Below are the specific dip-switch settings users have contributed for Wizard Of Wor:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Option switches are located on the game PCB in the commercial card rack. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Option ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Left Hand Coin Slot ------------------- Off 1 Coin 1 Credit On 2 Coins 1 Credit Right Hand Coin Slot -------------------- Off Off 1 Coin 1 Credit On Off 2 Coins 1 Credit Off On 1 Coin 3 Credits On On 1 Coin 5 Credits Language -------- Off English On Foreign Language (Requires A082-91374-A000) Worriors Per Credit ------------------- Off 1 Credit = 2 Worriors/2 Credits = 5 Worriors On 1 Credit = 3 Worriors/2 Credits = 7 Worriors Bonus Player Awarded -------------------- Off Bonus Worrior after third dungeon On Bonus Worrior after fourth dungeon Play Mode --------- Off Coin Play On Free Play Game Attraction Sounds ---------------------- Off Continuous sound during "attract mode" On Sound during attract mode _only_ if game controls are touched. (When any button or control is touched, game provides sound for one complete cycle of the "attract mode". It will then be quiet until touched again.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Special Note: When setting the switches SW#1, SW#2, and SW#3 to either of the following two combinations, _only coin meter number 1 will count_. SW#1 SW#2 SW#3 Off Off Off On On On If the above three switches are set to any other combination, coin acceptor number 1 will cause coin meter number 1 to count and coin acceptor number 2 will cause coin meter number 2 to count.
NOTE: Dip switch setting information is contributed by the community and although is believed to be correct (most of the time), has not been tested or verified.
Use this information at your own risk.
Official dip switch information may be available in the manual: