2003 Videogame Racing
San Francisco Rush The Rock - Alcatraz Edition Atari Games 1997 Videogame Racing
Sand Scorpion - Sasori Face 1992 Videogame Space
Sando-R (Treasure Hunt) Sega 1995 Videogame Mini-Game Collection
Sangokushi Capcom 1989 Videogame Fighting
Sangokushi II Capcom 1992 Videogame Fighting
SAR - Search And Rescue SNK 1989 Videogame Shooter
Sarge Bally Midway 1985 Videogame Shooter
Saru-Kani-Hamu-Zou Kaneko 1997 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Sasuke Vs. Commander SNK 1980 Videogame Shooter
Satan Of Saturn SNK 1981 Videogame Space
Satan's Hollow Bally Midway 1982 Videogame Shooter
Saturday Night Slam Masters Capcom 1993 Videogame Sports
Saturn Jaleco 1983 Videogame Shooter
Saturn Space Fighter 3D Data East 1979 Videogame Space
Sauro Tecfri 1987 Videogame Shooter
Savage Bees Memetron 1985 Videogame Shooter
Savage Quest Interactive Light 1999 Videogame Fighting
Savage Reign SNK 1995 Videogame Fighting
Scandal Mahjong Nichibutsu 1989 Videogame Mahjong
Scion Seibu Denshi 1984 Videogame Space
Scooter Shooter Konami 1985 Videogame
Score Exidy 1977 Videogame Other
Scoring Volly Industries Ltd. 1974 Videogame
Scorpion Zaccaria 1982 Videogame Shooter
Scramble Konami 1981 Videogame Shooter
Scramble Vectorbeam 1978 Videogame Skill
Scramble Formation Taito 1986 Videogame Shooter
Scramble Spirits Sega 1988 Videogame Shooter
Scrambled Egg Technos 1983 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Scratch Universal 1977 Videogame
Screw Loose Mylstar 1983 Videogame Shooter
Scrum Try Data East 1984 Videogame Sports
Scud Hammer Jaleco 1994 Videogame
Scud Race Sega 1996 Videogame Racing
Scud Race Plus Sega Videogame
SD Gundam - Psycho Salamander no Kyoui Banpresto/Bandai 1991 Videogame
SD Gundam Neo Battling Banpresto 1992 Videogame Shooter
SD Gundam Rainbow Wars Banpresto 1993 Videogame
SDI - Strategic Defense Initiative Sega 1987 Videogame Shooter
Sea Bass Fishing A Wave Inc, Distributed by Able Corp. 1998 Videogame Sports
Sea Battle Ramtek 1976 Videogame Shooter
Sea Beast And Barnacle Bill, The Unknown 1984 Videogame Adventure
Sea Fighter Poseidon Taito 1984 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Sea Hunter Taito 1980 Videogame
Sea Invasion Unknown (Temporary) Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Sea Wolf Midway Manufacturing Co. 1976 Videogame Shooter
Sea Wolf II Midway Manufacturing Co. 1978 Videogame Shooter
Second Earth Gratia Jaleco 1996 Videogame Shooter
Second Love Nichibutsu 1989 Videogame Mahjong
Secret Agent Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 1989 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Secret Base Sega 1978 Videogame Shooter
Section Z Capcom 1985 Videogame Space
Sector Zone Nichibutsu/Alice Co. Ltd. 1984 Videogame Racing
Seeburg's Deluxe Baseball Seeburg 1974 Videogame Sports
Seesaw Jump Sega 1978 Videogame
Seesaw Jump 2 Sega 1978 Videogame
Sega Bass Fishing Challenge Sega 2009 Videogame Sports
Sega Blast City Sega 1996 Videogame Platform
Sega Chihiro Sega 2003 Videogame System
Sega Golden Gun Sega 2010 Videogame Shooter
Sega Hikaru Sega 1999 Videogame System
Sega Lindbergh Sega 2005 Videogame System
Sega Marine Fishing Sega 1999 Videogame Sports
Sega Mega Play Sega 1993 Videogame System
Sega Mega Tech Sega 1989 Videogame System
Sega Naomi 2 Sega 2001 Videogame / Cabinet System
Sega NAOMI System (cabinet) Sega 1998 Videogame / Cabinet System
Sega Ninja Sega 1985 Videogame Fighting
SEGA RaceTV Sega 2008 Videogame
Sega Racing Classic Sega 2009 Videogame Racing
Sega Rally 2 Championship Sega 1998 Videogame Racing
Sega Rally 3 Sega 2008 Videogame Racing
Sega Rally Championship Sega 1995 Videogame Racing
Sega Rally Pro Drivin Kyle Hodgetts 1992 Videogame Driving
Sega Ski Super G Sega Videogame
Sega Strike Fighter Sega 2000 Videogame Air Combat
Sega Super GT Sega 1997 Videogame Racing
Sega Tetris Sega 1998 Videogame
Sega Titan ST-V Sega 1995 Videogame System
Sega Touring Car Championship Sega 1996 Videogame Racing
Sega Water Ski Sega 2000 Videogame Sports
Seibu Cup Soccer Seibu Kaihatsu 1991 Videogame Sports
Seicross Nichibutsu/Alice Co. Ltd. 1984 Videogame Racing
Seiha Nichibutsu 1987 Videogame Mahjong
Seishun Scandal Coreland/Sega 1985 Videogame Fighting
Sel Feena East Technology 1991 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
SEL Jan Dynax 1982 Videogame Mahjong
Sen-Know Kaneko 1999 Videogame
Sengeki Striker Kaneko 1997 Videogame Shooter
Sengoku SNK 1991 Videogame Fighting
Sengoku 2 SNK 1993 Videogame Fighting
Sengoku 3 SNK 2001 Videogame Fighting
Sengoku Ace Psikyo 1993 Videogame Shooter
Sengoku Ace Episode 2 Psikyo 1996 Videogame Shooter
Senjou No Ookami Capcom 1985 Videogame Fighting
Senjou No Ookami II Capcom 1990 Videogame Fighting
Senjyo Tehkan 1983 Videogame Shooter
Senko no Ronde Grev 2005 Videogame Fighting
Sente Diagnostic Cartridge Bally Sente 1984 Videogame Other
Sente Super System Bally Sente 1984 Videogame / Cabinet
Sex Match em Up Merit Industries 1986 Videogame
Sex Triv Status Game Corporation 1987 Videogame Trivia / Quiz
Sex Trivia Merit Industries 1985 Videogame Trivia / Quiz
Sexual Trivia Kinky Kit and Game Co. 1985 Videogame Adult
Sexy Gal Nichibutsu 1986 Videogame Adult
Sexy Parodius Konami 1996 Videogame Shooter
SF-Hisplitter Nintendo 1979 Videogame
SF-X Nichibutsu 1983 Videogame
Shackled Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 1986 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Shadow Dancer Sega 1989 Videogame Fighting
Shadow Force Technos 1992 Videogame Fighting
Shadow Warriors Tecmo 1988 Videogame Fighting
Shadowland Namco 1987 Videogame Fighting
Shamisen Brothers Kato Inc. 2003 Videogame Dance / Rhythm
Shanghai Sunsoft 1988 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Shanghai - Matekibuyu Sunsoft 1998 Videogame
Shanghai - The Great Wall Sunsoft 1995 Videogame
Shanghai II Sunsoft 1989 Videogame
Shanghai III Sunsoft 1993 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Shanghai Kid, The Taiyo 1985 Videogame Fighting
Shanghai: Shoryu Sairin - Warashi Taito 2000 Videogame
Shao-lin's Road Konami 1985 Videogame Platform
Shark US Billiards 1975 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Shark Attack Pacific Novelty 1981 Videogame Platform
Shark JAWS Atari 1975 Videogame Platform
Shark Treasure Universal 1978 Videogame
Sharpshooter P&P Marketing 1998 Videogame Shooter
Sheriff Nintendo 1980 Videogame Shooter
Shienryu Warashi 1997 Videogame Shooter
Shikigami No Shiro Alfa System 2001 Videogame Shooter
Shikigami No Shiro II Alfa System Videogame
Shikigami No Shiro III Alfa System 2005 Videogame
Shin Ou Ken Saurus 1996 Videogame Fighting
Shin Samurai Spirits: Haohmaru Jigokuhen SNK 1994 Videogame Fighting
Shining Force Cross Exlesia Sega 2010 Videogame
Shinnyuushain Tooru-kun Konami 1984 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Shinobi Sega 1987 Videogame Fighting
Shinobi III Return Of The Ninja Master Sega 1993 Videogame Fighting
Shippuu Mahou Daisakusen Kingdom-Grandprix 8ing/Raizing 1994 Videogame Shooter
Shisenshou Joshiryou-Hen Tamtex 1989 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Shisenshou Joshiryou-Hen - Match It Tamtex 1989 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Shisenshou Joshiryou-Hen - Sichuan I Tamtex 1987 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Shisenshou Joshiryou-Hen - Sichuan II Tamtex 1989 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Shock Troopers Saurus 1997 Videogame Fighting
Shock Troopers 2nd Squad Saurus 1998 Videogame Fighting
Shocking Yun Sung 1997 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Shogun Warriors Kaneko 1992 Videogame Fighting
Shogun, The Omori Electric Co. Ltd. 1982 Videogame
Shoot 'N' Score Edina Technical Products, Inc. Videogame
Shoot The Bull Bally Midway 1985 Videogame Skill
Shooting Gallery Zaccaria 1983 Videogame
Shooting Master Sega 1984 Videogame Shooter
Shooting Star Nova Wordwide Videogame
Shootout Data East 1985 Videogame Shooter
Shootout At Old Tucson American Laser Games 1994 Videogame Shooter
Shootout Pool Sega 2002 Videogame
Shot Rider Seibu Kaihatsu 1985 Videogame Racing
Showcase (cabinet) Dynamo Videogame / Cabinet
Showdown Exidy 1988 Videogame Shooter
Showdown Sega 2015 Videogame Racing
Shrike Avenger Bally Sente 1986 Videogame Simulator
Shuffleboard Midway Manufacturing Co. 1978 Videogame Sports
Shuffleshot Strata/Incredible Technologies 1997 Videogame Sports
Shuttle Invader Omori Electric Co. Ltd. 1979 Videogame Shooter
Shuuz Atari Games 1990 Videogame Sports
Side Arms - Hyper Dyne Capcom 1986 Videogame Space
Side By Side Taito 1996 Videogame Racing
Side By Side 2 Taito 1997 Videogame Racing
Side Pocket Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 1986 Videogame Sports
Side Trak Exidy 1979 Videogame
Sidewinder Arcadia Systems 1988 Videogame Space
Silent Dragon Taito 1992 Videogame Fighting
Silent Hill The Arcade Game Konami 2007 Videogame
Silent Scope Konami 1999 Videogame Shooter
Silent Scope - Fortune Hunter Konami 2002 Videogame Shooter
Silent Scope 2 - Fatal Judgment Konami 2000 Videogame
Silent Scope EX Konami 2001 Videogame Shooter
Silk Worm Tecmo 1988 Videogame Shooter
Silver Land Falcon 1981 Videogame Platform
Silver Strike 2007 Incredible Technologies 2007 Videogame Skill
Silver Strike 2009 Bowler's Club Incredible Technologies 2009 Videogame
Silver Strike Bowling Incredible Technologies 2004 Videogame
Silver Strike Bowling '09 Incredible Technologies 2009 Videogame
Silver Strike Live Incredible Technologies 2009 Videogame
SimDrive Namco 1992 Videogame Simulator
Simpsons Bowling, The Konami/Fox Interactive 2000 Videogame Sports
Simpsons, The Konami 1991 Videogame Fighting
Sin Ritual Entertainmet/Activision 2001 Videogame Simulator
Sindbad Mystery Sega 1983 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Sinistar Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1982 Videogame Space
Six Gun Select Global VR 2003 Videogame Shooter
Six Pac II Venture Line, Inc. 1976 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Six-Pac American Video Games 1976 Videogame Sports
Skeet Shot Romstar 1991 Videogame Shooter
Skelagon Nichibutsu 1983 Videogame Shooter
Ski Allied Leisure Industries 1975 Videogame Sports
Ski Champ Sega 1998 Videogame
Ski Maxx Innovative Concepts in Entertainment (ICE) Videogame Sports
Skier's High Konami 1998 Videogame Sports
Skill Stop Meyco Games Inc. Videogame
Skill-Stop Poker Cal Omega Videogame
Skins Game Irem 1992 Videogame Sports
Skins Game Midway Games 2000 Videogame Sports
Skull & Crossbones Atari Games 1989 Videogame Fighting
Skull Fang Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 1996 Videogame Shooter
Sky Adventure SNK 1989 Videogame Shooter
Sky Alert Metro 1993 Videogame Shooter
Sky Army Shoei 1982 Videogame Shooter
Sky Bandits Global VR 2008 Videogame Simulator
Sky Base Omori Electric Co. Ltd. 1982 Videogame Space
Sky Bumper Venture Line 1982 Videogame Shooter
Sky Chuter Irem 1980 Videogame Shooter
Sky Fox Jaleco 1987 Videogame Shooter
Sky Jaguar Konami 1984 Videogame Shooter
Sky Kid Namco 1985 Videogame Shooter
Sky Kid Deluxe Namco 1986 Videogame Shooter
Sky Lancer Orca 1983 Videogame Shooter
Sky Look (cabinet) Rumiano Videogame / Cabinet
Sky Love Omori Electric Co. Ltd. 1980 Videogame
Sky Parking Logitec Co. LTD 1982 Videogame
Sky Raider Atari 1978 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Sky Shark Romstar 1987 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Sky Skipper Nintendo 1982 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Sky Smashers Nihon System 1990 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Sky Soldiers SNK 1988 Videogame Shooter
Sky Target Sega 1995 Videogame Air Combat
Sky War Micro Amusements Inc. 1976 Videogame Other
Sky War Mirco Incorporated - Games Division 1976 Videogame Shooter
Sky Wolf Kyoto 1987 Videogame Shooter
Sky-Tack Innovative Coin 1976 Videogame
Skycurser Griffin Aerotech 2017 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Skydiver Atari 1978 Videogame Skill
Slalom Orca 1982 Videogame Sports
Slam Mirco Incorporated - Games Division 1975 Videogame
Slam Mirco Incorporated - Games Division 1975 Videogame
Slam Dunk Konami 1993 Videogame Sports
Slap Fight Taito 1986 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Slap Shooter Sega 1986 Videogame
Slap Shot Taito 1994 Videogame Sports
Slashout Sega 1999 Videogame
Slick Shot Grand 1990 Videogame Sports
Slide Master Lazer Tron 1990 Videogame
Slide-It! Unknown 1999 Videogame Skill
Slipstream Capcom 1995 Videogame Racing
Slither GDI 1982 Videogame Shooter
Sliver Hollow Corp. 1996 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Sly Spy Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 1989 Videogame Fighting
Smack Down THQ 2000 Videogame Sports
Smash Court - Pro Tournament Namco / Bandai Games 2001 Videogame Sports
Smash T.V. Williams Electronic Games, Inc. (WMS, 1985-2000) 1990 Videogame Fighting
Smashing Drive Gaelco 2000 Videogame Racing
Smatch Rene Pierre 1974 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Smokey Joe Atari 1978 Videogame Racing
Snacks 'n Jaxson Bally Sente 1984 Videogame Platform
Snake Pit Bally Sente 1984 Videogame Platform
Snap Jack Universal 1981 Videogame Platform
Snapper Exidy 1982 Videogame
Snatcher Naughty mouse Amenip 1981 Videogame Platform
Snoopy Pong Atari 1973 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Snots And Boogers Gottlieb, D., & Co., a Columbia Pictures Industries Co. 1982 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Snow Board Championship Gaelco 1997 Videogame Simulator
Snow Bros. Toaplan 1990 Videogame Platform
Snow Bros. 2 With New Elves Toaplan 1994 Videogame Platform
Snow Fighter EOLITH Videogame
Soccer Ramtek 1973 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Soccer Brawl SNK 1991 Videogame Sports
Soccer Superstars Konami 1995 Videogame Sports
Soccer Trio World Wide Video Enterprises 1976 Videogame
Soda Pop Tapper Bally Midway 1984 Videogame Platform
Sol Divide Psikyo 1997 Videogame Shooter
Solar Assault Konami 1997 Videogame Shooter
Solar Fight Unknown 1979 Videogame Shooter
Solar Fox Bally Midway 1981 Videogame Space
Solar Jetman Rare 1990 Videogame Adventure
Solar Quest Cinematronics 1981 Videogame Space
Solar War Atari 1979 Videogame
Solar-Warrior Memetron 1986 Videogame Space
Soldam Jaleco 1992 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Soldier Girl Amazon Nichibutsu 1986 Videogame Fighting
Soldier Of Light Taito 1986 Videogame Space
Solitaire Challenge Dynamo 1994 Videogame Card
Solomon's Key Tecmo 1986 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Solvalou Namco 1991 Videogame Shooter
Son Of Phoenix Associated Overseas MFR, Inc 1985 Videogame Shooter
Son Son Capcom 1984 Videogame Platform
Sonic & Tails Spinner Sega 2003 Videogame / Redemption
Sonic Blast Man Taito 1990 Videogame Sports
Sonic Blast Man 2 Taito 1996 Videogame Other
Sonic Boom Sega 1987 Videogame Shooter
Sonic Championship Sega 1996 Videogame Fighting
Sonic Le Mans 24 Konami 1986 Videogame Racing
Sonic The Fighters Sega 1996 Videogame Fighting
Sonic The Hedgehog Sega 1991 Videogame Platform
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 Sega 1993 Videogame Platform
Sonic The Hedgehog Arcade Sega of Japan 1993 Videogame Platform
Sonic Wings Video System Co. Ltd. 1992 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Sonic Wings 2 Video System Co. Ltd. 1994 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Sonic Wings 3 Video System Co. Ltd. 1995 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Sonic Wings Limited Video System/Visco 1997 Videogame Shooter
Sorcerer Striker 8ing/Raizing 1993 Videogame Shooter
SOS Namco 1979 Videogame Shooter
Souko Ban Deluxe Namco 1990 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Soukyuu Gurentai Raizing/8ing 1996 Videogame Space
Soul Calibur Namco 1998 Videogame Fighting
Soul Calibur 2 Namco 2002 Videogame Fighting
Soul Calibur III: Arcade Edition Namco 2005 Videogame
Soul Edge Namco 1995 Videogame Fighting
Soul Edge Ver. II Namco 1996 Videogame Fighting
Soul Surfer Sega 2002 Videogame Sports
Soutenryu Taito 2000 Videogame
Space Ace Cinematronics 1984 Videogame Adventure
Space Ace Amutech, LTD. 1977 Videogame
Space Attack Sega 1979 Videogame Shooter
Space Attack II Zenitone-Microsec Ltd./Video Games (UK) LTD 1980 Videogame Shooter
Space Battle Hoei 1980 Videogame Shooter
Space Battle US Billiards 1977 Videogame Shooter
Space Beam Nanao 1980 Videogame Shooter
Space Bird Hoei 1980 Videogame Space
Space Birds Unknown (Temporary) 1980 Videogame
Space Bomber Psikyo 1998 Videogame Shooter
Space Bugger Game-A-Tron 1981 Videogame
Space Chaser Taito 1980 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Space Combat Unknown 1979 Videogame Space
Space Cruiser Taito 1981 Videogame Shooter
Space Cyclone Taito 1980 Videogame Shooter
Space Demon Fortrek 1980 Videogame Shooter
Space Duel Atari 1982 Videogame Space
Space Dungeon Taito 1981 Videogame Space
Space Echo Gayton Games 1980 Videogame
Space Encounters Midway Manufacturing Co. 1980 Videogame Space
Space Fever (Black & White) Nintendo 1980 Videogame Shooter
Space Fever Color Nintendo 1980 Videogame Shooter
Space Fighter Sega 1979 Videogame Shooter
Space Fighter Mark II Data East 1980 Videogame Shooter
Space Fighter X Nichibutsu 1982 Videogame Shooter
Space Fire Bird UPL 1980 Videogame Space
Space Firebird Sega/Gremlin 1980 Videogame
Space Firebird Nintendo 1980 Videogame
Space Force Venture Line, Inc. 1980 Videogame Space
Space Fortress Century Electronics 1981 Videogame Space
Space Fury Sega/Gremlin 1981 Videogame Space
Space Guerilla Omori Electric Co. Ltd. 1980 Videogame
Space Gun Taito 1990 Videogame Shooter
Space Harrier Sega 1985 Videogame Shooter
Space Hunter Taiyo System 1982 Videogame Space
Space Intruder Shoei 1980 Videogame Shooter
Space Invaders Taito 1978 Videogame Space
Space Invaders '95 Taito 1995 Videogame Shooter
Space Invaders (Logitec) Logitec Co. LTD 1978 Videogame Shooter
Space Invaders Deluxe Midway Manufacturing Co. 1980 Videogame Space
Space Invaders DX Taito 1993 Videogame Space
Space Invaders Galactica Midway Manufacturing Co. 1978 Videogame Shooter
Space Invaders II Midway Manufacturing Co. 1980 Videogame Space
Space Invaders Part II Taito 1980 Videogame Space
Space Invaders Silver Anniversary Taito 2003 Videogame
Space Invaders/Qix Namco 2002 Videogame
Space Invasion Capcom 1985 Videogame Fighting
Space King Konami 1978 Videogame Shooter
Space Laser Taito 1980 Videogame Shooter
Space Launcher Nintendo 1979 Videogame Shooter
Space Lords Atari Games 1992 Videogame Space
Space Micon Kit SNK 1979 Videogame Ball and Paddle - Breakout
Space Odyssey Sega/Gremlin 1981 Videogame Space
Space Out Project Support Engineering 1977 Videogame Space
Space Panic Universal 1980 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Space Paranoids 42 Entertainment 2008 Videogame
Space Phantoms Zilec 1979 Videogame Shooter
Space Pilot Unknown 1982 Videogame Space
Space Pirate Zaccaria 1980 Videogame Shooter
Space Pirates American Laser Games 1992 Videogame Shooter
Space Position Sega/Nasco 1986 Videogame Racing
Space Race Atari 1973 Videogame Space
Space Raider Universal 1982 Videogame
Space Ranger Leisure Time Electronics 1980 Videogame Space
Space Seeker Taito 1981 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Space Ship Sega 1978 Videogame
Space Stranger Yachiyo Electronics 1978 Videogame Shooter
Space Tactics Sega 1980 Videogame Shooter
Space Tank Tehkan 1983 Videogame Shooter
Space Trek Sega 1980 Videogame Shooter
Space Walk Midway Manufacturing Co. 1978 Videogame Space
Space War Sanritsu 1978 Videogame Shooter
Space War Vectorbeam 1977 Videogame
Space War (Leijac) Konami 1979 Videogame Shooter
Space War Part Three Unknown 1978 Videogame Shooter
Space Warp Century Electronics 1983 Videogame Space
Space Wars Cinematronics 1977 Videogame Space
Space Wipeout Taito 1978 Videogame
Space Zap Midway Manufacturing Co. 1980 Videogame Skill
Spaceship Gomorah / Uchuu Senkan Gomorah UPL 1990 Videogame
Spark Man SunA Electronics 1989 Videogame Fighting
Sparkz Atari Games 1992 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Spartan X Irem 1984 Videogame Fighting
Spatter Sega 1984 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Spawn Capcom 2000 Videogame Fighting
Speak & Rescue Unknown 1980 Videogame Shooter
Speak Easy Draw Poker Nevada Novelty Co. Videogame Gambling
Special Break Rene Pierre 1977 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Special Dual Sega 1979 Videogame
Special Forces Magic Conversions Inc. 1985 Videogame Shooter
Special Forces: Elite Training Innovative Concepts in Entertainment (ICE) 2003 Videogame
Spectar Exidy 1980 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Spectra Status Game Corporation 1987 Videogame
Spectral Vs. Generation IGS 2005 Videogame Fighting
Spectre Files Deathstalker Galloping Ghost Productions 2018 Videogame Other
Spectrum Unknown 2000 Videogame Shooter
Speed Ball Tecfri 1987 Videogame Video Pinball
Speed Ball: Contest at Neonworld Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1985 Videogame
Speed Buggy Buggy Boy Tatsumi 1986 Videogame Racing
Speed Coin Stern Electronics 1984 Videogame Skill
Speed Freak Vectorbeam 1978 Videogame Racing
Speed King Konami 1995 Videogame Racing
Speed Race Taito 1974 Videogame Racing
Speed Race CL-5 Taito 1980 Videogame Racing
Speed Race GP-5 Taito 1980 Videogame Racing
Speed Race Twin Taito 1976 Videogame Racing
Speed Racer Namco 1995 Videogame Racing
Speed Rider Feiloli Electronic Co., Ltd. 2010 Videogame
Speed Rumbler, The Capcom 1986 Videogame Platform
Speed Up Gaelco 1996 Videogame Racing
Spelunker Irem 1985 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Spelunker II Irem 1985 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Spider-Man the Videogame Sega 1991 Videogame Fighting
Spiders Sigma Ent. Inc. 1981 Videogame Shooter
Spiders From Space Exidy 1977 Videogame
Spike Kee Games 1974 Videogame Sports
Spike It! Computer Games Inc. 1974 Videogame
Spike Out Sega 1997 Videogame Fighting
Spikeout Final Edition Unknown Videogame
Spiker Bally Sente 1986 Videogame Sports
Spikers Battle Sega/Amusement Vision 2001 Videogame Fighting
Spinal Breakers V-System 1990 Videogame Shooter
Spinmaster Data East 1993 Videogame Platform
Spitfire Innovative Coin 1976 Videogame Shooter
Splash Gaelco 1992 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Splash Atari 1979 Videogame Racing
Splat! Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1982 Videogame Platform
Splatterhouse Namco 1988 Videogame Fighting
Splendor Blast Alpha Denshi 1985 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Sport Fishing 2 Sega 1995 Videogame Sports
Sport Station Midway Games 2000 Videogame Sports
Sportarama United Games, Inc. 1973 Videogame
Sportfishin' Simulator Deluxe, The Island Innovations 1998 Videogame
Sportfishin' Simulator Supreme, The Island Innovations 1998 Videogame
Sports Authority Challenge Greyhound 1992 Videogame Trivia / Quiz
Sports Center For-Play 1973 Videogame
Sports Fishing Sega 1994 Videogame Sports
Sports Jam Sega 2001 Videogame Sports
Sports Match Dynax Inc. 1989 Videogame Sports
Sports Shooting USA Sammy 2003 Videogame
Sports Triv Status Game Corporation 1987 Videogame Trivia / Quiz
Sportsman, The Westlake Systems Videogame
Spot Virgin Mastertronic 1990 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Springboard Subelectro 1977 Videogame
Springer Orca 1982 Videogame Platform
Sprint 2 Kee Games 1976 Videogame Racing
Sprint 4 Atari 1977 Videogame Racing
Sprint 8 Atari 1977 Videogame Racing
Sprint One Kee Games 1978 Videogame Racing
Spy Agent Taito 1983 Videogame
Spy Hunter Bally Midway 1983 Videogame Racing
Spy Hunter II Bally Midway 1987 Videogame Racing
Squadron Sega 1976 Videogame
Squash Gaelco 1992 Videogame Sports
Squash Valadon Automation 1984 Videogame
SR Sega Racing Classic Sega 2009 Videogame Racing
SRD - Super Real Darwin Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 1987 Videogame Shooter
Stack Columns Sega 1994 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Stadium Cross Sega 1992 Videogame Racing
Stadium Hero Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 1988 Videogame Sports
Stadium Hero '96 Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 1996 Videogame Sports
Stagger I AFEGA 1998 Videogame Shooter
Stakes Winner Saurus 1995 Videogame Racing
Stakes Winner 2 Saurus 1996 Videogame Racing
Star Attack Nichibutsu 1982 Videogame Space
Star Audition Namco 1997 Videogame
Star Blazer Sega 1983 Videogame Shooter
Star Castle Cinematronics 1980 Videogame Space
Star Crest Unknown 1980 Videogame Shooter
Star Cruiser Ramtek 1977 Videogame Shooter
Star Fighter Ace Vending Corp 1980 Videogame Shooter
Star Fighter Potomac Mortgage Company 1981 Videogame Shooter
Star Fighter SunA Electronics 1990 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Star Fighter Century Electronics 1980 Videogame Space
Star Fire Exidy 1980 Videogame Space
Star Fire II Exidy 1979 Videogame Shooter
Star Force Tehkan 1984 Videogame Space
Star Gladiator Capcom 1996 Videogame Fighting
Star Gladiator 2: Nightmare Of Bilstein Capcom 1998 Videogame Fighting
Star Guards Bally Midway 1986 Videogame Space
Star Invaders Potomac Mortgage Company 1980 Videogame Shooter
Star Jacker Sega 1983 Videogame Space
Star Jaguar Sega 1983 Videogame Shooter
Star Laker Sega 1981 Videogame Shooter
Star Luster Namco 1985 Videogame Shooter
Star Raker Sega/Gremlin 1981 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Star Rider Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1983 Videogame Racing
Star Rub Universal 1978 Videogame
Star Soldier - Vanishing Earth Seta 1998 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Star Sweep Namco 1997 Videogame
Star Trek Sega 1982 Videogame Space
Star Trek For-Play 1972 Videogame Space
Star Trek - Borg Contact Nova Productions Ltd. 2000 Videogame
Star Trek Voyager Team Play 2002 Videogame Shooter
Star Trigon Namco 2002 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Star Warrior Potomac Mortgage Company 1981 Videogame Space
Star Wars Atari 1983 Videogame Space
Star Wars (1979) Unknown 1979 Videogame Shooter
Star Wars - Empire Strikes Back Atari Games 1985 Videogame Air Combat
Star Wars Arcade Sega 1993 Videogame Space
Star Wars Battle Pod Namco 2014 Videogame Shooter
Star Wars Racer Arcade Sega 2000 Videogame Racing
Star Wars Starfighter Tsunami Visual Technologies, Inc. 2003 Videogame
Star Wars Trilogy Arcade Sega 1998 Videogame Shooter
Starblade Namco 1991 Videogame Shooter
Starforce Taito 1984 Videogame Space
Stargate Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1981 Videogame Space
Starhawk Cinematronics 1977 Videogame Space
Stars Amstar Electronics 1983 Videogame
Starship 1 Atari 1976 Videogame Space
Starship Fantasy Unknown (Temporary) Videogame
Status 25 (cabinet) Capcom 1991 Videogame / Cabinet
Status System Status Game Corporation 1984 Videogame
Steel Force Electronic Devices 1994 Videogame
Steel Gunner Namco 1990 Videogame Shooter
Steel Gunner 2 Namco 1991 Videogame Shooter
Steel Talons Atari Games 1991 Videogame Simulator
Steel Worker Taito 1980 Videogame
Steep Slope Sliders Victor Interactive Software Inc./Cave Co. Ltd./Cap 1998 Videogame Sports
Steeplechase Atari 1975 Videogame Sports
Stellar Castle Elettronolo 1980 Videogame
Stellar Ranger Hoei 1981 Videogame Space
Stinger Seibu Denshi 1983 Videogame Shooter
Stock Car Atari 1975 Videogame
Stocker Bally Sente 1984 Videogame Racing
Stomper DLX Triotech Amusement 2009 Videogame
Stompin' Bally Sente 1986 Videogame Platform
Stone Ball Art & Magic 1994 Videogame Sports
Stoneage Unknown 1991 Videogame Platform
Storm Blade Visco Games 1996 Videogame Shooter
Storm Racer Gravity PrimeTime Amusements 2017 Videogame Racing
Storm Rider Sega 2010 Videogame Racing
Storming Party Taito 1986 Videogame Fighting
Straight Flush Taito 1979 Videogame Card
Strata Bowling Strata 1990 Videogame Sports
Strategy X Stern Electronics 1981 Videogame Shooter
Strato Fighter Tecmo 1991 Videogame Shooter
Stratovox Taito 1980 Videogame Space
Streaking Shoei 1982 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Street Burners Allied Leisure Industries 1975 Videogame Racing
Street Fight Seibu Kaihatsu 1986 Videogame Shooter
Street Fighter Capcom 1987 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter - The Movie Capcom/Incredible Technologies 1995 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter Alpha - Warriors' Dreams Capcom 1995 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter Alpha 2 Capcom 1996 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter Alpha 3 Capcom 1998 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter Anniversary Edition Ultracade Technologies 2004 Videogame
Street Fighter EX Arika/Capcom 1996 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter EX Plus Arika/Capcom 1997 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter EX2 Arika/Capcom 1998 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter EX2 Plus Capcom 1999 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter II Capcom 1991 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter II - Champion Edition Capcom 1991 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter II - Hyper Fighting Capcom 1992 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter II - Rainbow Edition Hung Hsi Enterprise TAIWAN 1993 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter II - The World Warrior Capcom 1991 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter II Champion Edition Accelerator Pt. II Capcom 1990 Videogame
Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition Capcom 1992 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Rainbow) Hung Hsi Enterprise TAIWAN 1993 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Red Wave) Unknown 1992 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter II' - Hyper Fighting Capcom 1992 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter II' - Yellow Label Edition Capcom 1995 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter II' Turbo - Hyper Fighting Capcom 1992 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle Capcom 1991 Videogame
Street Fighter III - 2nd Impact Capcom 1998 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter III - 3rd Strike Capcom 1999 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter III - New Generation Capcom 1997 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter IV Capcom 2008 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter Zero Capcom 1995 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter Zero 2 Capcom 1996 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha Capcom 1996 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter Zero 3 Capcom 1998 Videogame Fighting
Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper Capcom 2001 Videogame Fighting
Street Football Bally Sente 1985 Videogame Sports
Street Games New Image Technologies Videogame
Street Heat Cardinal Amusement Products 1985 Videogame Racing
Street Hoop Data East 1994 Videogame Sports
Street Slam Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 1994 Videogame Sports
Street Smart SNK 1989 Videogame Fighting
Street Viper Nova Games Ltd. 1993 Videogame Racing
Streets Of Rage Sega 1989 Videogame Fighting
Streets of Rage 2 Sega 1993 Videogame Fighting
Strength & Skill - Guiness Book of Records Sun/Kitco 1984 Videogame Sports
Strider Capcom 1989 Videogame Fighting
Strider 2 Capcom 1999 Videogame Platform
Strider Hiryu Capcom 1989 Videogame Fighting
Strider Hiryu 2 Capcom 1999 Videogame Platform
Strike Alley Jaleco 1995 Videogame Sports
Strike Bowling Taito 1982 Videogame Sports
Strike Fighter Sega 1991 Videogame Air Combat
Strike Force Midway Manufacturing Co. WMS 1991 Videogame Shooter
Strike Gunner S.T.G. Tecmo/Athena 1991 Videogame Air Combat
Strike Zone Baseball Leland 1988 Videogame Sports
Strikers 1945 Psikyo 1995 Videogame Air Combat
Strikers 1945 II Psikyo 1997 Videogame Air Combat
Strikers 1945 III Psikyo 1999 Videogame Air Combat
Strikers 1945 Plus Psikyo 1999 Videogame Shooter
Strikers 1999 Psikyo 1999 Videogame Air Combat
Strikes and Spares Mirco Incorporated - Games Division 1973 Videogame Sports
Stroke & Match Golf Nintendo 1984 Videogame Sports
Stunt Cycle Atari 1976 Videogame Skill
Stunt Typhoon Taito 2000 Videogame Racing
Stunt Typhoon Plus Taito Videogame
Su Chie Pai 2 Jaleco 1994 Videogame
Su Chie Pai 3 Jaleco 1999 Videogame
Su Chie Pai Special Jaleco 1993 Videogame
Sub Hunter Taito 1977 Videogame
Submarine Midway Manufacturing Co. 1979 Videogame Shooter
Submarines Namco / Bandai Games 1999 Videogame
SubRoc-3D Sega 1982 Videogame Shooter
Subs Atari 1977 Videogame Shooter
Suikoenbu Data East 1995 Videogame
Sukeban Janshi Ryuko Sega 1990 Videogame
Suku Suku Inufuku 2 Video System Co. Ltd. 2007 Videogame
Sun Shine ADK 1990 Videogame
Sundance Cinematronics 1979 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Sunset Riders Konami 1991 Videogame Fighting
Super Astro Fighter Data East 1982 Videogame Shooter
Super Bagman Stern Electronics 1984 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Super Baseball Double Play Home Run Derby Magicom 1987 Videogame
Super Basketball Konami 1984 Videogame Sports
Super Bike Crown Vending 1984 Videogame Driving
Super Bikes 2 Raw Thrills 2010 Videogame Racing
Super Bingo Electro Sport 1984 Videogame
Super Bishi Bashi Champ Konami 1996 Videogame Mini-Game Collection
Super Blackjack Cal Omega Videogame
Super Block Taito 1978 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Super Bobble Bobble Unknown 1986 Videogame Platform
Super Bond Alpha 1982 Videogame Shooter
Super Bonus Deluxe Drew Industries Videogame Gambling
Super Bowl Sega/Gremlin 1977 Videogame Sports
Super Bowl Greyhound 1984 Videogame Sports
Super Bowl '87 Greyhound 1987 Videogame Sports
Super Bowling Venture Line, Inc. Videogame
Super Break Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 1978 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Super Break 2 Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 1978 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Super Breakout Atari 1978 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Super Bubble Bobble Sun Mixing Co Ltd 1996 Videogame Platform
Super Bug Kee Games 1977 Videogame Racing
Super BurgerTime Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 1990 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Super Buster Bros. Capcom 1990 Videogame Platform
Super C Konami Classic 1990 Videogame Fighting
Super Casino Data Amusement 1982 Videogame Gambling
Super CD Mahjong 7 Tokimeki AV Gokko Sphinx 1995 Videogame
Super Champion Baseball SNK 1989 Videogame Sports
Super Chase: Criminal Termination Taito 1992 Videogame Racing
Super Circuit Jaleco 1995 Videogame Racing
Super Cobra Konami 1981 Videogame Shooter
Super Contra Konami 1988 Videogame Fighting
Super Crash Video Games Gmbh 1977 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Super Cup Finals Taito 1993 Videogame Sports
Super D3bos Taito 1993 Videogame
Super Dead Heat Taito 1985 Videogame Racing
Super Death Chase Exidy 1977 Videogame Racing
Super Delta Force Tatsumi 1989 Videogame Racing
Super Destroyer Leijac 1979 Videogame
Super Dinner Table Flipping! Taito 2009 Videogame
Super Dodge Ball Technos 1987 Videogame Sports
Super Dodge Ball (Neo-Geo) Technos 1996 Videogame Sports
Super Don Quix-ote Universal 1984 Videogame Adventure
Super Double Karateco Videogame
Super Doubles Tennis Data East 1983 Videogame Sports
Super Dragon Ball Z Banpresto 2005 Videogame Fighting
Super Draw / Fast Draw Stern Electronics Videogame
Super Duper Casino US Games 1986 Videogame Gambling
Super Eagle Shot Seta 1994 Videogame Sports
Super Earth Invasion Competitive Video 1980 Videogame Space
Super Flipper Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1975 Videogame Video Pinball
Super Football Champ Taito 1996 Videogame Sports
Super Formula Video System Co. Ltd. 1989 Videogame Racing
Super Free Kick HaesungHJ Corp. 1988 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Super Galaxians Midway Manufacturing Co. 1979 Videogame Shooter
Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix Capcom 1997 Videogame Fighting
Super Glob Epos 1983 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Super GT 24 Jaleco 1996 Videogame Racing
Super Hang-On Sega 1987 Videogame Racing
Super Heli Unknown 1981 Videogame Shooter
Super High Impact Midway Games 1991 Videogame Sports
Super High-Way Taito 1977 Videogame Racing
Super Invader Attack Zaccaria/Zelco 1978 Videogame Shooter
Super Invaders Unknown 1978 Videogame Shooter
Super Invaders (EMAG) EMAG Corporation 1978 Videogame Shooter
Super Invaders (Zenitone-Microsec) Zenitone-Microsec Ltd. 1978 Videogame Shooter
Super Keno Electro Sport 1984 Videogame
Super Knockout Subelectro 1977 Videogame
Super Kontora: Alien No Gyakusyuu Konami 1988 Videogame Fighting
Super League Sega 1987 Videogame Sports
Super Locomotive Sega 1982 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Super Mahjong Marukin-Ban Yuga 1990 Videogame Mahjong
Super Major League Sega 1995 Videogame Sports
Super Major League 2001 Sega 2001 Videogame Sports
Super Mario Bros. Nintendo 1985 Videogame Platform
Super Mario Bros. 2 Nintendo 1988 Videogame Platform
Super Mario Bros. 3 Nintendo 1988 Videogame Platform
Super Mario World Nintendo 1991 Videogame Platform
Super Marksman Stella Electronic 1993 Videogame Shooter
Super Masters Sega 1989 Videogame Sports
Super MegaTouch IV Merit Industries 1996 Videogame
Super Meteor Hoei 1981 Videogame
Super Missile Attack General Computer Corp. 1981 Videogame Shooter
Super Monaco GP Sega 1989 Videogame Racing
Super Moon Base Nichibutsu 1980 Videogame
Super Moon Cresta UPL 1980 Videogame Shooter
Super Mouse Taito 1982 Videogame Platform
Super Muscle Bomber: The International Blowout Capcom 1994 Videogame Fighting
Super Nintendo System: The Super System. 1992. Nintendo 1991 Videogame
Super Nova MAS Systems 1999 Videogame System
Super Pac-Man Bally Midway 1982 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Super Pang Mitchell 1990 Videogame Shooter
Super Pierrot Universal Videogame
Super Pinball Electro Plastic S.A. 1983 Videogame
Super Pinball 91 Europa 1991 Videogame
Super Pinball Action Tecmo 1991 Videogame Video Pinball
Super Pit Boss Merit Industries Videogame Gambling
Super Poker Greyhound 1987 Videogame Gambling
Super Poker Electro Sport 1984 Videogame Gambling
Super Pool III I-Vics 1989 Videogame Sports
Super Punch-Out!! Nintendo 1985 Videogame Sports
Super Puzzle Bobble Taito 1999 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Super Puzzle Fighter II Capcom 1996 Videogame
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo Capcom 1996 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Super Puzzle Fighter II X Capcom 1996 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Super Qix Taito 1987 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Super Ranger SunA Electronics 1988 Videogame Fighting
Super Real Basketball Sega 1990 Videogame Sports
Super Real Mahjong Seta/Taito 1987 Videogame Mahjong
Super Real Mahjong II Seta/Taito 1987 Videogame Mahjong
Super Real Mahjong P5 Unknown Videogame
Super Real Mahjong P6 Seta 1996 Videogame
Super Real Mahjong P7 Unknown 1997 Videogame
Super Real Mahjong VS Unknown Videogame
Super Rider Venture Line 1983 Videogame Skill
Super Road Champions Model Racing 1978 Videogame
Super Select System Arcadia Systems 1988 Videogame / Cabinet
Super Shanghai Hot-B/Activision 1991 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Super Shifter Allied Leisure Industries Videogame
Super Shot Model Racing 1979 Videogame
Super Sidekicks SNK 1992 Videogame Sports
Super Sidekicks 2 - The World Championship SNK 1994 Videogame Sports
Super Sidekicks 3 - The Next Glory SNK 1995 Videogame Sports
Super Single Twenty One Mirco Incorporated - Games Division 1977 Videogame Gambling
Super Sky Kid Namco 1986 Videogame Shooter
Super Slam Playmark 1993 Videogame Sports
Super Slams Banpresto 1995 Videogame Sports
Super Soccer Allied Leisure Industries 1973 Videogame Sports
Super Soccer Nintendo 1992 Videogame
Super Soccer Westlake Systems Videogame
Super Space Attack Gremlin Videogame Space
Super Space Invaders '91 Taito 1990 Videogame Space
Super Space Stranger Ban Presto 1978 Videogame Shooter
Super Spacefortress Macross Fabtek 1992 Videogame Space
Super Speed Race Midway Manufacturing Co. 1979 Videogame Racing
Super Speed Race GP-V Taito 1980 Videogame Racing
Super Speed Race Jr. Taito/Bally Midway 1985 Videogame Racing
Super Speed Race V Taito 1978 Videogame Racing
Super Speed Racer Midway Manufacturing Co. Videogame
Super Sports North American Vending Videogame Sports
Super Sprint Atari Games 1986 Videogame Racing
Super Spy, The SNK 1990 Videogame Fighting
Super Star Artic 1981 Videogame
Super Stingray Alpha Denshi 1986 Videogame Shooter
Super Street Fighter - Tournament Edition Capcom 1993 Videogame Fighting
Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers Capcom 1993 Videogame Fighting
Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers (Rainbow Edition) Hung Hsi Enterprise TAIWAN 1994 Videogame Fighting
Super Street Fighter II - The New Challengers: Tournament Edition Capcom 1993 Videogame Fighting
Super Street Fighter II Turbo Capcom 1994 Videogame Fighting
Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge Capcom 1994 Videogame Fighting
Super Street Fighter IV Capcom 2010 Videogame Skill
Super Strike Stern Electronics 1990 Videogame Other
Super Strong Warriors Jaleco 1993 Videogame Fighting
Super Stud Mirco Incorporated - Games Division 1977 Videogame Gambling
Super Tank Computran 1981 Videogame Shooter
Super Tank Attack Microprose 1992 Videogame Simulator
Super Toffy Midas 1994 Videogame
Super Trio Game Ace 1994 Videogame Adventure
Super Triv Quiz Status Game Corporation 1986 Videogame Trivia / Quiz
Super Triv-Quiz Status Game Corporation 1986 Videogame
Super Trivia / Lucky 8 Liner Greyhound Videogame
Super Twenty One Mirco Incorporated - Games Division 1978 Videogame Gambling
Super UBI Cocktail Table United Billiards 1975 Videogame
Super Visual Football European Sega Cup Sega 1994 Videogame Sports
Super Volley '91 Video System Co. Ltd. 1991 Videogame Sports
Super Volley '94 Video System Co. Ltd. 1994 Videogame Sports
Super Volleyball V-System 1989 Videogame Sports
Super Wing Wing 1985 Videogame Video Pinball
Super World Court Namco 1992 Videogame Sports
Super World Stadium Namco 1991 Videogame Sports
Super World Stadium '92 Namco 1992 Videogame Sports
Super World Stadium '92 (Gekitouban) Namco 1992 Videogame Sports
Super World Stadium '93 Namco 1993 Videogame Sports
Super World Stadium '95 Namco 1995 Videogame Sports
Super World Stadium '96 Namco 1996 Videogame
Super World Stadium '97 Namco 1997 Videogame Sports
Super World Stadium '99 Namco 1999 Videogame Sports
Super World Stadium 2000 Namco 2000 Videogame
Super World Stadium 2001 Namco 2001 Videogame
Super X Dooyong 1994 Videogame Shooter
Super Xevious Namco 1984 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Super Zaxxon Sega 1982 Videogame Space
SuperCars Raw Thrills 2014 Videogame Racing
Superior Soldiers Irem 1993 Videogame
Superman Taito 1988 Videogame Fighting
Superpong Atari 1974 Videogame
Supertop Merit Industries 1986 Videogame / Cabinet
Sure Shot Pool Status Game Corporation 1988 Videogame Sports
Sure Shot Pool / Spectra / 19th Hole Status Game Corporation 1986 Videogame
Sure Shot Sheriff Konami 1995 Videogame Adventure
Surf Planet Gaelco 1997 Videogame Sports
Surfer Action Video 1987 Videogame Sports
Surprise Attack Konami 1990 Videogame Fighting
Survival Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1982 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Survival US Billiards 1975 Videogame
Survival Arts Sammy 1993 Videogame Fighting
Susume! Taisen Puzzle Dama Konami 1995 Videogame
Susume!! Mile Smile Fuuki Co. Ltd. 1995 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Suzuka 8 Hours Namco 1992 Videogame / Racing Racing
Suzuka 8 Hours 2 Namco 1993 Videogame Racing
SVC Chaos: SNK Vs. Capcom SNK 2003 Videogame Fighting
Swarm Subelectro 1979 Videogame Shooter
SWAT Bally Midway 1984 Videogame Shooter
Sweet Gal Nichibutsu 1986 Videogame
Swimmer Tehkan 1982 Videogame Platform
Symbols Advanced Video Technology 1985 Videogame Skill
Syougi No Tatsujin ADK 1995 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Syusse Oozumou Technos 1984 Videogame Sports
Syvalion Taito 1988 Videogame Shooter
