Museum of the Game ®

***** DEVELOPMENT & TESTING SITE (development) *****

Ghosts 'n Goblins Dip Switch Settings

Below are the specific dip-switch settings users have contributed for Ghosts 'n Goblins:

            DIP SWITCH 1A               1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8
Continue Mode On            OFF
              OFF           ON

              easy               OFF  OFF                      
              normal             OFF  ON
              difficult          ON   OFF
              very diff.         ON   ON

  20000,70000,every 70000                  OFF  OFF
  30000,80000,every 80000                  OFF  ON
  20000,70000 only                         ON   OFF
  30000,80000 only                         ON   ON

  table                                             OFF
  upright                                           ON

  3                                                      OFF  OFF
  4                                                      OFF  ON
  5                                                      ON   OFF
  7                                                      ON   ON

DIP SWITCH 2A               1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8
  normal                    OFF
  inversed                  ON

  normal                         OFF
  test                           ON

  with                                ON
  without                             OFF

  coin 1 set up                            OFF
  coin 2 set up                            ON

  1 coin  / 1 credit                            OFF  OFF  OFF  OFF
  1 coin  / 2 credits                           OFF  OFF  OFF  ON
  1 coin  / 3 credits                           OFF  OFF  ON   OFF
  1 coin  / 4 credits                           OFF  OFF  ON   ON
  1 coin  / 5 credits                           OFF  ON   OFF  OFF
  1 coin  / 6 credits                           OFF  ON   OFF  ON
  1 coin  / 7 credits                           OFF  ON   ON   OFF
  2 coins / 1 credit                            OFF  ON   ON   ON
  2 coins / 2 credits                           ON   OFF  OFF  OFF
  2 coins / 5 credits                           ON   OFF  OFF  ON
  3 coins / 1 credit                            ON   OFF  ON   OFF
  3 coins / 2 credits                           ON   OFF  ON   ON
  3 coins / 4 credits                           ON   ON   OFF  OFF
  4 coins / 1 credit                            ON   ON   OFF  ON
  4 coins / 3 credits                           ON   ON   ON   OFF
      free play                                 ON   ON   ON   ON

Note: We received an email in January, 2011 that stated the following:  

"I can tell you after much trial and error that the settings on this page are completely reversed.<br>
The settings for DIP board 1A  are actually for 2A and vice-versa.<br>
Also, within those DIP boards, the switches, even though they're labeled on the PCB as 8-1 running LEFT (8) to right (1),<br>
are wrong on this cheat sheet as well.<br>Basically, reverse the order of the switches on both boards and change 1A to 2A and 2A to 1A."

NOTE: Dip switch setting information is contributed by the community and although is believed to be correct (most of the time), has not been tested or verified.
Use this information at your own risk.

Official dip switch information may be available in the manual:
