Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Amusement Machines: S (type: Vending)

Entries in this index: 198
Name Manufacturer Year Type Genre Description Images
Sabelle No. 5 H. L. Blake Co. 1950 Vending
Safety Match Kelley Manufacturing Co. 1904 Vending / Match
Safety Matches Automatic Vending Co., Ltd. 1915 Vending / Match
Safety Matches Griswold Manufacturing Co. 1920 Vending / Match
Safety Matches International Vending Co. 1906 Vending
Safety Matches Jackson Vending Co. 1905 Vending / Match
Safety Matches U. S. Electric Co. Vending / Match
Salted Almonds California Almond Vending, The Vending / Bulk
Salted Peanuts Perfection Automatic Machine Co. Vending / Bulk
Salter Musical Cigarette George Salter & Co. 1905 Vending / Cigarette
Samco Samco Vending / Gum
Samoa Chewing Gum Philadelphia Chewing Gum Mfg. Co. 1900 Vending / Gum
Sanichu Sani Chu Gum Co. Vending / Gum
Sanitary Confections Bloyd Manufacturing Co. 1937 Vending / Bulk
Sanitary Napkins Dispenser Swansdown Sanitary Company 1930 Vending / Service
Sanitary Peanut Machine Mills Novelty Co. Vending / Bulk
Sanitary Postage Station Schermack Products Corp. 1931 Vending / Stamp
Sanitary Shield & Toilet Paper P. & O. Manufacturing Co. 1907 Vending
Sanitary Shield and Toilet Paper P. & O. Manufacturing Co. 1907 Vending
Sanitary Toothpicks Dispenser Standard Manufacturing Co. 1916 Vending / Bulk
Saturn 2000 Northwestern Corp. 1961 Vending / Gum
Saxon Condom Dispenser Noveltone Distribution Co. 1950 Vending / Service
Scale-O-Matic Chicago Coin Machine Co. Vending / Scale Fortune
Schermack Cabinet Schermack Products Corp. Vending / Stamp
Schermack Model 25 Schermack Products Corp. Vending / Stamp
Schermack Model P Schermack Products Corp. 1960 Vending / Stamp
Schermack Razor Blade Dispenser Schermack Products Corp. 1927 Vending
Schermack Sanitary Stamp Seller Schermack Products Corp. 1925 Vending / Stamp
Schermack Stamp Machine Schermack Products Corp. 1930 Vending / Stamp
Scoop Automatic Games Co. 1931 Vending / Bulk
Scoop D. Robbins & Co., Mfrs. 1931 Vending
Scoopy Gum Vendor AM Co. 1950 Vending / Gum
Scoopy Gum Vendor Gaylord Manufacturing 1920 Vending / Gum
Scoopy Gum Vendor Scoopy Manufacturing Co. 1950 Vending / Gum
Scripto Ballpoint Pen Dispenser Scripto Pen Co. 1950 Vending / Service
Scup, The Northwestern Corp. Vending / Match
See Diavalo Loop the Loop Mercer Novelty Co. 1904 Vending / Gum
Sel-Mor (Model D) Great States Manufacturing Co. 1938 Vending
Sel-Mor (Model E) Great States Manufacturing Co. 1938 Vending
Select a Bar Shipman Manufacturing Co. 1938 Vending
Select-O-Vend Unknown 1945 Vending / Gum
Select-O-Vend Candy and Gum Select-O-Vend 1945 Vending / Candy
Selective Kopper-King 1950 Vending / Gum
Selective Counter Vendor Advance Machine Co. 1912 Vending / Gum
Selective Vendor Advance Machine Co. Vending
Selector Postage Stamp Machine Co., Inc. 1948 Vending / Stamp
Selectorama Victor Vending Corp. Vending / Gum/Bulk
Self Service Andrew T. Dietz 1926 Vending / Gum
Self-Service Andrew T. Dietz Vending / Gum
Sell'Em Hot Mabey Electric & Mfg. Co. 1922 Vending / Bulk
Sellall Gum Vender Northwestern Corp. 1925 Vending / Gum
Sellall Mint Vender Northwestern Corp. 1925 Vending
Sellem Northwestern Corp. 1912 Vending / Match
Sellum Match Vender Northwestern Corp. 1912 Vending / Match
Senator Watling Manufacturing Co. Vending / Scale
Sentry Box Cigar Vender Stollwerck & Co. 1895 Vending / Cigar
Senty U G. R. Marshall 1920 Vending
Serv-A-Liter Serv-A-Liter Co. 1928 Vending
Serv-A-Smok Brunell Co. Vending / Cigarette
Servend Pen Servend Co. 1960 Vending
Shaeffer Script Unknown Vending
Shipman Shipman Manufacturing Co. 1932 Vending / Gum
Shipman Retractable Pens Shipman Manufacturing Co. 1960 Vending
Shipman Selective 100 Shipman Manufacturing Co. 1940 Vending / Gum
Shipman Stamp Machine Shipman Manufacturing Co. 1960 Vending / Stamp
Shipman's Deluxe Triplex Shipman Manufacturing Co. Vending / Stamp
Shoe Brusher National Service Enterprises 1912 Vending / Service
Shoe Buffer Automatic Machine Co. 1914 Vending / Service
Shoe Shine with Cinch Unknown 1930 Vending / Service
Short's Chewing Gum Griswold Manufacturing Co. 1920 Vending / Gum
Sidewinder Victor Vending Corp. 1947 Vending / Gum
Silent Night Perfume Unknown 1950 Vending
Silent Salesman Ad-Lee Novelty Co. Vending / Gum
Silent Salesman Sani Chu Gum Co. Vending / Gum
Silent Salesman Shoe Laces Unknown Vending
Silver Bell Great States Manufacturing Co. 1939 Vending / Gum
Silver Charm Automat Games 1939 Vending / Bulk
Silver Comet Redco Products Corp. 1925 Vending / Gum
Silver Comet (Cigarette) Redco Products Corp. 1930 Vending / Cigarette
Silver King Silver King Novelty Co. 1946 Vending / Gum
Silver King Deluxe Automat Games 1938 Vending / Bulk
Silver Queen Lawrence Manufacturing Co. 1940 Vending / Gum
Simplex Cast Manufacturing Co. 1919 Vending / Bulk
Simplex R. D. Simpson Co. 1917 Vending / Bulk
Simpson R. D. Simpson Co. 1907 Vending / Bulk
Simpson Jr. R. D. Simpson Co. Vending / Bulk
Simpson Vendor R. D. Simpson Co. 1930 Vending / Bulk
Simpson Vendor R. D. Simpson Co. 1935 Vending / Bulk
Singer's Gum Singer Products Co. 1928 Vending / Gum
Single Commander R. D. Simpson Co. Vending / Bulk
Single Unit Schermack Products Corp. 1930 Vending / Stamp
Skill Crane Grayhound 1986 Vending / Crane
Small Guesser Watling Scale Co. Vending / Scale
Smilin' Sam General Merchandise Co. 1931 Vending / Bulk
Smilin' Sam From Alabam' The Salted Peanut Man General Merchandise Co. 1931 Vending
Smith's Chewing Balls Unknown Vending / Bulk
Smoke Direct Unknown 1909 Vending / Cigar
Smoke-A-Taire - Penny Smoke General Metal Products Co. 1936 Vending / Cigarette
Snacks Trimount Coin Machine Co. 1936 Vending / Bulk
Snacks Gum Vendor Trimount Coin Machine Co. 1939 Vending / Gum
Soccer Ball OK Manufacturing Vending / Gum/Bulk Sports
Soda Mint Gum Freeport Novelty Co. 1899 Vending / Gum
Soda Mint Gum Freeport Novelty Co. 1910 Vending / Gum
Soda Mint Gum Soda Mint Gum Co. 1895 Vending / Gum
Soda Mint Gum Soda Mint Gum Co. 1905 Vending / Gum
Soda Mint Gum - Blinkey Eye Standard Gum Machine Works 1907 Vending / Gum
Sorrow's Dias Edward E. McMorran & Co. 1901 Vending / Gum
Sorrow's Dias Gum Edward E. McMorran & Co. 1901 Vending / Gum
Souvenir Post Card Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Vending
Space Ship Ring Ding 1950 Vending / Gum
Spanish Fly Condom Dispenser Noveltone Distribution Co. 1930 Vending / Service
Spartan Hot Flash Sparta Manufacturing Co. 1920 Vending / Bulk
Spearmint Gum D. Robbins & Co., Mfrs. Vending / Gum
Special Deluxe Victor Vending Corp. 1939 Vending / Bulk
Spin-O Merchandiser Chase Vending Machine Co. Vending
Sportland A. B. T. Manufacturing Co. 1931 Vending
Spruce Gum Curtis & Son 1894 Vending / Gum
St. Nicholas Automatic Vending Co. 1899 Vending / Gum
St. Nicholas Pepsin Gum Automatic Vending Co. 1899 Vending / Gum
Sta-Hot Standard Appliances Inc. 1932 Vending / Bulk
Stamp Machine J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. Vending / Stamp
Stamp Vending Machine Schermack Products Corp. 1930 Vending
Stamps Munroe Matlock Vending / Stamp
Stamps Shipman Manufacturing Co. 1938 Vending / Stamp
Standard Northwestern Corp. Vending / Stamp
Standard Unknown Vending / Bulk
Standard Daisy Match Standard Gum Machine Works 1907 Vending / Match
Standard Refills Victor Vending Corp. 1962 Vending
Standard Rex Hance Manufacturing Co. Vending / Bulk
Standard Weighing Scale Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Vending / Scale
Stanley Stanley (Silent Sales Vending Co.) 1925 Vending / Bulk
Stanley Hot Nut Stanley (Silent Sales Vending Co.) 1920 Vending / Bulk
Stanley Hot Nut Stanley (Silent Sales Vending Co.) 1925 Vending / Bulk
Stanley Vendor Stanley (Silent Sales Vending Co.) 1925 Vending / Bulk
Star National Stamp Vending Machine Co. Vending / Stamp
Star Gum Vendor Unknown 1935 Vending / Gum
Star Peanut Machine Unknown Vending / Bulk
Star Pepsin Jet Hollands 1899 Vending / Gum
Star Pepsin Unknown 1899 Vending / Gum
Star Pepsin Chewing Gum Unknown 1887 Vending / Gum
Star Vender Star Venders of California Vending / Candy
Star, Horoscope, Ticket Watling Scale Co. 1940 Vending / Scale
Starkey 1926 model Coin Operated Gas Pump Starkey 1926 Vending / Gas Pump
Starkey Coin Operated Gas Pump Starkey 1926 Vending / Gas Pump
Stewart & McGuire Stewart & McGuire 1935 Vending / Gum
Stollwerck Autosales Corp. 1899 Vending / Gum
Stollwerck Stollwerck & Co. 1880 Vending
Stollwerck Stollwerck & Co. 1890 Vending
Stollwerck Stollwerck & Co. 1888 Vending
Stollwerck Stollwerck & Co. 1892 Vending / Gum
Stollwerck Automat Stollwerck & Co. 1890 Vending
Stollwerck Bros. Stollwerck & Co. 1892 Vending
Stollwerck Candies Stollwerck & Co. 1892 Vending / Candy
Stollwerck Sampler Schilling-Stollwerck & Co. 1905 Vending / Candy
Stoner Junior Vending Machine Stoner Manufacturing Corp. 1930 Vending / Candy
Stop & Sock Gottlieb, D. & Co. Vending
Stop and Shop Victor Vending Corp. 1939 Vending / Bulk
Stop VD Bluff City Manufacturing Vending
Storch (Stork) - German version Reiner, Pelzer & Co. 1900 Vending / Candy
Strike It Rich Metalsmiths 1950 Vending / Gum
Studio International Mutoscope Corp. Vending / Service
Style 1 Watling Manufacturing Co. 1918 Vending / Scale Fortune
Style 1 Guessing Scale Watling Manufacturing Co. 1902 Vending / Scale
Style 11 1927 Springless Guessing Scale Watling Manufacturing Co. 1926 Vending / Scale
Style 14 Watling Manufacturing Co. Vending / Scale
Style 14 with Vending Watling Manufacturing Co. 1927 Vending / Scale Fortune
Style 4 Weighing Machine Watling Manufacturing Co. 1904 Vending / Scale
Style Eleven Watling Manufacturing Co. 1926 Vending / Scale
Style Eleven Guessing Scale Watling Manufacturing Co. 1926 Vending / Scale
Style Fourteen-A with Vending Watling Manufacturing Co. 1927 Vending / Scale Fortune
Style Nine Watling Scale Co. 1902 Vending / Scale
Style No. 1 Watling Manufacturing Co. Vending / Scale
Style No. 7 Watling Manufacturing Co. 1922 Vending / Scale Fortune
Sugar Bowl Holli-Ware Manufacturing Co. Vending / Bulk
Sun Coleman Hardware Co. 1908 Vending / Bulk
Sun Gum Vendor Los Angeles Manufacturing Co. 1946 Vending / Bulk
Sun-Puft Popcorn Emerson Bros. 1920 Vending / Service
Sunburst Caille Bros. Co. 1909 Vending / Bulk
Sunny Cal R. O. Whyman & Co. 1930 Vending
Super Bounce A Roo Ball Vending Machine OK Manufacturing 1995 Vending
Super Horoscope Watling Manufacturing Co. 1957 Vending / Scale Fortune
Super Mart Victor Vending Corp. 1956 Vending / Gum
Super Nova Capsule/Ball Vending Machine Unknown 1995 Vending
Super V Victor Vending Corp. 1954 Vending
Super Vendor R. D. Simpson Co. 1929 Vending / Bulk
Super-100 Console Victor Vending Corp. Vending / Gum
Superior R. D. Simpson Co. Vending / Bulk
Superior Chewing Gum National Automatic Sales Company 1900 Vending / Gum
Superior Mfg. Gum Superior Manufacturing Co. Vending / Gum
Supreme Appleton Novelty Co. 1927 Vending / Gum
Supreme R. D. Simpson Co. Vending / Bulk
Sure Automatic Games Co. 1940 Vending / Bulk
Surete Peerless Products Co. Vending
Sweep Buddy Sales Corp. 1931 Vending / Bulk
Sweet Breaths Yu-Chu Co. 1925 Vending / Gum
Sweet Chocolate - Model S National Automatic Vending 1917 Vending / Candy
Sweet Vender Unknown 1930 Vending / Candy
Sweetette Unknown Vending / Bulk