Below are the specific dip-switch settings users have contributed for Super Space Invaders '91:
Super Space Invaders 91, Taito ------------------------------ Dip Switch A ------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ===================================================================== Play Style Table * OFF Upright ON --------------------------------------------------------------------- Screen Rotation Normal * OFF Reverse ON --------------------------------------------------------------------- Test Mode Normal * OFF Test ON --------------------------------------------------------------------- Attract Sound With * OFF Without ON --------------------------------------------------------------------- Play Pricing 1 Coin * OFF OFF 2 Coin ON OFF 3 Coin OFF ON 4 Coin ON ON --------------------------------------------------------------------- Buy-In Pricing 0 * OFF OFF 1 Coin Cont ON OFF 2 Coin Cont OFF ON 3 Coin Cont ON ON --------------------------------------------------------------------- Dip Switch B ------------ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ===================================================================== Difficulty Rank B OFF OFF Rank A ON OFF A is easy Rank C OFF ON D is hard Rank D ON ON --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Shields 1 OFF OFF 3 ON OFF 2 OFF ON 0 ON ON --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Players 3 (<- typo?) OFF 2 ON --------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Type 1p/2p Simul OFF 1p/2p Alter ON --------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue With OFF Without ON --------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Style * (See Table Below) OFF ON --------------------------------------------------------------------- Game Style (switch settings in 1p/2p alternating game) ====================================================== B6 B8 A1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ON OFF OFF - Single control panel w screen rotation (cocktail mode) ON OFF ON - Single control panel w/o screen rotation (1 cnt, 2 plyr) ON ON OFF - Single control panel w screen rotation (cocktail) ON ON ON - Double control panel w/o screen rotation (2 plyr, dbl cocktl) When dip sw B6 is turned OFF (1p/2p game), the dip sw B8 should be turned OFF. Because of the condition of the control panel, then only one player plays this game, turn this B8 to ON position. (In this case, the 2P select SW does not work.)
NOTE: Dip switch setting information is contributed by the community and although is believed to be correct (most of the time), has not been tested or verified.
Use this information at your own risk.
Official dip switch information may be available in the manual: