Museum of the Game ®

***** DEVELOPMENT & TESTING SITE (development) *****

Bump 'n Jump Dip Switch Settings

Below are the specific dip-switch settings users have contributed for Bump 'n Jump:


                         DIP Switch 8D (SW1)
                          COINS PER CREDIT
                             SW#1  SW#2  SW#3  SW#4  SW#5  SW#6  SW#7  SW#8
Coin switches 1 and 2
*  1 coin  = 1 credit        OFF   OFF
   1 coin  = 2 credits       ON    OFF
   1 coin  = 3 credits       OFF   ON
   2 coins = 1 credit        ON    ON
Test Credit Button
*  1 coin  = 1 credit                    OFF   OFF
   1 coin  = 2 credits                   ON    OFF
   1 coin  = 3 credits                   OFF   ON
   2 coins = 1 credit                    ON    ON

                             SW#1  SW#2  SW#3  SW#4  SW#5  SW#6  SW#7  SW#8
*  Game Mode                                         OFF   OFF
   Normal Test Procedure                             ON    OFF
   No Effect                                         OFF   ON
   Video PC Board Test Only                          ON    ON

                            CABINET TYPE
                             SW#1  SW#2  SW#3  SW#4  SW#5  SW#6  SW#7  SW#8
   Upright Control Panel                                         ON
   Cocktail Control Panel                                        OFF
   Upright Screen                                                      ON
   Cocktail Screen                                                     OFF

                         DIP Switch 7D (SW1)
                          NUMBER OF CARS PER GAME
                             SW#1  SW#2  SW#3  SW#4  SW#5  SW#6  SW#7  SW#8
*  3 Cars                    OFF
   5 Cars                    ON

                          BONUS CARS AWARDED
                             SW#1  SW#2  SW#3  SW#4  SW#5  SW#6  SW#7  SW#8
*  1 car every   30,000 pts        OFF   OFF
   1 car every   70,000 pts        ON    OFF
   1 car only at 20,000 pts        OFF   ON
   1 car only at 30,000 pts        ON    ON

                             RACK BONUS
                             SW#1  SW#2  SW#3  SW#4  SW#5  SW#6  SW#7  SW#8
*  Normal Game                                 OFF
   Can continue game                           ON

                             SW#1  SW#2  SW#3  SW#4  SW#5  SW#6  SW#7  SW#8
*  Easy                                              OFF
   Hard                                              ON

   RFU - all should be off                                 OFF   OFF   OFF

* - indicates factory recommended settings


NOTE: Dip switch setting information is contributed by the community and although is believed to be correct (most of the time), has not been tested or verified.
Use this information at your own risk.

Official dip switch information may be available in the manual: