Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Amusement Machines: B (type: All)


Entries in this index: 1676
Name Manufacturer Year Type Genre Description Images
B Automatic Musical Instruments Co. 1947 Music / Jukebox
B Columbus Vending Co. 1920 Vending / Gum
B Seeburg 1950 Music / Jukebox
B & M Ball Gum B. & M. Manufacturing Co. 1932 Arcade / Counter game
B Bulk Vendor Columbus Vending Co. 1935 Vending / Bulk
B Bulk Vendor w/Slug Ejector Columbus Vending Co. 1920 Vending / Bulk
B-29 Universal 1977 Videogame
B-52 Bomber Unknown Videogame
B-Skilful Unknown 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
B-Wings Data East 1985 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
B-Wise Cramer Gum Co. 1950 Vending / Gum
B. Rap Boys Kaneko 1992 Videogame Fighting
B.C. Kid Kaneko 1994 Videogame
B.G. Adams Co. Fowler & Wheeler 1904 Vending / Gum
B.O.T.S.S.: Battle of the Solar System Jaleco 1991 Videogame Fighting
Babe Ruth Baseball Stephen's Novelty Co. 1935 Arcade / Counter game
Babe Ruth Mutoscope International Mutoscope Reel Co. 1920 Arcade / Viewer
Baby Bally Manufacturing Co. 1936 Trade Stim. / Reel
Baby Air Sam Billiards 2000 Arcade / Air Hockey
Baby Bell H. C. Evans & Co. 1928 Trade Stim. / Reel
Baby Bell Front Vender Watling Manufacturing Co. 1933 Slot Machine / Bell
Baby Bell Front Vender - Blue Seal Confections Watling Manufacturing Co. 1927 Slot Machine / Reel
Baby Bell Jackpot Watling Manufacturing Co. 1932 Slot Machine / Bell
Baby Bell Twin Jackpot Watling Manufacturing Co. 1932 Slot Machine / Reel
Baby Bell Vender Watling Manufacturing Co. 1927 Slot Machine / Bell
Baby Billard Unknown (Temporary) 1930 Pinball / Mechanical
Baby Boom Challenge Status Game Corporation 1986 Videogame Trivia / Quiz
Baby Buckaroo O. D. Jennings & Co. 1960 Slot Machine / Reel
Baby Card Machine Amusement Machine Co. 1891 Trade Stim. / Card game
Baby Contact Pacific Manufacturing Corp. 1931 Unknown
Baby Doll Segasa 1975 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baby Face United Mfg. 1948 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baby Gold Award Watling Manufacturing Co. 1933 Slot Machine / Bell
Baby Gold Seal Award Watling Manufacturing Co. 1933 Slot Machine / Reel
Baby Grand Victor Vending Corp. 1940 Vending / Gum
Baby Grand A. M. Walzer Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Baby Grand C. & F. Manufacturing Co. 1933 Slot Machine / Reel
Baby Grand Deluxe Victor Vending Corp. 1951 Vending / Gum
Baby Grand Roulette A. M. Walzer Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Baby Grand, The C. & F. Manufacturing Co. 1931 Slot Machine / Bell
Baby In The Hole Data East 1986 Pinball / Solid State
Baby Jack Field Manufacturing Co. 1931 Slot Machine / Coin drop
Baby Jack Garden City Mfg. Co. 1937 Trade Stim. / Reel
Baby Jack Pot Vender J. M. Sanders Mfg. Co. 1933 Trade Stim. / Reel
Baby Jackpot C. & F. Manufacturing Co. 1931 Slot Machine / Reel
Baby Jacks Field Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
Baby Leland Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Baby Lincoln Watling Manufacturing Co. 1930 Slot Machine / Bell
Baby Lincoln Sloan Novelty Co. 1915 Unknown
Baby Lite-A-Line Pacific Amusement Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baby Pac-Man Bally Midway 1982 Pinball / Hybrid Pinball/Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Baby Reserve Bally Manufacturing Co. 1938 Trade Stim. / Reel
Baby Roulette Caille Bros. Co. Slot Machine / Roulette
Baby Sharpshooter Game Plan 1985 Pinball / Solid State
Baby Shoes Buckley Manufacturing. Co. 1933 Trade Stim. / Dice
Baby Track Western Equipment & Supply 1931 Unknown
Baby Tusko Elephant Kiddie Ride Tusko Inc. 1970 Arcade / Kiddie ride
Baby Vender B. & M. Products Co. 1926 Trade Stim. / Reel
Baby Vender Field Manufacturing Co. 1930 Trade Stim. / Reel
Baby Vender Keeney and Sons, Inc. 1927 Trade Stim. / Reel
Baby Vender Midwest Novelty Mfg. Co. 1929 Trade Stim. / Reel
Baby Vender Southern Doll Mfg. Co. 1925 Trade Stim. / Reel
Baby Vender - no jackpot Burham Novelty Works 1910 Slot Machine / Reel
Baby Vendor Burham Novelty Works 1926 Trade Stim. / Reel
Baby Vendor Field Manufacturing Co. 1929 Trade Stim. / Reel
Baby Whiffle Automatic Industries, Inc. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Bacardi Cuba Libre Heighway Pinball 2014 Pinball / Solid State
Bacchus Unknown (Temporary) 1909 Arcade
Back Fire Tecmo 1988 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Back Street Soccer SunA Electronics 1996 Videogame Sports
Back To The Future Data East 1990 Pinball / Solid State
Back-Shot Lindstrom Corp. 1933 Pinball
Backfire! Data East 1995 Videogame Racing
Bad Cats Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1989 Pinball / Solid State
Bad Dudes Vs. Dragon Ninja Data East 1988 Videogame Fighting
Bad Girls Premier / Gottlieb 1988 Pinball / Solid State
Badger Horseshoe Klode Shops 1931 Unknown
Badlands Konami 1984 Videogame Adventure
Badlands Atari Games 1989 Videogame Racing
Baffle Ball Bally Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Baffle Ball Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Baffle Ball Baffle Ball, Inc. 1931 Unknown
Baffle Ball J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Baffle Ball Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1931 Unknown
Baffle Ball Unknown 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Baffle Ball (Electric) Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baffle Ball Home Game Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Baffle Ball Jr. Home Game Unknown 1932 Pinball
Baffle Ball Senior Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1931 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Baffle Ball Sr. Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Baffle Ball Sr. Home Game Unknown 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Baffle-Card Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1946 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bag Puncher Mills Novelty Co. 1904 Arcade / Strength tester
Bag Puncher Mills Novelty Co. 1926 Arcade / Strength tester
Bag Punching Machine Mills Novelty Co. 1903 Arcade / Strength tester
Bagatelle Unknown 1995 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bagatelle And Baseball Unknown (Temporary) 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Bagatelle Table Brunswick Balke Collender Co., The Pinball / Mechanical
Bagatello Exhibit Supply Co., The 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bagdad Dallas Novelty Sales Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Bagman Valadon Automation 1982 Videogame Platform
Bahama Beach Bally Manufacturing Co. 1966 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baja Buddies Polar Bear Enterprises 1981 Arcade
Bajazzo (Clown) Jentzsch & Meerz 1912 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Bakatonosama Mahjong Manyuuki Monolith 1991 Videogame Mahjong
Baker Boy Manikin Vendor Co. 1928 Vending / Gum
Baker Boy O. B. Machine Co. 1927 Vending / Gum
Baker Boy - scoop vendor American Amusement Co. Vending / Candy
Bakers Pacers Baker Novelty Co., Inc. 1939 Slot Machine / Racing
Baku Baku Animal Sega 1995 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Bakuretsu Breaker Kaneko 1992 Videogame Shooter
Bakuretsu Crash Race Video System Co. Ltd. 1993 Videogame Racing
Bakuretsu Quiz Ma-Q Dai Bouken Namco 1992 Videogame Trivia / Quiz
Bal Cube Metro 1996 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Bal Rio Bally Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
Balance Mills Novelty Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Balance de Gare Unknown 1895 Vending / Scale
Balance Line Mills Novelty Co. 1931 Unknown
Balance Try Namco 1998 Videogame
Balba Bouquet Perfume Balba Corporation of America 1920 Vending
Bali Bally Manufacturing Co. 1974 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bali-Hi Bally Manufacturing Co. 1973 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Balito Unknown Pinball / Mechanical
Ball Fan Stoner Manufacturing Corp. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Ball Fan, The Stoner Manufacturing Corp. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Ball Game Pacific Manufacturing Corp. 1931 Unknown
Ball Gum Groetchen Tool & Mfg. Co. 1935 Trade Stim. / Reel
Ball Gum J. M. Sanders Mfg. Co. 1936 Trade Stim. / Reel
Ball Gum Genco Corp. 1933 Trade Stim. / Reel Gambling
Ball Gum - Your Fortune with Jackpot Buckley Manufacturing. Co. 1933 Trade Stim. / Reel
Ball Gum Vender Caille Bros. Co. 1926 Trade Stim. / Reel
Ball Gum Vender Columbus Vending Co. 1935 Vending / Gum
Ball Gum Vender Silver King Novelty Co. 1925 Trade Stim. / Reel
Ball Gum Vender Watling Manufacturing Co. 1935 Slot Machine / Bell
Ball Gum Vender Silver King Novelty Co. 1926 Trade Stim. / Reel
Ball Gum Vendor Watling Manufacturing Co. 1932 Slot Machine / Bell
Ball Lift Grip Tester Globe Amusement Machine Co. 1920 Arcade / Strength tester
Ball Park Taito 1979 Videogame Sports
Ball Park Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Ball Park Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1968 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Ball Park Bally Manufacturing Co. 1960 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Ball Park II Taito 1979 Videogame Sports
Ball Pen Sani-Speed Manufacturing Co. 1960 Vending
Ball Pool Renato Montanari Giochi / RMG Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Ball Shooter Gatter Novelty Co. 1926 Pinball / Mechanical
Ball Sport Bryan's Automatic Machine Works 1937 Arcade
Ball Walk Cointronics 1960 Trade Stim.
Ball-Gum Jackpot Vender Buckley Manufacturing. Co. 1931 Trade Stim. / Reel
Ball-Quet Carnival Supply Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Ballerina Bally Manufacturing Co. 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Ballerina Bingo Bally Manufacturing Co. 1959 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Ballgum Front Watling Manufacturing Co. 1932 Slot Machine / Bell
Ballista Tsunami Visual Technologies, Inc. 2005 Arcade
Ballistics Triotech Amusement 2009 Videogame
Balloon Bomber Taito 1980 Videogame Shooter
Balloon Brothers Taito/East Technology 1992 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Balloon Buster Leisure and Allied Industries - LAI 2000 Arcade / Redemption Skill
Balloon Fight Nintendo 1984 Videogame Shooter
Balloon Game, The Coastal Amusements Arcade / Redemption Skill
Balloon Gun Sega 1974 Videogame
Balloon Lung Tester Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Balloon Lung Tester Mills Novelty Co. 1905 Arcade / Strength tester
Ballot Pacific Manufacturing Corp. 1931 Unknown
Ballota-Acht Ballota GMBH 1933 Pinball
Ballota-Baby Ballota GMBH 1933 Pinball
Ballota-Ball Ballota GMBH 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Ballota-Rekord Ballota GMBH 1934 Pinball
Balls A Poppin' SNK 1990 Arcade
Balls-A-Poppin Bally Manufacturing Co. 1956 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bally Bally Manufacturing Co. 1932 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Bally Alley Bowling Bally Manufacturing Co. 1939 Arcade / Bowler
Bally Arcade Bally Manufacturing Co. 1938 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bally Baby Bally Manufacturing Co. 1936 Trade Stim. / Reel
Bally Baskets Bally Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
Bally Beauty Bally Manufacturing Co. 1940 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bally Beauty Bally Manufacturing Co. 1952 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bally Bell Bally Manufacturing Co. 1938 Slot Machine / Bell
Bally Bonus Bally Manufacturing Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bally Bonus variant Bally Manufacturing Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bally Booster Bally Manufacturing Co. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bally Deluxe Contact Bowler Bally Manufacturing Co. 1961 Arcade / Bowler Skill
Bally Derby Bally Manufacturing Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bally Derby Bally Manufacturing Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bally Derby Bally Manufacturing Co. 1960 Arcade / Shooter Skill
Bally Disc Bally Manufacturing Co. 1932 Trade Stim.
Bally Double Bell Bally Manufacturing Co. 1937 Slot Machine / Bell
Bally Entry Bally Manufacturing Co. 1946 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bally Entry Bally Manufacturing Co. 1938 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bally Game Show, The Midway Manufacturing Co. WMS 1990 Pinball / Solid State
Bally Hoo Bally Manufacturing Co. 1969 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bally Multi-Bell Bally Manufacturing Co. 1940 Slot Machine / Console
Bally Racer Bally Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
Bally Reserve Bally Manufacturing Co. 1938 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bally Reserve Jr. Bally Manufacturing Co. 1938 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bally Rocket Bally Manufacturing Co. 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bally Roll Bally Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
Bally Round Bally Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
Bally Royal Bally Manufacturing Co. 1939 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bally Stables Bally Manufacturing Co. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bally Stables Bally Manufacturing Co. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bally Supreme Bally Manufacturing Co. 1939 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Ballyhoo Bally Manufacturing Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Ballyhoo Bally Manufacturing Co. 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Ballyround Bally Manufacturing Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Ballyround Bally 1930 Arcade / Roll Down Skill
Ballyview Bally Manufacturing Co. 1938 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baloo's Coconut Factory (Club Disney) Disney 1998 Arcade
Balrickey Bally Manufacturing Co. 1933 Trade Stim. / Dice
Baltic Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., The 1975 Music / Jukebox
Baltic 100 Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., The 1978 Music / Jukebox
Baltic 3 Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., The 1977 Music / Jukebox
Baltic 4 Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., The 1978 Music / Jukebox
Baltic II Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., The 1976 Music / Jukebox
Baluba-Louk No Densetsu Able Corp 1986 Videogame Platform
Bambi Marchio Dep Unknown Vending
Bambino Exhibit Supply Co., The 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bambino Bally Manufacturing Co. 1938 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bamboo Bally Manufacturing Co. Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bamboula P. Leoni 1897 Vending / Candy
Band Box Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1950 Music / Speaker
Band Leader Keeney and Sons, Inc. 1948 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Band Stand Rowe Vending Machine Co. 1966 Music / Jukebox
Band Wagon Williams Mfg. Co., Chicago, IL (1944-1958) 1955 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Band Wagon Bally Manufacturing Co. 1965 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Band Wagon Genco Corp. 1940 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
BandBox Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1950 Music / Speaker
Bandersnatch Ball Bob's Space Racers 2010 Arcade / Redemption
Bandido Exidy 1980 Videogame Shooter
Bandit (Extrabell) Character Manufacturing Co. 1950 Slot Machine / Bell
Bang Genco Corp. 1939 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bang Bang Ball Banpresto 1996 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Bang Bead Visco Games 2000 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Bang Tails H. C. Evans & Co. 1938 Slot Machine / Console
Bang Tails Winter Book H. C. Evans & Co. 1946 Slot Machine / Console
Bang! Gaelco 1998 Videogame Shooter
Bang! Bang! Recel S. A. 1974 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bang-A-Deer Tru Shot Corp. 1931 Arcade
Bang-A-Way International Mutoscope Reel Co. 1931 Unknown
BangORama International Mutoscope Corp. 1957 Arcade
Banjo Buckley Manufacturing. Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Banjo Exhibit Supply Co., The 1948 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Banjo-Orchestra D. C. Ramey Piano Co. 1999 Music / String
Bank A Ball United Manufacturing Co. (1933 Deversey) 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Bank Ball Stoner Manufacturing Corp. 1931 Unknown
Bank Ball Amusement Enterprises 1946 Arcade
Bank Chief O. D. Jennings & Co. 1939 Slot Machine / Reel
Bank It Chappell Eng. Co. 1931 Unknown
Bank Nite Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bank Panic Sega 1985 Videogame Shooter
Bank Pool United Mfg. 1964 Arcade
Bank Roll Genco Corp. 1931 Unknown
Bank Shot Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1976 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bank-A-Ball General Novelty Mfg. Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Bank-A-Ball J. F. Linck Corp. 1931 Unknown
Bank-A-Ball United Profit Sales Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Bank-A-Ball Retro Pinball LLC 2008 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bank-A-Ball 1950 Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1950 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bank-A-Ball 1965 Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1965 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bank-A-Shot General Novelty Mfg. Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Bank-It Capcom Arcade / Skill game Sports
Banker Caille Bros. Co. 1906 Trade Stim. / Card game
Banker Bally Manufacturing Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Banker, The Unknown 1960 Trade Stim. / Dice
Banknote Cigar Vendor Bank Note Cigar Vendor 1900 Vending / Cigar
Bankum Unknown Pinball / Mechanical
Banner Unknown Slot Machine / Upright
Banner McDonald Manufacturing Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Banner Bingo Novelty Mfg. Co. 1932 Pinball
Banner Bally Manufacturing Co. 1939 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Banner Shuffle Alley United Amusement Co. 1954 Arcade / Bowler
Bantam Will P. Canaan 1940 Vending / Bulk
Bantam Peerless Weighing & Vending 1935 Vending / Scale
Bantam Bell Pace Manufacturing Co. 1927 Slot Machine / Bell
Bantam Bell Pace Manufacturing Co. 1935 Slot Machine / Bell
Bantam Bell (Jackpot Vendor Model) Pace Manufacturing Co. 1928 Slot Machine / Bell
Bantam Champion Jackpot Pace Manufacturing Co. 1930 Slot Machine / Reel
Bantam Ever-Full Jak-Pot Pace Manufacturing Co. 1930 Slot Machine / Bell
Bantam Gum Vender Pace Manufacturing Co. 1932 Slot Machine / Bell
Bantam Gum Vendor Pace Manufacturing Co. 1932 Slot Machine / Bell
Bantam Jackpot Bell Pace Manufacturing Co. 1931 Slot Machine / Bell
Bantam Jak-Pot Pace Manufacturing Co. 1929 Slot Machine / Bell
Bantam Jak-Pot Side Vender Pace Manufacturing Co. Slot Machine / Bell
Bantam Mint Pace Manufacturing Co. 1930 Slot Machine
Bantam Mint Vender Pace Manufacturing Co. 1933 Slot Machine / Bell
Bantam Reserve Pace Manufacturing Co. 1933 Slot Machine / Bell
Bantam Scale Pace Manufacturing Co. 1931 Vending / Scale
Banzai Run Williams Electronic Games, Inc. (WMS, 1985-2000) 1988 Pinball / Solid State
Bar L. Walton & Co. 1929 Vending
Bar Billiards Riley Leisure Arcade / Billiard
Bar Boy Garden City Mfg. Co. 1936 Trade Stim. / Reel
Bar Boy Buckley Manufacturing. Co. 1934 Trade Stim. / Reel
Bar Football Riley Leisure Arcade Sports
Bar, The Unknown 1900 Vending / Candy
Bar-20 Auto-Bell Novelty Co. Slot Machine / Bell
Bar-O-Matic Seeburg 1940 Music / Wall box
Baraduke Namco 1985 Videogame Shooter
Baraduke 2 Namco 1988 Videogame Shooter
Baraduke II - Bakutotsu Kijyutei Namco 1988 Videogame
Baraduke II - Bakutotsu Kijyutei Unknown 1988 Videogame
Barb Wire Premier / Gottlieb 1996 Pinball / Solid State
Barbarella Unknown 1972 Pinball Space
Bare Knuckle Sega 1989 Arcade Fighting
Barn Yard Golf Peo Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Barn-Yard Golf Peo Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Barnacle Bill Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1948 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Barnes Barnes Scale Co. 1929 Vending / Scale
Barnyard Multimorphic, Inc. 2017 Pinball / Solid State
Baron, The D. Robbins & Co., Mfrs. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Barracora Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1981 Pinball / Solid State
Barracuda Coinex 1981 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Barrage Western Products, Inc. 1941 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Barrel Machine Haydon & Urry, Ltd. 1900 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Barrel of Fun Exhibit Supply Co., The Arcade / Viewer
Barrel Pong Atari 1973 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Barrel Roll Bally Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
Barrel Roll Allied Amusement 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Barrel, The Original Amusement Games 1911 Arcade / Poker
Barrel-O-Fun Bally Manufacturing Co. 1960 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Barrel-O-Fun '61 Bally Manufacturing Co. 1961 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Barrel-O-Fun '62 Bally Manufacturing Co. 1962 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Barrel-O-Luck Unknown (Temporary) 1930 Trade Stim.
Barricade Ramtek 1976 Videogame Skill
Barricade II Taito 1977 Videogame Skill
Barrier Vectorbeam 1978 Videogame Skill
Bartender Ohio Specialty Co. 1935 Trade Stim. / Reel
Bartender, The Groetchen Tool & Mfg. Co. 1935 Trade Stim. / Reel
Bascule Automatique Chameroy 1903 Vending / Scale
Bascule Automatique (1) Unknown 1900 Vending / Scale
Bascule Automatique (2) Unknown 1900 Vending / Scale
Base 1c Ball Atlas Indicator Works 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Base Ball Atlas Indicator Works 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Base Ball Caille Bros. Co. 1908 Trade Stim. / Reel
Base Ball Genco Corp. 1935 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Base Ball Mills Novelty Co. 1929 Slot Machine / Bell
Base Ball National Novelty Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Base Ball National Novelty Co. 1928 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Base Ball Pace Manufacturing Co. 1931 Trade Stim.
Base Ball Amusement Superior Confection Co. 1929 Trade Stim. / Reel
Base Ball Game of Skill Whiteside Specialty Co. 1925 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Base Ball Target Blue Bird Products Co. 1926 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Base Hit Williams Electronic Mfg. Co. (1958-1967) 1967 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Base Hit Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Base Hit Genco Corp. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Base Hits Skee Ball Co. 2003 Arcade
Base-Ball Silver King Novelty Co. 1914 Trade Stim. / Reel
Baseball Atlas Indicator Works 1930 Arcade
Baseball Caille Bros. Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Reel
Baseball Cawood Novelty Co. 1913 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Baseball Elkholm Manufacturing Co. Vending / Gum
Baseball Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1970 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baseball O. D. Jennings & Co. 1930 Slot Machine / Bell
Baseball Kholm Manufacturing Co. 1950 Vending / Gum
Baseball Paupa & Hochriem Co. 1918 Vending / Gum
Baseball D. Robbins & Co., Mfrs. 1933 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Baseball Unknown 1940 Pinball / Counter game
Baseball Victor Vending Corp. 1950 Vending / Gum
Baseball Western Products, Inc. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baseball Nintendo 1984 Videogame Sports
Baseball Exhibit Supply Co., The 1931 Unknown
Baseball Peo Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
baseball A. D . P. Coin Machine Co. Vending
Baseball Stoner Manufacturing Corp. 1940 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baseball Daval Manufacturing Co. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baseball O. D. Jennings & Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baseball Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baseball Marvel Manufacturing Co. 1944 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baseball Victory Games 1945 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baseball Genco Corp. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baseball Bally Manufacturing Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baseball Genco Corp. 1942 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baseball Great States Manufacturing Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Baseball Victory Games 1946 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baseball Lindstrom Corp. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical Sports
Baseball Nation Wide Novelties Inc. 1950 Arcade Sports
Baseball (1938) Stoner Manufacturing Corp. 1931 Unknown
Baseball 1939 Western Equipment & Supply 1939 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical Sports
Baseball Champ Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1973 Arcade / Electro-Mechanical
Baseball Front O.K. Vendor Mills Novelty Co. 1929 Slot Machine / Reel
Baseball Machine Mills Novelty Co. 1930 Slot Machine / Bell
Baseball Multi-Vender Gum Coast Vending Inc. 1950 Vending / Gum
Baseball O.K. Vender Mills Novelty Co. 1929 Slot Machine / Bell
Baseball Pinball Victor Vending Corp. 1940 Vending / Gum
Baseball Pitch Exhibit Supply Co., The 1957 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Baseball Pool Genco Corp. 1956 Arcade
Baseball Roll-Et Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1930 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Baseball Slot Pace Manufacturing Co. 1930 Slot Machine / Bell
Baseball Stars Nintendo 1989 Videogame Sports
Baseball Stars 2 SNK 1992 Videogame Sports
Baseball Stars Professional SNK 1990 Videogame Sports
Baseball The Season Cinematronics 1985 Videogame Sports
Baseball The Season II Cinematronics 1987 Videogame Sports
Bases Loaded Jaleco 1987 Videogame Sports
Bash Fishing Challenge Sega 2009 Videogame Sports
Basket Ball Coast Vending Inc. 1950 Vending / Gum
Basket Ball D. Robbins & Co., Mfrs. 1931 Unknown
Basket Ball Midwest Tool & Machine Wks. 1931 Unknown
Basket Ball Exhibit Supply Co., The 1938 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Basket Ball Manufacturas Automaticas Americanas (MAM) 1966 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Basket Bull Jaleco 1993 Arcade / Basketball
Basket Fever Bay Tek Arcade / Skill game Sports
Basket Fortune Coast To Coast Entertainment Arcade
Basket World Trotter Giuliano Lodola 1979 Pinball / Solid State
Basketball Sega Enterprises, Inc. Arcade
Basketball Taito 1974 Videogame Sports
Basketball Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1949 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Basketball Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Basketball IDSA 1986 Pinball / Solid State
Basketball Sega 1966 Arcade
Basketball Midway Manufacturing Co. 1964 Arcade
Basketball Coinomatic Sales Company 1944 Arcade
Basketball Benchmark Games Inc. Arcade / Skill game Sports
Basketball Olympia Arcade / Basketball
Basketball Champ Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Basketball Stars Associated Amusements 1947 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Baskets Bally Manufacturing Co. 1940 Arcade
Baskette J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. 1931 Unknown
Basque R. A. Talbert Novelty Co. 1931 Unknown
Bass Angler Konami 1986 Videogame Sports
Bass Fishing Sega 1998 Videogame Sports
Bat and Ball United Mfg. 1955 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bat Car All Tech 1966 Arcade / Kiddie ride
Bat-A-Ball Mike Munves Mfg. Corp. 1946 Arcade / Counter game
Bat-A-Ball Peo Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Skill game
Bat-A-Ball Baseball Mike Munves Mfg. Corp. 1946 Arcade Sports
Bat-A-Ball Junior Mike Munves Mfg. Corp. 1947 Arcade / Counter game
Bat-A-Coin Field Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
Bat-A-Penny Steinmetz Manufacturing Co. 1926 Arcade / Counter game
Bat-A-Peny Bat-A-Peny Corp. 1928 Trade Stim.
Bat-A-Score H. C. Evans & Co. 1948 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical Sports
Bat-Em Electro-Ball Co., Inc. 1931 Unknown
Bat-Em In & Out Door Games Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Batman Data East 1991 Pinball / Solid State
Batman Atari Games 1990 Videogame Fighting
Batman Stern Pinball, Inc. 2008 Pinball / Solid State
Batman Coastal Amusements 2009 Arcade / Bopper
Batman Raw Thrills 2015 Videogame Skill
Batman Robin ElderPins 2000 Pinball
Batman - 66 Limited Edition Stern Pinball, Inc. 2016 Pinball / Solid State
Batman - 66 Premium Stern Pinball, Inc. 2016 Pinball / Solid State
Batman - 66 Super Limited Edition Stern Pinball, Inc. 2016 Pinball / Solid State
Batman - Standard Model Stern Pinball, Inc. 2010 Pinball / Solid State
Batman and Robin - Learning Bat Cave Unknown 1990 Arcade / Kiddie ride Adventure
Batman Bat Boat Unknown 1960 Arcade / Kiddie ride
Batman Forever Acclaim 1996 Videogame Fighting
Batman Forever Sega 1995 Pinball / Solid State
Batman Part 2 Thomas Automatics Inc. 1981 Videogame Shooter
Batrider Raizing 1997 Videogame Shooter
Batsugun Toaplan 1993 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Batter Up Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1958 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Batter Up Exhibit Supply Co., The 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Batter Up Genco Corp. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Batter Up Volly Industries Ltd. 1976 Videogame
Batter Up Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1970 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Batter-Up Ball Gum Vender Exhibit Supply Co., The 1929 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Batting Champ Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1939 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Batting Champ Williams Electronic Mfg. Co. (1958-1967) 1961 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Batting Chance Namco 1981 Videogame
Batting Practice Bally Manufacturing Co. 1959 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Batting Practice Scientific Machine Corp. 1941 Pinball
Batting Practice Irving Kaye Co., Inc. 1965 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical Sports
Battlantis Konami 1987 Videogame Shooter
Battle Bally Manufacturing Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Battle Sullivan-Nolan Advertising Co. 1942 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Battle Arena Toshinden 2 Capcom 1995 Videogame Fighting
Battle Back Alstate 1982 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Battle Bakraid 8ing 1999 Videogame Shooter
Battle Balls Seibu Kaihatsu 1995 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Battle Bird Irem 1986 Videogame Shooter
Battle Blaze American Sammy 1992 Videogame Fighting
Battle Bubble Limenko 2001 Videogame
Battle Chopper Irem 1987 Videogame Shooter
Battle Circuit Capcom 1997 Videogame Fighting
Battle Cross Omori Electric Co. Ltd. 1982 Videogame Shooter
Battle Cruiser M-12 Sigma Ent. Inc. 1982 Videogame Shooter
Battle Fantasia Taito 2006 Videogame Fighting
Battle Field SNK 1987 Videogame Fighting
Battle Flip Shot Visco Games 1998 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Battle Front TJF Technology Co. Ltd. 2005 Videogame
Battle Garegga Raizing/8ing 1996 Videogame Shooter
Battle Gear Taito 1998 Videogame Racing
Battle Gear 2 Taito 2000 Videogame Sports
Battle Gear 3 Taito 2004 Videogame Racing
Battle Gear 4 Tuned Taito 2006 Videogame Racing
Battle K-Road Psikyo 1994 Videogame Fighting
Battle King Unknown 1970 Arcade
Battle Lane Vol. 5 Taito 1986 Videogame Shooter
Battle Of Atlantis Comsoft/Game World 1981 Videogame Shooter
Battle Rangers Data East 1988 Videogame Fighting
Battle Shark Nintendo 1978 Arcade / Electro-Mechanical Shooter
Battle Shark Taito 1989 Videogame Shooter
Battle Star Sega/Gremlin 1982 Videogame
Battle Station Centuri 1977 Videogame Shooter
Battle Stations Smart Industries Corp. 2008 Videogame
Battle Tryst Konami 1998 Videogame Fighting
Battle Vision Konami 1997 Videogame Fighting
Battle Wings Data East 1984 Videogame Shooter
Battle-Road Irem 1984 Videogame Shooter
Battlechip Stadium Capcom 2006 Arcade
BattleCry Home Corp 1991 Videogame Fighting
Battleship Bally Manufacturing Co. 1934 Pinball / Mechanical
Battletech Sigma 1992 Videogame Shooter
Battletoads Rare Coin Games, Inc. 1994 Videogame Fighting
Battlezone Atari 1980 Videogame Shooter
Battling Champ Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1931 Unknown
Bay Route Sunsoft 1989 Videogame Fighting
Bayle's George E. Bayle Co. 1910 Vending
Bayle's Salted Peanuts Agner & Bushman 1910 Vending / Bulk
Bayle's Salted Peanuts George E. Bayle Co. 1910 Vending / Bulk
Baywatch Sega Pinball, Inc. 1995 Pinball / Solid State
Bazaar Bally Manufacturing Co. 1966 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bazaar Exhibit Supply Co., The 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bazaar Nasco / Nate Schneller Inc. 1949 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bazooka Project Support Engineering 1977 Videogame Shooter
Bazooka Midway Manufacturing Co. 1960 Arcade
BDR Slot Machine BDR Bristol 1939 Slot Machine / Wheel
Be Healthier Mills Novelty Co. 1909 Arcade / Shocker
Be Healthier Electric Massage Roover Brothers Co. 1906 Arcade / Shocker
Be-Bop Exhibit Supply Co., The 1950 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beach Beauty Bally Manufacturing Co. 1955 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beach Club Bally Manufacturing Co. 1953 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beach Club Nasco / Nate Schneller Inc. 1949 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beach Festival Comad 1997 Videogame Adult
Beach Games Rally 1962 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beach Head 2000 Tsunami Visual Technologies, Inc. 2000 Videogame Simulator
Beach Head 2002 Digital Fusion Inc. 2001 Videogame
Beach Queens Bally Manufacturing Co. 1960 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beach Spikers Sega 2002 Videogame Sports
Beach Time Bally Manufacturing Co. 1958 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beacon Stoner Manufacturing Corp. 1934 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beam Bot Back Skee Ball Co. 1999 Arcade
Beam Lite Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beam Scale Caille Bros. Co. Vending / Scale
Beam-Lite Of '37 Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bean 'im Ristaucrat, Inc. 1931 Unknown
Bean Bag Toss Innovative Concepts in Entertainment (ICE) 2017 Arcade / Redemption
Bean-O-Bag Pacific Manufacturing Corp. 1931 Unknown
Bean-Pepsin Penny Drop Bean-Pepsin Gum Co. 1920 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Beano Exhibit Supply Co., The 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bear Claw Smart Industries Corp. 1990 Arcade / Crane Skill
Beast - From What Are You Descended Unknown 1940 Arcade / Shocker
Beast Busters SNK 1990 Videogame Shooter
Beast Busters: Second Nightmare SNK 1999 Videogame Shooter
Beastie Feastie Cardinal Amusement Products 1984 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Beastorizer 8ing/Raizing 1997 Videogame Fighting
Beat 'Em Western Equipment & Supply 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beat Aces Monte Carlo Amusement Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beat Head Atari Games 1993 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Beat It Exhibit Supply Co., The 1931 Unknown
Beat Player 2000 Comad 2000 Videogame Skill
Beat The Champ Konami 1995 Videogame Sports
Beat the Clock Williams Electronic Mfg. Co. (1958-1967) 1963 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beat the Clock Bally Midway 1985 Pinball / Solid State
Beat The Clock Benchmark Games Inc. Arcade Skill
Beat The Clock Betson Enterprises Arcade Skill
Beat the Clock Bally Wolfe-Germany Bally Wulff 1985 Pinball / Solid State
Beat Time Williams Electronic Mfg. Co. (1958-1967) 1967 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beatem V. P. Distributing Co. 1944 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beatles, The Bally Manufacturing Co. Slot Machine
Beatles, The - Custom Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1980 Pinball
Beatles, The - Yellow Submarine Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 2001 Music / Jukebox
Beatmania Konami 1998 Videogame Skill
Beatmania 2nd Mix Konami 1998 Videogame Skill
Beatmania 3rd Mix Konami 1999 Videogame Skill
Beatmania 4th Mix ~Time To Get Down~ Konami 1999 Videogame Skill
Beatmania 5th Mix: The Beat Goes On Konami 1999 Videogame Skill
Beatmania 6th Mix: The UK Underground Music Konami 2001 Videogame Skill
Beatmania 7th Mix: Keepin' Evolution Konami 2002 Videogame Skill
Beatmania Club Mix Konami 2000 Videogame
Beatmania Complete Mix Konami 1999 Videogame Dance / Rhythm
Beatmania Complete Mix 2 Konami 2000 Videogame Dance / Rhythm
Beatmania Featuring Dreams Come True Konami 2000 Videogame Skill
Beatmania IIDX Konami 1999 Videogame Skill
Beatmania IIDX 10th Style Konami 2004 Arcade
Beatmania IIDX 13 Distorted Konami 2006 Videogame
Beatmania IIDX 17th Sirius Konami 2009 Videogame
Beatmania IIDX 2nd Style Konami 2000 Videogame Skill
Beatmania IIDX 3rd Style Konami 2000 Videogame Skill
Beatmania IIDX 4th Style Konami 2000 Videogame Dance / Rhythm
Beatmania IIDX 5th Style Konami 2001 Videogame Dance / Rhythm
Beatmania IIDX 6th Style Konami 2001 Videogame Dance / Rhythm
Beatmania IIDX 7th Style Konami 2002 Arcade Dance / Rhythm
Beatmania IIDX 8th Style Konami 2002 Arcade / Skill game Dance / Rhythm
Beatmania IIDX 9th Style Konami 2003 Arcade Dance / Rhythm
Beatmania IIDX Substream Konami 2000 Videogame Skill
Beatmania IIDX.11: IIDX RED Konami 2004 Arcade
Beatmania IIDX24 Sinobuz Konami 2016 Videogame Simulator
Beatmania III Konami 2000 Videogame Skill
Beatmania III Append 6th Mix Konami 2001 Videogame Skill
Beatmania III Append Core Remix Konami 2000 Videogame Skill
Beatmania The Final Konami 2003 Videogame
Beatniks Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1967 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beatniks (Italian version) Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1967 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beauty Bally Manufacturing Co. 1940 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Beauty Beauty Horse Sales Corporation 1952 Arcade / Kiddie ride
Beauty Beach Bally Manufacturing Co. 1965 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beauty Contest Bally Manufacturing Co. 1960 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beauty Queens Bally Manufacturing Co. 1960 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Beaver Beaver Vending / Bulk
Beavis And Butt-Head Atari Games 1996 Videogame Shooter
Bebe Arc En Ciel Scott, Adickes & Co., Ltd. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Bebop Block Marble Co. 1949 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bee Bee Boppin' Leisure and Allied Industries - LAI Arcade
Bee Hive Clawson Machine Co. 1896 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Bee Jay Pacific Manufacturing Corp. 1931 Unknown
Bee Jay Pacific Amusement Mfg. Co (PAMCO) 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bee Lucky Valley Recreation Products, Inc. 2000 Arcade / Coin drop
Bee Panic Namco 2001 Vending
Bee Storm - DoDonPachi II I.G.S. 2001 Videogame
Beech-Nut Beech-Nut 1928 Vending / Gum
Beech-Nut Chewing Gum Kayem Products Co., Inc. 1947 Vending / Gum
Beech-Nut Gum Sell-Weigh 1920 Vending / Gum
Beech-Nut Lemon Drops Beech-Nut Vending / Candy
Beech-Nut Mints Sell-Weigh 1920 Vending
Beech-Nut Orange Drops Sell-Weigh 1920 Vending
Beech-Nut Sours Beech-Nut Vending / Candy
Beehive Will P. Canaan 1940 Vending / Bulk
Beer Ball Bay Tek 2011 Arcade
Beer Mug Penny Play Great States Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
Beer Pong Master Bay Tek 2015 Arcade / Skill game
Beer Target Great States Manufacturing Co. 1933 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Beezer Tong 1982 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Bega's Battle Data East 1983 Videogame Fighting
Behind Enemy Lines Sega 1998 Videogame Shooter
Beisbol Maresa / Maquinas Recreativas Sociedad Anonima 1970 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bel-Air Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1965 Arcade / Bowler
Belfry Chas. Ahrens 1930 Arcade / Working model
Bell Sega Enterprises, Inc. Slot Machine / Bell
Bell Ball Reisinger Machine Works, Inc. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Bell Boy Western Automatic Machine Co. 1931 Unknown
Bell Boy, The Mills Novelty Co. 1931 Trade Stim. / Reel
Bell Fruit Gum Industry Novelty Co. 1913 Slot Machine / Bell
Bell Fruit Gum Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Coin drop
Bell Gum Vendor Caille Bros. Co. 1908 Slot Machine / Bell
Bell Hop Manikin Vendor Co. 1929 Vending / Gum
Bell Jack Exhibit Supply Co., The 1929 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Bell Ringer Premier / Gottlieb 1990 Pinball / Solid State
Bell Skill A. B. C. Coin Machine Co. 1932 Pinball
Bell Slide Daval Manufacturing Co. 1938 Trade Stim. / Reel
Bell-O-Ball Bell-O-Ball Mfg. 1944 Arcade / Bowler
Bell-O-Matic Mills Novelty Co. 1950 Slot Machine / Reel
Belle Elevator S. & F. Sales Co. Vending
Belle Hop Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1941 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bells California Exhibit Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bells Bally Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
Bells Pacific Manufacturing Corp. 1931 Unknown
Bells & Whistles Konami 1991 Videogame Shooter
Belly Bomber Namco 1994 Arcade
Belmont Bally Manufacturing Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Belmont Jr. Merchants Advertising Co. 1933 Trade Stim. / Racing
Belote Monaco, La Pierre Bussoz 1922 Slot Machine / Wheel
Belvend Chlorophyll Gum Belvend Manufacturing Co., Inc. 1950 Vending / Gum
Ben Bero Bee Taito 1984 Videogame Platform
Ben Franklin Mills Novelty Co. 1901 Trade Stim. / Card game
Ben Hur Caille Bros. Co. 1908 Slot Machine / Wheel
Ben Hur Multimedia Content 2000 Videogame Racing
Ben Hur Pace Manufacturing Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Ben Hur Staal Society (France) 1977 Pinball / Solid State
Ben Hur - Floor Model Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Wheel
Ben Trovato A. D . P. Coin Machine Co. 1931 Unknown
Benedict Perfume Vendor Michael Benedict 1904 Vending
Bennett Cigar Vendor Bennett and Co. 1900 Vending / Cigar
Bera-Ball Bera Automatenfabrik 1933 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Beraboh Man Namco 1988 Videogame Fighting
Berger Paul E. Berger Manufacturing Co. 1904 Vending / Gum
Berger Upright Paul E. Berger Manufacturing Co. 1930 Slot Machine / Wheel
Berkshire Great States Manufacturing Co. 1938 Vending
Berlin Or Bust Unknown 1917 Pinball / Mechanical
Berlin Wall Kaneko 1991 Videogame Platform
Bermuda Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bermuda Roll Down Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1948 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bermuda Triangle SNK 1987 Videogame Shooter
Bermuda Triangle Lazer Tron Arcade
Beromat Wulff Manufacturing 1955 Slot Machine / Reel
Berzerk Stern Electronics 1980 Videogame Shooter
Best Bet Victory Games 1947 Pinball
Best Bout Boxing Jaleco 1994 Videogame Sports
Best Corsair, The Europlay 1976 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Best Hand Daval Manufacturing Co. 1947 Arcade / Counter game
Best Jump, The Mondialmatic 1979 Pinball
Best League Playmark 1993 Videogame Sports
Best Space Time, The Skillgame d.b.a. Renato Montanari Giochi (a.k.a. R.M.G.) 1973 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical Space
Best Wizard, The Skillgame d.b.a. Renato Montanari Giochi (a.k.a. R.M.G.) 1972 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bet-A-Bloc Status Game Corporation Videogame Gambling
Beta Shuffle Alley United Amusement Co. 1969 Arcade / Bowler
Betcha Ball Zenith Mfg. Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Betham's Pepsin Celery Gum Unknown Vending / Gum
Betty Barker Atlas Manufacturing and Sales Co. 1950 Vending / Gum
Betty Boop Field Manufacturing Co. 1933 Trade Stim. / Coin drop Gambling
Bi Disc Graphophone Columbia Phonograph Co. 1900 Music / Phonograph
BI-JA-Roul Unknown (Temporary) Pinball / Mechanical
Bi-More Columbus Vending Co. 1936 Vending / Gum/Bulk
Bicar Unknown 1965 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical Racing
Bicycle Sun Manufacturing Co. 1896 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Bicycle Waddel Wooden Ware Works 1893 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Bicycle Discount Wheel Waddel Wooden Ware Works 1896 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Bicycle Discount Wheel Poole Bros. Manufacturers 1904 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Bicycle Race Unknown 1940 Arcade / Racing
Big 3 Westerhaus Amusement Co. 1945 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big 7 Shuffle Bally Manufacturing Co. 1962 Arcade / Bowler
Big Apple A. B. T. Manufacturing Co. 1930 Vending
Big Apple Bally Manufacturing Co. Slot Machine / Bell
Big Apple Merit Industries 1987 Videogame Gambling
Big Ball Bowlers Design Plus Industries Arcade / Ball bowler Skill
Big Bang NMK/Banpresto 1993 Videogame Shooter
Big Bang Bar Capcom 1996 Pinball / Solid State
Big Bang Bar Pinball Manufacturing Inc., a division of Illinois Pinball I 2007 Pinball / Solid State
Big Bank Nite Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Barney Bally Manufacturing Co. Slot Machine / Bell
Big Bass Wheel Bay-Tek Incorporated 2008 Arcade
Big Bass Wheel Pro Bay-Tek Incorporated 2008 Arcade
Big Bat Bally Midway 1984 Arcade / Solid State
Big Ben Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1975 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Ben Daval Manufacturing Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Ben Segasa 1975 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Ben Hawtins 1946 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Ben Williams Mfg. Co., Chicago, IL (1944-1958) 1954 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Bend Pasini Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Bertha Bally Manufacturing Co. Slot Machine / Bell
Big Bertha Junior Daval Manufacturing Co. 1934 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Bertha Senior Daval Manufacturing Co. 1934 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Bones Pioneer Games Co. 1933 Trade Stim. / Dice
Big Bones Pioneer Novelty 1933 Trade Stim. / Dice
Big Bonus Shuffle Alley United Amusement Co. 1960 Arcade / Bowler
Big Boy Snicker Table Co. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Big Boy Bally Manufacturing Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Brave Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1974 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Brave Bensa 1974 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Brave Maresa / Maquinas Recreativas Sociedad Anonima Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Broadcast Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Big Broadcast Bingo Novelty Mfg. Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Big Broadcast (Junior) Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Big Broadcast (Sr) Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Big Broncho Exhibit Supply Co., The 1951 Arcade / Kiddie ride
Big Bronco Exhibit Supply Co., The 1952 Arcade / Kiddie ride
Big Brother Daval Manufacturing Co. 1934 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Buck HD Wild Raw Thrills 2016 Videogame Shooter
Big Buck Hunter Incredible Technologies 2000 Videogame Shooter
Big Buck Hunter 2006: Call of the Wild Incredible Technologies 2006 Videogame Shooter
Big Buck Hunter II Incredible Technologies 2003 Videogame Shooter
Big Buck Hunter Pro Stern Pinball, Inc. 2010 Pinball / Solid State Shooter
Big Buck Hunter PRO Raw Thrills 2005 Videogame Shooter
Big Buck Hunter Pro - Open Season Raw Thrills 2000 Videogame Shooter
Big Buck Hunter: Shooter's Challenge Incredible Technologies 2002 Videogame Shooter
Big Buck Safari Raw Thrills 2008 Videogame Shooter
Big Buck World Raw Thrills 2010 Videogame Shooter
Big Bucks Trivia Dynasoft 1986 Videogame Trivia / Quiz
Big Bug Zapper Skee Ball Co. 2001 Arcade
Big Casino Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Casino Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1961 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Casino Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Casino Status Game Corporation 1984 Videogame Gambling
Big Champ Alben 1964 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Cherry Buckley Manufacturing. Co. Slot Machine / Bell
Big Chief H. L. Blake Co. Vending
Big Chief Williams Electronic Mfg. Co. (1958-1967) 1965 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Chief Genco Corp. 1940 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Chief Bally Manufacturing Co. 1932 Pinball
Big Choice 24 in. claw machine Betson Enterprises 1980 Arcade / Crane
Big Choice 30 in. claw machine Betson Enterprises 1980 Arcade / Crane
Big Choice 36 in. claw machine Betson Enterprises 1980 Arcade / Crane
Big Choice 40 in. claw machine Betson Enterprises 1980 Arcade / Crane
Big Daddy Williams Electronic Mfg. Co. (1958-1967) 1963 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Day Bally Manufacturing Co. 1964 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Deal 1963 Williams Electronic Mfg. Co. (1958-1967) 1963 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Deal 1977 Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1977 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Dick Unknown 1998 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Dryvers Mondialmatic 1979 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Duke Computer Games Inc. Arcade / Shooter Shooter
Big Eagle J. Martina 1968 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Event Golf Taito 1986 Videogame Sports
Big Fair Talleres del Llobregat S.A. (Automaticos) Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Fight - Big Trouble in the Atlantic Ocean Tatsumi 1992 Videogame Fighting
Big Five J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Flipper Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1970 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Four Watling Manufacturing Co. 1904 Slot Machine / Wheel
Big Game Watling Manufacturing Co. 1940 Slot Machine / Console
Big Game Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Game Stern Electronics 1980 Pinball / Solid State
Big Game Hunter A. B. T. Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
Big Guessing Scale Watling Manufacturing Co. 1941 Vending / Scale
Big Guns Williams Electronic Games, Inc. (WMS, 1985-2000) 1987 Pinball / Solid State
Big Guns Universal de Desarrollos Electronicos, S.A. (a.k.a. Unidesa/ Pinball / Solid State
Big Handicap Bally Manufacturing Co. 1948 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Haul Benchmark Games Inc. Arcade / Coin drop Skill
Big Healey Unknown 1996 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Hit Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1977 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Hit (1946) Exhibit Supply Co., The 1946 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Hit (1952) Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1952 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical Sports
Big Hit (1962) Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1962 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Horse Maresa 1975 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big House Premier / Gottlieb 1989 Pinball / Solid State
Big Hunt A.M.I. 1976 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Indian Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1974 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Injun Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1973 Pinball / Mechanical
Big Inning Bally Manufacturing Co. 1958 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Inning Williams Electronic Mfg. Co. (1958-1967) 1963 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Inning Bally Manufacturing Co. 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Jack Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1968 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Jax Standard Coin Machine Co. Slot Machine / Bell
Big Joke, The Greyhound 1988 Videogame
Big Karnak Gaelco 1991 Videogame Fighting
Big Kick Sega 1975 Pinball / Solid State
Big Kong Unknown 1981 Videogame Platform
Big League Samco Vending / Gum
Big League Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1954 Pinball
Big League United Game Co., Inc. 1931 Unknown
Big League Pacific Manufacturing Corp. 1931 Unknown
Big League Genco Corp. 1940 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big League Bally Manufacturing Co. 1946 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big League Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1975 Pinball / Solid State
Big League Williams Electronic Mfg. Co. (1958-1967) 1966 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big League 5 Star Redemption, Inc. 2004 Arcade Sports
Big League Baseball Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1965 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big League Baseball Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1955 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big League Baseball Williams Mfg. Co., Chicago, IL (1944-1958) 1954 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Leaguer American Scale Mfg. Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Big Leaguer Pacific Amusement Mfg. Co (PAMCO) 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Lebowski Pinball, The Dutch Pinball 2016 Pinball / Solid State
Big Little Joker Bridget Mfg. Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Big Mouth 2000 Meltec, Inc. Arcade / Redemption
Big Parade Exhibit Supply Co., The 1941 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Parlay Keeney and Sons, Inc. 1947 Arcade
Big Parley J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Prize Western Products, Inc. 1940 Slot Machine / Electro-Mechanical
Big Pro Wrestling! Technos 1984 Videogame Sports
Big Race Mills Novelty Co. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Red Button ticket game Global VR 1999 Arcade / Reflex
Big Red Keno International Game Technology 1979 Slot Machine
Big Richard Exhibit Supply Co., The 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Rig Henry W.T. Mali & Co., Inc. 1977 Pinball
Big Rig Truckin' Benchmark Games Inc. Arcade / Coin drop Skill
Big Rock Seeburg 1946 Arcade / Rifle
Big Roll Western Automatic Machine Co. 1931 Vending
Big Roll Western Equipment & Supply 1931 Unknown
Big Round-Up Keeney and Sons, Inc. 1950 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Roundup Shyvers Manufacturing Co. (of Seattle) 1934 Pinball / Mechanical
Big Run Jaleco 1990 Videogame Racing
Big Sakem Ripepi 1974 Pinball
Big Shot A. B. T. Manufacturing Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Shot Exhibit Supply Co., The 1934 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Shot Hercules Novelty Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Big Shot Silver-Marshal, Inc. 1931 Unknown
Big Shot California Exhibit Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Shot Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1973 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Shot Field Manufacturing Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Big Shot Gotham Pressed Steel Corp. 1937 Pinball / Mechanical
Big Shot Bay Tek Arcade / Skill game Sports
Big Shot Streets Automatic Machine Co., Ltd. Arcade / Shooter
Big Shot Unknown 1940 Arcade / Roll Down
Big Shot Continental Bally Manufacturing Co. 1972 Slot Machine / Bell
Big Show Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1940 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Show (1956) Bally Manufacturing Co. 1956 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Show (1974) Bally Manufacturing Co. 1974 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Six Caille Bros. Co. 1904 Slot Machine / Upright
Big Six Mills Novelty Co. 1904 Slot Machine / Upright
Big Six Watling Manufacturing Co. 1903 Slot Machine / Upright
Big Six J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. 1939 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Six - 45 Twin Caille Bros. Co. 1904 Slot Machine / Upright
Big Six - Lone Star Twin Caille Bros. Co. 1904 Slot Machine / Upright
Big Six Gum Vender Charles Fey & Sons 1911 Slot Machine / Reel
Big Six Lone Star Twin Floor Wheel Caille Bros. Co. 1904 Slot Machine / Upright
Big Six O.K. Gum Vender Watling Manufacturing Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Reel
Big Six Special Floor Wheel Caille Bros. Co. 1904 Slot Machine / Upright
Big Six Upright Watling Manufacturing Co. 1903 Slot Machine / Wheel
Big Six-Eclipse Twin Caille Bros. Co. 1904 Slot Machine / Upright
Big Star Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1972 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Star Six Caille Bros. Co. 1900 Slot Machine / Upright
Big Strike Williams Electronic Mfg. Co. (1958-1967) 1966 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Strike Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1968 Arcade / Bowler
Big Strike Shuffle Alley Williams / United (bowlers) 1983 Arcade / Bowler
Big Striker Jaleco 1992 Videogame Sports
Big Ten H. C. Evans & Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Ten J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. 1938 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Three Griswold Manufacturing Co. 1901 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Big Three Mills Novelty Co. 1941 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Time Baker Novelty Co., Inc. 1941 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Time Bally Manufacturing Co. 1954 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Together Sega 1975 Pinball / Solid State
Big Top Advance Manufacturing Co. 1969 Vending / Gum
Big Top Bally Manufacturing Co. Slot Machine / Console
Big Top Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1973 Arcade / Rifle
Big Top J. F. Frantz Mfg. Co. Trade Stim. / Counter game
Big Top Genco Corp. 1949 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Top Pioneer Coin Machine Co. 1945 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Top Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1964 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Top Wico Corp. 1977 Pinball / Solid State
Big Top V. P. Distributing Co. 1944 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Top (never produced) Premier / Gottlieb Pinball / Solid State
Big Top - Kicker and Catcher J. F. Frantz Mfg. Co. 1960 Arcade / Roll Down
Big Top Balloon vending machine Vend-Rite 1960 Vending / Service
Big Top Bonanza Creative Electronics And Software, Inc. 2000 Arcade
Big Top Bop Creative Electronics And Software, Inc. 2000 Arcade
Big Top Mini Pinball Mayoni Enterprises 1989 Pinball / Mechanical
Big Top New Yorker Genco Corp. 1954 Arcade / Rifle
Big Top Rifle Gallery Genco Corp. 1954 Arcade
Big Top Twin Rifle Gallery Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1973 Arcade
Big Town Playmatic 1978 Pinball / Solid State
Big Town Genco Corp. 1940 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Twin Playmark 1995 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Big Valley Bally Manufacturing Co. 1970 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Valley Renato Montanari Giochi / RMG 1970 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Wheel Bally Manufacturing Co. 1968 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Big Wheel Coastal Amusements Arcade / Coin drop Skill
Bigfoot Bally Manufacturing Co. 1976 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bigfoot Bonkers Meadows Games 1976 Videogame Racing
Bijokko Gakuen Nichibutsu 1988 Videogame Mahjong
Bijokko Yume Monogatari Nichibutsu 1987 Videogame Mahjong
Bijou Pickwick Pessers, Moody, Wraith & Gurr 1914 Slot Machine / Wall game
Bike Race SLEIC 1992 Pinball / Solid State
Bike Race Mike Munves Mfg. Corp. 1940 Arcade / Racing Skill
Bikini Bally 1961 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bikini Thames Mfg. Co. (a.k.a. TACO) 1950 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bill Hop Lux Unknown 1933 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Billiard Academy Real Break Nakanihon 1998 Videogame Adult
Billiard Americain Karateco Videogame
Billiard Flash Shyvers Manufacturing Co. (of Seattle) 1934 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Billiard Practice A. B. T. Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Billiard Skill
Billiard Practice Target Pool Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1950 Arcade / Billiard
Billiard Table Widget Mfg. Co. 1931 Unknown
Billiard Vertical, Le Unknown 1910 Slot Machine / Wall game
Billiardette Table Bauman Mfg. Co. 1931 Unknown
Billiardo Mr. Lee 1931 Unknown
Billiardo Gerber's Games Inc. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Billiards Gerber & Glass (G. M. Laboratories) 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Billiards The Unknown 1981 Videogame Sports
Billiomat Coinomatic Corp. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Billy Buster Bob's Space Racers 1983 Arcade
Bimbo United Billiards 1981 Arcade
Bimbo-Box Uta Elektroakustik 1958 Music / Jukebox
Bimore Double Vendor Columbus Vending Co. 1925 Vending / Gum/Bulk
Binary land Hudson Soft 1985 Videogame
Bing Bally Manufacturing Co. 1938 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bing Bang Game Unknown Pinball / Mechanical
Bing Crosby's Junior Juke Lindstrom Corp. 1948 Music / Jukebox
Bing-a-Roll Genco Corp. 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bing-O Roll Bing-O Roll Mfg. Co. 1931 Unknown
Bing-O-Reno Scientific Machine Corp. 1954 Pinball
Bingo Bingo Novelty Mfg. Co. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Bingo Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Bingo D. Robbins & Co., Mfrs. 1938 Arcade / Counter game
Bingo Keeney and Sons, Inc. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Bingo Specialty Mfg. Co., The 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Bingo Field Manufacturing Co. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Bingo Greyhound 1984 Videogame
Bingo A-1 Supply Videogame
Bingo SMS Manufacturing 1988 Slot Machine / Video
Bingo (Continental) Bally Manufacturing Co. Slot Machine / Bell
Bingo (Improved) Bingo Novelty Mfg. Co. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Bingo Ball Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1931 Unknown
Bingo Ball Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Bingo Bango Nasco / Nate Schneller Inc. 1951 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bingo Bell Auto-Bell Novelty Co. Slot Machine / Bell
Bingo Bell Buckley Manufacturing. Co. 1950 Slot Machine / Reel
Bingo Bombo Recreativos Franco 1990 Pinball
Bingo Planet Ball Bingo Novelty Mfg. Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Bingo Play Cards Bingo Novelty Mfg. Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Bingo Space Recel S. A. 1981 Pinball / Solid State
Bingo Time Meyco Games Inc. Videogame
Bingo Vacation Keaon Corp. 2000 Pinball / Solid State
Bingo Whirl Bingo Novelty Mfg. Co. 1931 Unknown
Bingo Whirl A. M. Amusement Games 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Bingo-Cards DeLo Specialty Co. 1940 Pinball
Bio Attack Taito 1983 Videogame Shooter
Bio Freaks Midway Games 1998 Videogame Fighting
Bio-Hazard Battle Sega 1992 Videogame Shooter
Bio-Rhythm For-Play Manufacturers Corp. 1978 Arcade / Fortune
Bio-Ship Paladin UPL 1990 Videogame Shooter
Biomechanical Toy Gaelco 1995 Videogame Shooter
Bionic Bunch Coastal Amusements Arcade / Redemption
Bionic Commando Capcom 1987 Videogame Fighting
Biorythm Unknown (Temporary) Vending / Service
BiPlane Fun Games Inc. 1974 Videogame Shooter
BiPlane 4 Fun Games Inc. 1976 Videogame Shooter
Bird Man Sonic (d.b.a. of Segasa) 1978 Pinball
Bird of Paradise Watling Manufacturing Co. 1936 Slot Machine / Bell
Birdie Baker Novelty Co., Inc. 1940 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Birdie King Taito 1982 Videogame Sports
Birdie King 2 Taito 1983 Videogame Sports
Birdie King 3 Taito 1984 Videogame Sports
Birdie Try Data East 1988 Videogame Sports
Birdies Purdy-Moore Manufacturing Corp. 1928 Vending / Gum
Birdies Gum Vender Purdy-Moore Manufacturing Corp. 1909 Vending / Gum
Birdiy Mama Top 1983 Videogame Skill
Birdland J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. 1960 Pinball
Birsfield Stamp Machine J. A. Birsfield Co. Vending / Stamp
Biscayne Pool Table Rowe International Inc. 1971 Arcade / Pool Skill
Bishi Bashi Championship Mini Game Senshuken Konami 1996 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Bishi Bashi, The Konami 2009 Arcade
Bishoujo Janshi Pretty Sailor 18-kin Sphinx 1994 Videogame Mahjong
Bishoujo Janshi Pretty Sailor 2 Sphinx 1994 Videogame Mahjong
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Banpresto 1995 Videogame Fighting
Black & Reed Inder 1975 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Black Ace Kramer 1931 Unknown
Black Aritipe? Recel S. A. 1980 Pinball / Solid State
Black Baby Field Manufacturing Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Black Baker Manikin Vendor Co. 1929 Vending / Gum
Black Ball Royal Novelty Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Black Beauty Tom Boland 1956 Slot Machine / Bell
Black Beauty Genco Corp. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Black Beauty Stern Electronics 1984 Arcade / Puck bowler
Black Beauty Mills Novelty Co. 1949 Slot Machine / Bell
Black Beauty Field Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
Black Beauty Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1934 Pinball / Mechanical
Black Beauty "Castlefront" Baker Novelty Co., Inc. 1946 Slot Machine / Bell
Black Beauty "Diamond Front" Baker Novelty Co., Inc. 1946 Slot Machine / Bell
Black Beauty Game Rich Toys / Rich Manufacturing Co. Pinball / Mechanical
Black Beauty High Top Mills Novelty Co. 1940 Slot Machine / Bell
Black Beauty High Top Mills Novelty Co. 1956 Slot Machine / Bell
Black Beauty Shuffle Board Penn Shuffleboard Co. 1949 Arcade / Shuffle
Black Beetles TDS Mints 1980 Videogame Other
Black Belt Bally Midway 1986 Pinball / Solid State
Black Boiler (canibal themed Chicken Sam conversion) Unknown Arcade / Rifle
Black Cat Caille Bros. Co. 1902 Slot Machine / Upright
Black Cat Griswold Manufacturing Co. 1895 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Black Cat with Music Caille Bros. Co. 1907 Slot Machine / Upright
Black Cherry Mills Novelty Co. 1936 Slot Machine / Bell
Black Cherry Bell Mills Novelty Co. 1945 Slot Machine / Bell
Black Chevron Q.T. Mills Novelty Co. 1934 Slot Machine / Reel
Black Diamond Gum Bethlehem Manufacturing 1900 Vending / Gum
Black Diamond Pepsin Gum National Vending Machine Co. 1905 Vending / Gum
Black Dragon Keeney and Sons, Inc. Pinball
Black Dragon Capcom 1987 Videogame Platform
Black Fever Playmatic 1980 Pinball / Solid State
Black Flag Playmatic 1975 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Black Flag Playmatic 1973 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Black Gold Genco Corp. 1949 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Black Gold Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1975 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Black Gold Bell Mills Novelty Co. 1947 Slot Machine / Bell
Black Heart UPL 1991 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Black Hole Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1981 Pinball / Solid State
Black Hole Game-A-Tron 1980 Videogame Shooter
Black Hole Giuliano Lodola 1980 Pinball / Solid State
Black Hole Taito Do Brazil, a division of Taito Pinball / Solid State
Black Hole LTD 1980 Pinball / Solid State Space
Black Hole Coastal Amusements 2015 Arcade / Redemption Skill
Black Jack Groetchen Tool & Mfg. Co. 1936 Trade Stim. / Reel
Black Jack Williams Electronic Mfg. Co. (1958-1967) 1960 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Black Jack Game-A-Tron 1983 Videogame Card
Black Jack Casey's Electronics Inc. Arcade
Black Jack (EM) Bally Manufacturing Co. 1976 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Black Jack (SS) Bally Manufacturing Co. 1977 Pinball / Solid State
Black Knight Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1980 Pinball / Solid State
Black Knight 2000 Williams Electronic Games, Inc. (WMS, 1985-2000) 1989 Pinball / Solid State
Black Knight Limited Edition Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1981 Pinball / Solid State
Black Line Alvamat AG 1983 Videogame
Black Magic Euro Flip Pinball / Solid State
Black Magic Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1936 Trade Stim. / Dice
Black Magic Recel S. A. 1980 Pinball / Solid State
Black Man Manikin Vendor Co. 1929 Vending / Gum
Black Out Baker Novelty Co., Inc. 1941 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Black Panther Konami 1987 Videogame Fighting
Black Pearl Unknown (Temporary) 2009 Pinball / Solid State
Black Pyramid Bally Midway 1984 Pinball / Solid State
Black Rider Giuliano Lodola 1981 Pinball / Solid State
Black Rose Bally 1992 Pinball / Solid State
Black Sheep Squadron Astro Games Inc. 1979 Pinball / Solid State
Black Tie Toys Coastal Amusements 2015 Arcade / Crane Skill
Black Tiger Capcom 1987 Videogame Fighting
Black Velvet Game Plan 1978 Pinball / Solid State
Black Widow Atari 1982 Videogame Shooter
Black-Jack Acorn Vending Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Blackbelt Zaccaria 1986 Pinball / Solid State
Blackhawk Aspirin Blackhawk Specialty Co. 1932 Vending
Blackjack Mills Novelty Co. 1935 Trade Stim. / Reel
Blackjack 21 Field Manufacturing Co. 1931 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Blackout Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1980 Pinball / Solid State
Blackstone Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Blackstone Stoner Manufacturing Corp. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Blackwater 100 Bally Midway 1988 Pinball / Solid State
Blade Master Irem 1991 Videogame Fighting
Blade of Honor Konami 2001 Videogame
Blades Of Steel Konami 1987 Videogame Sports
Blanche Pace Manufacturing Co. 1934 Slot Machine / Bell
Blanche Comet Pace Manufacturing Co. 1935 Slot Machine / Bell
Blandia Allumer 1992 Videogame Fighting
Blast It Lazer Tron 2001 Videogame / Redemption
Blast Off Namco 1989 Videogame Shooter
Blast Off Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1967 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Blast Off! Skee Ball, Inc. 2005 Arcade / Ball bowler
Blasted Bally Midway 1988 Videogame Shooter
Blaster Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1983 Videogame Shooter
Blasteroids Atari Games 1987 Videogame Shooter
Blasto UPL 1978 Videogame Shooter
BlazBlue Calamity Trigger AMI 2008 Videogame Fighting
Blazeon Atlus 1992 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Blazer Namco 1987 Videogame Shooter
Blazer Shuffle Alley United Amusement Co. 1966 Arcade / Bowler
Blazing Angels-Squadrons Of WWII Global VR 2008 Videogame Simulator
Blazing Star Yumekobo 1998 Videogame Shooter
Blazing Tornado Human 1994 Videogame Sports
Bling King Coastal Amusements 2015 Arcade / Crane Skill
Blink-Feuer Paul Bohlmann, Automatenbau 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Blinker Bowler Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1955 Arcade / Puck Bowler
Blinkey Standard Gum Machine Works 1907 Vending / Gum
Blinkey Eye J. W. Hange Foundry Co. 1907 Vending / Gum
Blinkey Eye Standard Gum Machine Works 1907 Vending / Gum
Blitz Serco, Inc. 1976 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Blitz 2000 NBA Showtime combo console Midway Games 2000 Videogame Skill
Blo Football Sound Leisure Arcade Sports
Block Game Corp. 1986 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Block Shoei 1977 Videogame Ball and Paddle - Breakout
Block Block Capcom 1991 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Block Buster Mirco Incorporated - Games Division 1976 Videogame
Block Buster Kiwako Co., Ltd. 1983 Videogame
Block Carnival Visco Games 1992 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Block Fever Nintendo 1978 Videogame Ball and Paddle - Breakout
Block Gal Sega/Vic Tokai 1987 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Block Game Konami 1978 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Block Hole Konami 1989 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Block Out Technos 1989 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Block-A-Shot Brunswick 1976 Pinball
Blockade UPL 1976 Videogame Skill
Blockbuster Elcon Industries 1977 Videogame
Blocken HID/Visco Games 1994 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Blomby Car ABM/Gecas 1994 Videogame Racing
Blondie Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1956 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Blondie Genco Corp. 1940 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Blood Bros. TAD Corporation 1990 Videogame Shooter
Blood Warrior Kaneko 1994 Videogame Fighting
BloodStorm Strata 1994 Videogame Fighting
Bloody Battle in Taierzhuang 1938 Dragon World International 2010 Videogame
Bloody China Geiger 1985 Pinball / Solid State
Bloody Roar 8ing/Raizing 1997 Videogame Fighting
Bloody Roar 2 8ing/Raizing 1998 Videogame Fighting
Bloody Roar 3 Hudson Soft/8ing/Raizing 2001 Videogame Fighting
Bloody Roller Playbar S.A. 1987 Pinball / Solid State
Bloody Tower, The Bollands Amusement Machine Supply 1970 Arcade / Working model
Bloody Wolf Data East 1988 Videogame Fighting
Blow Ball (air controlled) C. R. Kirk & Co. 1931 Unknown
Blow Gum Machine Chu-Moar Gum Co. Vending / Gum
Blow-Me-Down Coast Coin Machine Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Bloxeed Sega 1990 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Blue Bell High Top Mills Novelty Co. 1949 Slot Machine / Bell
Blue Bird Bally Manufacturing Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Blue Bird Perfume Vendor Blue Bird Products Co. 1928 Vending
Blue Blazer L. B. Elliott Products Co. 1931 Unknown
Blue Box C. E. Hoagland 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Blue Chip Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1976 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Blue Chip Bally Manufacturing Co. 1975 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Blue Chip Shuffle Board American Shuffleboard Co. Arcade / Pool Skill
Blue Diamond Willy Michiels (a.k.a. WIMI Games) 1995 Pinball / Solid State
Blue Eagle Charles Fey & Sons 1934 Trade Stim. / Dice
Blue Eagle Gee Bee Mfg. Co. 1931 Unknown
Blue Front Golden Mills Novelty Co. 1937 Slot Machine / Bell
Blue Grass Bally Manufacturing Co. 1941 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Blue Hawk Dooyong 1993 Videogame Shooter
Blue Max Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1975 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Blue Max MCI 1971 Arcade / Electro-Mechanical
Blue Maxx Merit Industries 1999 Videogame
Blue Note Gottlieb, D., & Co., a Columbia Pictures Industries Co. 1979 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Blue Print Bally Midway 1982 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Blue Regal Regal Products Co. 1940 Vending / Bulk
Blue Ribbon Bally Manufacturing Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Blue Ribbon (1965) Bally Manufacturing Co. 1965 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Blue Ribbon - Gold Medal Bowlers Bally Manufacturing Co. 1955 Arcade / Bowler
Blue Ribbon Gum Blue Ribbon Gum Co., Inc. Vending / Gum
Blue Seal Bell (verify which machine) Watling Manufacturing Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Blue Seal Confections - Baseball Attachment Watling Manufacturing Co. 1920 Slot Machine / Reel
Blue Seal Front Vender Watling Manufacturing Co. 1935 Slot Machine / Bell
Blue Seal Front Vender Bell Watling Manufacturing Co. 1927 Slot Machine / Bell
Blue Seal Jackpot Watling Manufacturing Co. 1929 Slot Machine / Bell
Blue Seal Jackpot Bell Watling Manufacturing Co. 1929 Slot Machine / Bell
Blue Seal Twin Jackpot Watling Manufacturing Co. 1929 Slot Machine / Bell
Blue Shark Midway Manufacturing Co. 1978 Videogame Shooter
Blue Skies United Mfg. 1948 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Blue Star Double DeLuxe Amusement Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Blue Streak Daval Manufacturing Co. 1934 Pinball / Mechanical
Blue Streak Dudley-Clark Co. 1934 Pinball / Mechanical
Blue Streak Air Hockey Dynamo Arcade / Air Hockey Skill
Blue War Eagle Watling Manufacturing Co. 1933 Slot Machine / Bell
Blue's Journey Alpha Denshi 1990 Videogame Adventure
Bluebird Peerless Products Co. 1926 Vending / Gumball
Bluebird 1-2-3 Blue Bird Products Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Bluebird Bulk Vendors Blue Bird Products Co. 1915 Vending / Bulk
Bluebird Trap Door Blue Bird Products Co. 1915 Vending
BMX Bally Manufacturing Co. 1982 Pinball / Solid State
BMX Heat Atari Games 1991 Videogame Racing
BnB Arcade EOLITH 2003 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Board of Craps and Gum William McClellan 1907 Trade Stim. / Dice
Board of Craps and Gum Machine William McClellan 1907 Trade Stim. / Dice
Board of Trade O. D. Jennings & Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Boardwalk Casino Epos 1985 Videogame Gambling
Boat Race - Ocean Heats Sega 2000 Videogame
Bob White Bloyd Manufacturing Co. 1937 Vending / Bulk
Bob White Vendor Eastern Mach. Exch. 1931 Unknown
Bobble Bobble Taito 1986 Videogame Platform
Bobby Orr Power Play Bally Manufacturing Co. 1978 Pinball / Solid State
Bobo Williams Electronic Mfg. Co. (1958-1967) 1961 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bobs Exhibit Supply Co., The 1938 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bobtail O. D. Jennings & Co. 1940 Slot Machine / Console
Body Match Barcrest 1990 Arcade / Redemption Skill
Body Slam Sega 1986 Videogame Sports
Bogey Manor Technos 1985 Videogame Platform
Bogey Three Liason Ltd. 1939 Trade Stim. / Skill game
Boing Boing Talleres del Llobregat S.A. (Automaticos) Pinball
Boink! Bay Tek 2011 Arcade
Bola Ball Rathbun Bros. 1931 Unknown
Bola-Way Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1941 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bolero United Mfg. 1951 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bolo Pacent Novelty Mfg. Co. 1936 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Bomb Bee Namco 1979 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Bomb Hit Baker Novelty Co., Inc. 1942 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Bomb Hitler Coin Machine Co. or America 1942 Arcade / Coin drop
Bomb Jack Tehkan 1984 Videogame Platform
Bomb Jack Twin NMK 1993 Videogame Platform
Bomb Kick Yun Sung 1998 Arcade Platform
Bomb Squad Lazer Tron 1995 Arcade / Redemption
Bomb the Axis Unknown (Temporary) 1940 Arcade / Coin drop
Bomb The Axis Rats Victory Games 1943 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bombardier Victory Games 1943 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bombardier P & S Machine Co. 1943 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bombardier P & S Machine Co. 1944 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bombenfeuer Hannover-Automatengesellschaft 1936 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Bomber Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1951 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bomber Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bomber Sega 1977 Videogame
Bomber Erie Machine Co. 1930 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Bomber Lord Unknown 1993 Videogame
Bomber Man Irem 1991 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Bomber Man World Irem 1992 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Bombs Away Meadows Games 1976 Videogame Shooter
Bombshell Groetchen Tool & Mfg. Co. 1949 Arcade / Billiard
Bon Ton Caille Bros. Co. 1907 Trade Stim. / Reel
Bon Voyage Bally Manufacturing Co. 1974 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bon-Ton Caille Bros. Co. 1907 Trade Stim. / Reel
Bonanza Buckley Manufacturing. Co. Slot Machine / Bell
Bonanza Leo Canda Manufacturing Co. 1897 Trade Stim. / Card game
Bonanza Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1964 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bonanza Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1970 Arcade / Rifle
Bonanza Exhibit Supply Co., The 1931 Unknown
Bonanza Exhibit Supply Co., The 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bonanza Williams Mfg. Co., Chicago, IL (1944-1958) 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bonanza Bally Manufacturing Co. 1976 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bonanza Bros. Sega 1990 Videogame Fighting
Bone Busters, Inc. Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1989 Pinball / Solid State
Bone Crusher Unknown 1987 Videogame Fighting
Bone Head Genco Corp. 1948 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bones Buckley Manufacturing. Co. 1935 Slot Machine / Dice
Bongo Jetsoft 1983 Videogame
Bongo Bally Manufacturing Co. 1964 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bongo Monkey Namco 1996 Arcade
Bongor Maresa 1975 Pinball
Bonk's Adventure Kaneko 1994 Videogame Platform
Bono E. J. Markie & Co. 1931 Unknown
Bonus Pacific Manufacturing Corp. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bonus E. C. Evans & Co. 1931 Unknown
Bonus Buckley Manufacturing. Co. 1931 Unknown
Bonus Mills Novelty Co. 1937 Slot Machine / Reel
Bonus Baseball United Mfg. 1962 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bonus Bell Mills Novelty Co. 1937 Slot Machine / Bell
Bonus Bell Mills Novelty Co. 1948 Slot Machine / Bell
Bonus Black Jack Myimpa 1980 Videogame Card
Bonus Bowler Keeney and Sons, Inc. 1954 Arcade / Puck Bowler
Bonus Bowling Alley United Amusement Co. 1958 Arcade / Bowler
Bonus Cigar Wheel Monroe Barnes Manufacturer 1897 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Bonus Continental Bally Manufacturing Co. 1969 Slot Machine / Bell
Bonus Gun United Mfg. 1955 Arcade
Bonus Poker Deluxe International Game Technology Slot Machine / Bell
Bonus Score Bowler Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1955 Arcade / Puck Bowler
Bonus Super Bell Keeney and Sons, Inc. 1940 Slot Machine / Console
Bonus Wheel Monroe Barnes Manufacturer 1897 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Bonus-7 Bally Manufacturing Co. 1970 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bonze Adventure Taito 1988 Videogame Platform
Boo-Hoo Daval Manufacturing Co. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Boogie Allied Leisure Industries 1976 Pinball / Solid State
Boogie Wings Data East 1992 Videogame Shooter
Book Match Merchandiser Northwestern Corp. 1930 Vending / Match
Book Matches Dispenser Ohio Match Co. 1950 Vending / Match
Bookmaker\'s Dama S.R.L. 1970 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Boom Town Success Manufacturing Corp. 1941 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Boomer Rang'r Data East 1983 Videogame Platform
Boomer, The Waddel Wooden Ware Works 1897 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Boomerang Bally Manufacturing Co. 1974 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Boomerang Sunsoft 1985 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Boomerang Amusematic Corp. 1947 Arcade
Boong-Ga Boong-Ga Unknown 2000 Videogame / Redemption
Boop-A-Doop Pace Manufacturing Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Booster J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Booster Exhibit Supply Co., The 1931 Trade Stim. / Dice
Booster, The G. F. Hochriem 1933 Trade Stim. / Racing
Boot Camp Konami 1987 Videogame Sports
Boot Hill Midway Manufacturing Co. 1977 Videogame Shooter
Boot-A-Ball Bally Manufacturing Co. 1967 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Booz Barometer Northwestern Corp. 1950 Arcade / Counter game
Bopper Ball Team Play 2003 Arcade
Boquet Gum H. E. Winters Specialty Co. Vending / Gum
Bord-Golf Max Jentzsch & Meerz 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Borden's Homo Milk Hamilton Scale Co. Vending / Scale
Border Beauty Bally Manufacturing Co. 1965 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Border Down Grev 2003 Videogame Shooter
Border Line Lochman 1970 Arcade
Border Town Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1940 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Borderline Sega 1981 Videogame Shooter
Bordertown Neutron Engineering & Mfg. Co. 1931 Unknown
Borench Sega 1990 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Born To Fight Electronic Devices 1989 Videogame
Bosco Bally Manufacturing Co. 1933 Trade Stim. / Dice
Bosco Genco Corp. 1941 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bosconian Midway Manufacturing Co. 1981 Videogame Shooter
Boston Williams Mfg. Co., Chicago, IL (1944-1958) 1949 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Boston Red Sox Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1970 Pinball
Bottle Shooter W. H. Ell & Co. 1904 Arcade / Pistol
Bottom Of The Ninth Konami 1989 Videogame Sports
Bottoms Up Globe Mfg. Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bottoms Up Buckley Manufacturing. Co. 1931 Unknown
Bottoms Up Pierce Tool & Mfg. Co. 1931 Unknown
Boulder Dash Exidy 1984 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Boulder Dash Data East 1990 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Boulder Dash DECO Data East 1985 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Boule d'Or, La Pierre Bussoz 1923 Slot Machine / Wheel
Bounce 'Em Shyvers Manufacturing Co. (of Seattle) 1931 Unknown
Bounce-A-Bout Lazer Tron Arcade
Bouncer Exhibit Supply Co., The 1936 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Bouncer Entertainment Sciences 1984 Videogame Platform
Bouncer C. E. Hoagland 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bouncer Mike Munves Mfg. Corp. 1947 Arcade / Reflex Skill
Bouncer Fortune Teller Exhibit Supply Co., The 1937 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Bouncerino Unknown 1952 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Bouncing Ball Royal Novelty Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Bouncing Balls Comad 1991 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Bouncing Bandit Coin Concepts, Inc. - CCI Arcade / Redemption
Bouncing Buggies Coastal Amusements Arcade / Skill game
Bounty Orca 1982 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Bounty Exhibit Supply Co., The 1938 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bounty Bally 1963 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bounty Hunter GCTech Co., LTD 2002 Videogame Fighting
Bounty Hunter Premier / Gottlieb 1985 Pinball / Solid State
Bouteille Bill Unknown (Temporary) 1930 Pinball / Mechanical
Bouteille, La Unknown 1895 Slot Machine / Wheel
Bow and Arrow (EM) Bally Manufacturing Co. 1975 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bow and Arrow (SS) Bally Manufacturing Co. 1974 Pinball / Solid State
Bowie Daval Manufacturing Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bowl Pacific Manufacturing Corp. 1931 Unknown
Bowl G Manufacturing, Inc. 1983 Arcade / Bowler Sports
Bowl A Bomb Hamilton Manufacturing Co. 1944 Arcade / Bowler
Bowl A Line Bally Manufacturing Co. Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bowl A Strike Williams Electronic Mfg. Co. (1958-1967) 1965 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bowl Easy Sega Pinball, Inc. Arcade / Bowler Skill
Bowl Master Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1974 Arcade / Bowler
Bowl Master Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1959 Arcade / Puck Bowler
Bowl-A-50 Target Roll Dist. Co. 1931 Unknown
Bowl-A-Game International Mutoscope Corp. 1931 Unknown
Bowl-A-Line Bally Manufacturing Co. 1972 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bowl-A-Rama United Mfg. 1960 Arcade / Bowler
Bowl-A-Tron Amutronics Arcade
Bowl-It Ace Coin Machine Co. 1931 Unknown
Bowl-O Bally Manufacturing Co. 1970 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bowl-O-Rama P&P Marketing 1991 Videogame Sports
Bowler Roller Bob's Space Racers 1982 Arcade
Bowlette J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. 1931 Unknown
Bowlette Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1950 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bowling (Italy) Unknown Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bowling - Alle Neune NSM 1950 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bowling Alley Caille Bros. Co. 1913 Arcade / Bowler
Bowling Alley Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1949 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bowling Alley United Mfg. 1956 Arcade / Ball bowler
Bowling Alley Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1939 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bowling Alley Gum Vending Machine Honey Dew Gum Co. Vending / Gum
Bowling Alley Gum Vending Machine Blue Bird Products Co. 1926 Vending / Gum
Bowling Alley Gum Vendor Blue Bird Products Co. 1926 Vending / Gum
Bowling Champ L. Hing Game & Toy Co. 1931 Unknown
Bowling Champ Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1949 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bowling Flipper Rally 1961 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bowling League Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1957 Arcade / Puck bowler
Bowling League Genco Corp. 1949 Arcade / Bowler
Bowling League Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bowling League Rex Manufacturing Co. 1944 Arcade / Bowler
Bowling Queen Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1964 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bowling Team Bowler Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1955 Arcade / Puck Bowler
Bowlingirl Ditta Artigiana Ricambi 1973 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bowlo Premier Coin Machine Mfg. Corp 1947 Arcade / Bowler
Bowser Vending Gas Pump Bowser & Co. 1965 Vending / Gas Pump
Box Ball (Automatic Bowling Alley) Holcomb & Hoke Manufacturing Co. 1931 Unknown
Box Ball Alley American Box Ball 1905 Arcade / Bowler
Box Matches Kelley Manufacturing Co. 1920 Vending / Match
Box Score Daval Manufacturing Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Box Score Daval Manufacturing Co. 1939 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Box Score Williams Mfg. Co., Chicago, IL (1944-1958) 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Boxer Geo Manufacturing Corp. Arcade / Puncher
Boxer Knockout Vending 2000 Arcade / Puncher
Boxer Glove Kalkomat 2006 Arcade / Strength tester Other
Boxer pre-Cube version Kalkomat 2004 Arcade / Strength tester Other
Boxer, The Coney Island Arcade 2000 Arcade / Puncher Skill
Boxeurs, Les Ludo 1932 Arcade
Boxing Atari 1977 Videogame Fighting
Boxing Maresa / Maquinas Recreativas Sociedad Anonima 1967 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical Sports
Boxing Unknown 1920 Arcade / Skill game Fighting
Boxing Bugs Cinematronics 1981 Videogame Shooter
Boxing Skill D. Robbins & Co., Mfrs. 1931 Arcade / Coin drop Sports
Boxingmania: Legend Of Success Joe Konami 2001 Videogame Fighting
Boxomat Boxomat 1930 Arcade
Boxy Boy Namco 1990 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Bozo The Clown Grand Prize Game Partec Inc. Arcade / Skill game
Bozo's Grand Prize Game Innovative Concepts in Entertainment (ICE) Arcade / Ball bowler
Bradley Trainer Atari 1980 Videogame Simulator
Brain Coreland/Sega 1986 Videogame Shooting Vehicle
Brain, The Stern Pinball, Inc. 2006 Pinball / Solid State
Bram Stoker's Dracula Williams Electronic Games, Inc. (WMS, 1985-2000) 1993 Pinball / Solid State
Bran Tub Bryan's Automatic Machine Works 1937 Unknown
Branch Caille Bros. Co. Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Brand New Stars Jaleco 1997 Videogame
Brave Blade 8ing/Raizing 2000 Videogame Shooter
Brave Firefighters Sega 1999 Videogame Shooter
Brave Team Inder 1985 Pinball / Solid State
Braying Jackass Exhibit Supply Co., The 1929 Arcade / Strength tester
Brazil United Mfg. 1956 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Brazil United Mfg. 1943 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Break Unknown (Temporary) 1986 Pinball / Solid State
Break Away Venture Line 1976 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Break In Mirco Incorporated - Games Division 1977 Videogame Ball and Paddle (Non Breakout)
Break the Bank Innovative Concepts in Entertainment (ICE) Arcade / Ball bowler
Break Thru Data East 1986 Videogame Shooter
Breakers Visco Games 1996 Videogame Fighting
Breakers Revenge Visco Games 1998 Videogame Fighting
Breakout Atari 1976 Videogame Ball and Paddle - Breakout
Breakout Coastal Amusements 2015 Arcade / Redemption Skill
Breakshot Capcom 1996 Pinball / Solid State
Breath Alcohol Tester Alcometrix S.L. 2004 Vending / Service
Breath Mints Clovena Machinery Co. 1908 Vending / Bulk
Breath Pellet Columbus Vending Co. Vending / Bulk
Breath Pellet Federal Vending Co. 1907 Vending / Bulk
Breath Pellet Millard Vending 1916 Vending / Bulk
Breath Pellet National Novelty Co. 1910 Vending / Bulk
Breath Pellet Vending Machine Co. of America 1910 Vending / Bulk
Breath Perfume National Novelty Co. 1913 Vending / Bulk
Breathless Perfume Dispenser Shipman Manufacturing Co. 1960 Vending / Service
Breeders Cup - World Thoroughbred Championship Global VR 2000 Videogame
Brer Bear An' Frens... (Disneyland Bear Country) Disney 1972 Arcade / Basketball
Breywood Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 1986 Videogame Shooter
Brice Williams Brice Williams 1921 Vending / Gum
Brick Break US Games Videogame
Brick People Sega 2009 Arcade
Bridge Transporter Digger Bonzini & Sopransi 1936 Arcade / Digger
Bridgeball Culp Products Co. 1950 Pinball / Mechanical
Bright Lights Bally Manufacturing Co. 1951 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bright Spot Bally Manufacturing Co. 1952 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
BrikettmƤnnche Reiner, Pelzer & Co. 1900 Vending / Candy
Brilliant Torero T. H. Bergmann & Co. 1938 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bristles Exidy 1984 Videogame Platform
Bristol Hills Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1971 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Brite Spot Stoner Manufacturing Corp. 1940 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Brite Star Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1958 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Brix Cinematronics 1983 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Broadcast Bally Manufacturing Co. 1941 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Broadway Pacific Amusement Mfg. Co (PAMCO) 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Broadway Bally Manufacturing Co. 1955 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Broadway Bill's Novelty Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Broadway Chewing Gum Broadway Supply Co. Vending / Gum
Broadway Shuffle Alley United Amusement Co. 1958 Arcade / Bowler
Brodi Liberty Howard Sales Co. 1940 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Brokers Tip (1933) Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1933 Pinball / Mechanical
Brokers Tip (1936) Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Broncho Genco Corp. 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Broncho Exhibit Supply Co., The 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bronco Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1977 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bronco Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1963 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bronco Busters Gotham Pressed Steel Corp. Pinball / Mechanical
Bronze Chief O. D. Jennings & Co. 1940 Slot Machine / Bell
Bronze Chief Bell O. D. Jennings & Co. 1941 Slot Machine / Bell
Bronze Chief Joker O. D. Jennings & Co. 1953 Slot Machine / Bell
Brooklands Racer, The Brecknell, Munro, and Rogers 1928 Slot Machine / Wheel
Brooklands Totalisator Tom Boland Slot Machine / Bell
Brooks & Dunn Premier / Gottlieb 1996 Pinball / Solid State
Brookside H. K. Hart Confections Co., Inc. 1950 Vending / Gum
Brouse's Peerless Brouse's Peerless Fruit Chewing Gum 1890 Vending / Gum
Brown Front Mills Novelty Co. 1938 Slot Machine / Bell
Brown Front Bell Mills Novelty Co. 1938 Slot Machine / Bell
Brown Top Air Hockey Table Dynamo 1985 Arcade / Air Hockey
Brownie T. F. Holtz Novelty Machine Works 1897 Trade Stim. / Card game
Brownie Monarch Coin Machine Co. 1896 Trade Stim. / Card game
Brownie Watling Manufacturing Co. 1896 Slot Machine / Wheel
Brownie Mills Novelty Co. 1903 Slot Machine / Wheel
Brownie Counter Wheel Watling Manufacturing Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Wheel
Brownie Improved Watling Manufacturing Co. Slot Machine / Wheel
Brownie Jackpot Mills Novelty Co. 1918 Slot Machine / Wheel
Brownie Jackpot Watling Manufacturing Co. 1929 Slot Machine / Wheel
Brownie Pool J. Kammen 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Brunswick Coin-Op Billiard Table Brunswick 1974 Arcade / Pool Skill
Brunswick Metro Coin Pool Table Valley Recreation Products, Inc. Arcade / Pool Skill
Brute Force Leland 1991 Videogame Fighting
BU-SS-OZ Pierre Bussoz Arcade
Bubba's Excavation Company Benchmark Games Inc. Arcade / Coin drop
Bubble Genco Corp. 1939 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bubble 2000 Tuning Electronic 1998 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Bubble Bobble Taito 1986 Videogame Platform
Bubble Bobble Taito Slot Machine
Bubble Bobble 2 Taito 1994 Videogame Platform
Bubble Canyon Video Games Gmbh 1977 Videogame
Bubble Dance, The - Stupendous Colossal Unknown 1930 Arcade / Viewer
Bubble Gum Hawkeye Novelty Co. Vending / Gum
Bubble Gum Vendor Pulver Company Inc. Vending / Gum
Bubble Memories The Story Of Bubble Bobble III Taito 1995 Videogame Platform
Bubble Symphony Taito 1994 Videogame Platform
Bubble System Konami 1984 Videogame
Bubble Trouble: Golly! Ghost! 2 Namco 1992 Videogame Shooter
Bubble Up Bob's Space Racers 2006 Arcade
Bubbler Speaker - RSB3200 Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1970 Music / Speaker
Bubbler, The Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. Music / Jukebox
Bubbles Williams Electronics, Inc. (1967-1985) 1982 Videogame Platform
Bubbles Abrens 1927 Arcade / Skill game
Bubbles Genco Corp. 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bubbles Genco Corp. 1939 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bubbles Rolldown Genco Corp. 1947 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bubu Mario Ban Presto 1993 Videogame
Buccaneer Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1948 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Buccaneer Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1976 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Buccaneer J. Esteban 1977 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Buccaneer Abbott Specialties Corp. 1947 Pinball
Buccaneers Duintronic 1989 Videogame
Buccaroo Buccaroo Mfg. Co. 1952 Arcade / Kiddie ride
Buck Rogers Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1980 Pinball / Solid State
Buck Rogers Mambelli 1979 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Buck Rogers - Planet Of Zoom Sega 1982 Videogame Shooter
Buck-A-Day Great States Manufacturing Co. 1933 Trade Stim. / Dice
Buckaroo Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1965 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Buckaroo O. D. Jennings & Co. 1954 Slot Machine / Bell
Buckaroo Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1939 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Buckaroo (novelty version) Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1939 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Buckaroo - Nevada Club 4 Reel O. D. Jennings & Co. 1950 Slot Machine / Reel
Buckley Bones Buckley Manufacturing. Co. 1936 Slot Machine / Dice
Buckley Long Shot Horse Race Buckley Manufacturing. Co. 1940 Trade Stim. / Racing
Bucks Bally Manufacturing Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bucky O'Hare Konami 1992 Videogame Fighting
Bud Light Quarterback Challenge Intermark 1989 Arcade Sports
Bud Light Tournament Basketball Intermark 1989 Arcade / Basketball
Bud Mark Darts Arachnid Inc. 1985 Arcade / Skill game
Buddah Fortune Teller Exhibit Supply Co., The 1928 Vending / Cards
Buddy Daval Manufacturing Co. 1940 Trade Stim. / Reel
Buddy Bear Smart Industries Corp. Arcade Sports
Budget Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Buffalo Watling Manufacturing Co. 1902 Slot Machine / Upright
Buffalo Air Hockey Table Sam Leisure Arcade Skill
Buffalo Bill Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1950 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Buffalo Gum Buffalo Gum Co. 1907 Vending / Gum
Bufferin Unknown 1950 Vending
Bug Bash Bay Tek Arcade / Ball bowler Skill
Bug Blitz Coastal Amusements Arcade Skill
Bug Busters EM-Teck 2001 Videogame Shooter
Bug's Bunny Birthday Ball Bally Midway WMS 1991 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bugg House Pierce Tool & Mfg. Co. 1932 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Buggy Boy Tatsumi 1986 Videogame
Buggy Boy Junior Tatsumi Videogame
Buggy Challenge Taito 1984 Videogame Racing
Bugs Bot Catcher Unknown Arcade / Redemption
Bugs Bunny's Birthday Ball Midway Manufacturing Co. WMS 1991 Pinball / Solid State
Build Up Exhibit Supply Co., The 1948 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Build-Up Shuffle Alley United Amusement Co. 1950 Arcade / Bowler
Builder Upper G. M. Laboratories 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bulk Vendor Blue Bird Products Co. 1915 Vending / Bulk
Bulk Vendor Belvend Manufacturing Co., Inc. 1953 Vending / Bulk
Bulk Vendor Gumball Machine Kandy King 1940 Vending / Candy
Bull Unknown Arcade
Bull Bally Manufacturing Co. Arcade
Bull Bally Manufacturing Co. 1939 Arcade
Bull Dog Handan-Ni Ltd. 1919 Slot Machine / Wall game
Bull Dog Gum Vender Monarch Mfg. & Sales Co. 1927 Trade Stim. / Roulette
Bull Dog Penny Vendor Bull Dog Vendor Co. Vending
Bull Durham Reserve Jackpot O. D. Jennings & Co. 1930 Slot Machine / Reel
Bull Durham Revamp Bull Durham Novelty Slot Machine / Bell
Bull Durham Triple Jackpot O. D. Jennings & Co. 1932 Slot Machine / Reel
Bull Fight Sega 1984 Videogame Skill
Bull Fighter Alpha Denshi 1984 Videogame Sports
Bull Frog Caille Bros. Co. 1904 Slot Machine / Coin drop
Bull frog Computran 1981 Videogame
Bull Market Bally Manufacturing Co. 1976 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bull Shooter Arachnid Inc. 2018 Arcade / Skill game
Bull's Eye Bally Manufacturing Co. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bull's Eye J. F. Frantz Mfg. Co. 1954 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Bull's Eye Mills Novelty Co. 1902 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Bull's Eye Midway Manufacturing Co. 1971 Arcade
Bull's Eye Magic Electronics 1985 Videogame
Bull's Eye Sega Enterprises, Inc. 1988 Videogame
Bull's Eye, The Mills Novelty Co. 1900 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Bull's Head Perfume Bull Novelty Co. 1905 Vending
Bull's Head Perfume Continental Novelty Mfg. Co. 1904 Vending
Bull's Head Perfume Worth & Martin Co. 1902 Vending
Bull's Head Perfume Continental Novelty Mfg. Co. 1904 Vending / Service
Bulldozer Brigade Polar Bear Enterprises 1981 Arcade
Bullet Pierce Tool & Mfg. Co. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bullet Sega 1987 Videogame
Bullet Mark Sega 1975 Videogame
Bullet-Shaped gumball vendor Earl Lohmuller Co. 1930 Vending / Gumball
Bullfight Bally Manufacturing Co. 1965 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bullion Bryan's Automatic Machine Works 1963 Unknown
Bulls Eye Sega Pinball, Inc. 1988 Arcade
Bulls Eye Bally 1955 Arcade / Shooter
Bulls Eye Big League Baseball Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1955 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bulls Eye Bowler Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1955 Arcade / Puck Bowler
Bulls Eye Darts Midway Manufacturing Co. 1980 Videogame Skill
Bulls Eye Deluxe Big League Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1955 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bulls Eye Drop Ball Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1959 Arcade / Bowler
Bulls Head Perfume Worth & Martin Co. 1902 Vending / Service
Bulls-Eye Exhibit Supply Co., The 1925 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Bulls-Eye Ball Gum Vendor Exhibit Supply Co., The 1931 Vending / Gum
Bulls-Eye Drop Ball - Upright Model Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1959 Arcade / Roll Down Skill
Bullseye Cresset Coin Machine Co. 1909 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Bullseye Premier / Gottlieb 1994 Pinball / Solid State
Bullseye 301 Pinstar 1986 Pinball / Solid State
Bullseye Baseball Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1967 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bull\'s Eye Bally Manufacturing Co. 1965 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bump Video Games Gmbh Videogame Skill
Bump 'n Jump Bally Midway 1982 Videogame Racing
Bump 'n' Jump DECO Data East 1982 Videogame Racing
Bump-A-Lite Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bump-T-Ball Pacific Manufacturing Corp. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Bumper Bally Manufacturing Co. 1936 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bumper Bryan's Automatic Machine Works 1935 Unknown
Bumper T.S. Halpin Co. Ltd. 1936 Pinball
Bumper Bill Port Pinball / Electro-Mechanical Space
Bumper Bowling Daval Manufacturing Co. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bumper Pool Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1969 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bumper Pool Great American 1980 Arcade / Billiard
Bumper Senior Bally Manufacturing Co. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bumper Shuffleboard Game Technology, Inc. Arcade / Shuffle Skill
Bunco Specialty Sales Co. 1932 Pinball / Mechanical
Bunny Shooter Hawtins 1931 Arcade
Bunnyboard Marble Games 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Burel 1c Vendor Burel & Co. 1939 Vending / Bulk
Burel Pennies Burel & Co. 1940 Vending / Bulk
Burel Vender Burel & Co. 1940 Vending / Bulk
Burel Vendor Burel & Co. 1940 Vending / Bulk
Burger Hunter Joymax Technology Inc. 2009 Videogame
BurgerTime Bally Midway 1982 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
BurgerTime (DECO) Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 1982 Videogame Labyrinth / Maze
Burglar, The Bollands Amusement Machine Supply 1954 Arcade / Working model
Burglar, The Bollands Amusement Machine Supply 1970 Arcade / Working model
Burham Burham Novelty Works 1910 Slot Machine / Bell
Buriki One SNK 1999 Videogame Fighting
Burlesk V. P. Distributing Co. 1944 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Burnin' Rubber Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 1982 Videogame Racing
Burning Fight SNK 1991 Videogame Fighting
Burning Force Namco 1989 Videogame Shooter
Burning Rival Sega 1992 Videogame Fighting
Burning Rush Nihon Bussan/AV Japan 2000 Videogame Shooter
Burning Striker Unknown 2003 Videogame
Burning Striker EOLITH 2003 Videogame
Burnout Paradise Unknown 2015 Arcade / Redemption
Burp Gun cops and robbers theme Dale Electronics 1957 Arcade
Bursting Cherry Mills Novelty Co. 1937 Slot Machine / Bell
Burtch, A. Northwestern Corp. 1933 Vending / Bulk
Bus and Theater Machine Advance Machine Co. 1920 Vending / Candy
Bus Stop Bally Manufacturing Co. 1964 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bus Stop Maresa / Maquinas Recreativas Sociedad Anonima Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bush League Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1951 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Bushido Inder 1993 Pinball / Solid State
Bushnell Sales Co. Bushnell Manufacturing Co. 1910 Vending / Stamp
Bushwack (backglass only) Advertising Posters Co. 1978 Pinball
Bussophone Pierre Bussoz 1921 Music / Jukebox
Bussophone Cyril de Vere 1919 Music / Jukebox
Bust A Groove 2 Saint-Fun Videogame
Bust A Move SNK 1993 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Bust A Move Again Taito 1996 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Bust My Balloons Status Game Corporation 1980 Videogame Card
BustAMove Again EX Edition Taito 1996 Videogame Puzzle / Tile Match
Buster Ball Genco Corp. 1931 Pinball / Mechanical
Buster Bros. Capcom 1989 Videogame Platform
Buster Brown Pulver Company Inc. Vending / Gum
Buster Bubbles Innovative Concepts in Entertainment (ICE) 2009 Arcade
Buster Buddies Capcom 1995 Videogame Platform
Bustillo Cigar Unknown Vending / Cigar
Bustin' Balloons Bay Tek 2000 Arcade / Shuffle Bowler Skill
Busy Bee Caille Bros. Co. 1899 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Busy Bee Caille-Schiemer 1899 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Butasan Jaleco 1987 Videogame Shooter
Butler Packard Manufacturing Corp. 1940 Music / Wall box
Butter-Kist Holcomb & Hoke Manufacturing Co. 1923 Vending / Bulk
Butterfly Sonic (d.b.a. of Segasa) 1977 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Buttons Exhibit Supply Co., The 1938 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Buttons Daval Manufacturing Co. 1937 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Buttons and Bows Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1949 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Buy American Hercules Novelty Co. 1933 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Buzzer Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1935 Pinball / Electro-Mechanical
Buzzy Buzzy Bee Bay Tek Arcade Skill
BX Orchestrion Nickelodeon Auto Piano Wurlitzer Automatic Phonograph Co. 1917 Music / Jukebox
By-A-Blade H. C. Evans & Co. 1938 Slot Machine / Elect. Upright
Byon Byon Konami 2008 Arcade / Redemption
