Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Terminator 2: Judgment Day Dip Switch Settings

Below are the specific dip-switch settings users have contributed for Terminator 2: Judgment Day:

            TERMINATOR II       Pinout = JAMMA

*=default factory setting

   DIP SW1 Settings              SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8 
     Mirror                   *  off                                Screen
     Non Mirror                  on                              
     Dip-Switch               *      off                            Coinage
     CMOS                            on                          
     USA 1    Ger 1    Fr 1   *          off off off                Coins
     USA 2    Ger 2    Fr 2              on  off off             
     USA 3    Ger 3    Fr 3              off on  off             
     USA 4    Ger 4    Fr 4              on  on  off             
     USA ECA  Ger ECA  Fr ECA            off off on              
     N/U      N/U      N/U               on  off on              
     N/U      N/U      N/U               off on  on              
     ------  Free Play --------          on  on  on              
   NOT USED                   *                      off off off   Not Used

   DIP SW2 Settings              SW1 SW2 SW3 SW4 SW5 SW6 SW7 SW8 
   USA                       *   off off                           Country
   German                        on  off                         
   French                        off on                          
   ------                        on  on                          
   Not Used                  *           off         off           Not Used
   One Counter               *               off                   
   Two Counters                              on                  
   2 Players                 *                   off             
   1 Player                                      on             
   Video Freeze              *                           off       Video Mode
   Normal                                                on      
   Game Mode                 *                               off   Test Mode                 
   Test Mode                                                 on                     


(Only DIP switch related settings shown)

| NAME      | SETTING           | LEFT  | CENTER | RIGHT | FORTH |
|           | Credit/Coin       | CHUTE | CHUTE  | CHUTE | CHUTE |
| USA 1     | 1/25c             | 25c   |        | 25c   |       
| USA 2     | 1/50c             | 25c   |        | 25c   |       |
| USA 3     | 1/50c, 3/$1.00    | 25c   |        | 25c   |       |
| USA 4     | 1/50c, 4/$1.00    | 25c   |        | 25c   |       |
| USA ECA   | 1/25c, 4/$1.00    | $1.00 | 10c    | 25c   | 5c    |
| German 1  | 1/1DM,6/5DM       | 1DM   |        | 5DM   |       |
| German 2  | 1/1DM,7/5DM       | 1DM   |        | 5DM   |       |
| German 3  | 1/1DM,8/5DM       | 1DM   |        | 5DM   |       |
| German 4  | 1/1DM,5/5DM       | 1DM   |        | 5DM   |       
| German ECA| 1/1DM,2/2DM,6/5DM | 5DM   | 1DM    | 2DM   |       |
| France 1  | 2/5F,5/10F        | 5F    |        | 10F   |       |
| France 2  | 2/5F,4/10F        | 5F    |        | 10F   |       |
| France 3  | 1/5F,3/10F        | 5F    |        | 10F   |       |
| France 4  | 1/5F,2/10F        | 5F    |        | 10F   |       |
| France ECA| 1/3x1F,2/5F,5/2x5F| 1F    | 10F    | 5F    | 10P   |


NOTE: Dip switch setting information is contributed by the community and although is believed to be correct (most of the time), has not been tested or verified.
Use this information at your own risk.

Official dip switch information may be available in the manual:
