Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Amusement Machines: G (type: Vending)


Entries in this index: 62
Name Manufacturer Year Type Genre Description Images
Galloping Cubes Globe Novelty Co. 1931 Vending
Gambler United Scale Co. 1920 Vending / Scale
Gambler Watling Manufacturing Co. 1929 Vending / Scale
Gambrinus Automat Holzweissig 1898 Vending
Gartman Altona Gartman 1903 Vending
Gem Chicago Gum & Candy Co. 1925 Vending / Gum
Gem Self-Service Machine Chicago Gum & Candy Co. 1925 Vending / Gum
General Stationary Vendor General Vending Machine Service Co. 1930 Vending / Stamp
Generic Advertiser R. D. Simpson Co. 1918 Vending / Bulk
George Washington Money Back Caille Bros. Co. 1904 Vending / Scale
Giant Ace Silver King Novelty Co. 1953 Vending / Gum
Gillette Blue Blades Unknown 1920 Vending / Service
Glendale Lahadu Glendale Engineering Co., Inc. Vending / Bulk
Globe Advance Machine Co. 1911 Vending / Match
Globe Globe Machine Co. Vending
Globe - Perfume Vendor Fitch Mfg. Co. 1950 Vending / Service
Go Go Cowboy Sammy USA Corporation 1999 Vending / Gum/Bulk
Gold Medal Automatic Popcorn Vender Model 100 Gold Medal Products Company 1950 Vending / Service
Gold Medal Automatic Popcorn Vender Model 200 Gold Medal Products Company 1955 Vending / Service
Gold Seal Confections Millard Vending 1922 Vending / Gum
Gold Star Vendor Penny King Co., The 1930 Vending / Gum
Golden State Peanut Vendor Indian Head Manufacturing Co. Vending / Bulk
Goldmine Tab Gum Selector Oak Manufacturing Co., Inc. Vending / Gum
Golf Pinball Victor Vending Corp. 1940 Vending / Gum
Goo Goo Gum Freeport Novelty Co. 1899 Vending / Gum
Goo Goo Gum J. W. Hange Foundry Co. 1899 Vending / Gum
Gore Vending Gore Vending Machine Co. Vending
Gotham Gum Vendor Champion Vending Machine Co. 1890 Vending / Candy
Grandad Victor Vending Corp. 1954 Vending
Grapette Hamilton Scale Co. 1950 Vending / Scale
Griffin Griffin Vending Co. 1911 Vending / Bulk
Griffin Box Match Dispenser Northwestern Corp. 1920 Vending / Match
Griswold Griswold Manufacturing Co. 1914 Vending / Bulk
Griswold Match Machine Griswold Manufacturing Co. 1920 Vending / Match
Groves Yellow Kid Grove's Yellow Kid Pepsin Gum 1899 Vending / Gum
Guess Public Scale Co. 1938 Vending / Scale
Guess-er C. R. Kirk & Co. 1938 Vending / Scale
Guesser A. B. T. Manufacturing Co. Vending / Scale
Guessing Scale Watling Manufacturing Co. 1902 Vending / Scale
Gum Blue Bird Products Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Gum Shipman Manufacturing Co. 1940 Vending
Gum Uneeda Vending Service Distributors 1912 Vending / Gum
Gum and Confections Klinkert's 1910 Vending
Gum and Mint Merchandiser Rowe Vending Machine Co. 1941 Vending / Bulk
Gum Machine Gravity Vending Machine Co. 1907 Vending / Gum
Gum Merchant Pacific Manufacturing Corp. Vending / Gum
Gum Vending U. G. Grandbois Co. Vending / Bulk
Gum Vendor Adams Gum Co. 1945 Vending / Gum
Gum Vendor Unknown (Temporary) Vending
Gum Vendor Northwestern Corp. 1931 Vending / Gumball
Gum-A-Mib Gum-A-Mib Co. 1930 Vending / Gum
Gumball Advance Machine Co. 1919 Vending / Gum
Gumball Advance Machine Co. 1936 Vending / Gum
Gumball Appleton Novelty Co. 1920 Vending / Gum
Gumball Blue Bird Products Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Gumball Gravity Vending Machine Co. 1907 Vending / Gum
Gumball Millard Vending 1916 Vending / Gum
Gumball Vendex Co. 1935 Vending / Gum
Gumball Yu-Chu Co. 1925 Vending / Gum
Gumball Vendor Regal Products Co. 1935 Vending / Gum
Gumlet Vendor Walter Gum Co. Vending / Gum
Gypsy Fortune Telling Black Cat Watling Manufacturing Co. Vending / Scale Fortune
