Museum of the Game ®

***** DEVELOPMENT & TESTING SITE (development) *****

Bosconian Dip Switch Settings

Below are the specific dip-switch settings users have contributed for Bosconian:

|                               DIP Switch 6K                                 |
|  Coins per credit:                | SW#1 SW#2 SW#3 SW#4 SW#5 SW#6 SW#7 SW#8 |
| Free Play                         | On   On   On                            |
| 4 coins   1 credit                | Off  On   On                            |
| 3 coins   1 credit                | On   Off  On                            |
| 2 coins   1 credit                | Off  Off  On                            |
| 2 coins   3 credit                | On   On   Off                           |
| 1 coins   3 credit                | Off  On   Off                           |
| 1 coins   2 credit                | On   Off  Off                           |
| 1 coins   1 credit                | Off  Off  Off                           |
|  Bonus ships awarded at the following point values:                         |
|                                                                             |
| Began with 1,    Began with                                                 |
| 2 or 3 fighters  5 fighters       | SW#1 SW#2 SW#3 SW#4 SW#5 SW#6 SW#7 SW#8 |
| 1st ship   20000 1st ship   30000 |                                         |
| 2nd ship   70000 2nd ship  120000 |                On   On   Off            |
| and every  70000                  |                                         |
| 1st ship   15000 1st ship   20000 |                                         |
| 2nd ship   50000 2nd ship   70000 |                On   Off  On             |
| and every  50000                  |                                         |
| 1st ship   15000 1st ship   30000 |                                         |
| 2nd ship   50000 2nd ship  100000 |                On   Off  Off            |
|                  and every 100000 |                                         |
| 1st ship   10000 1st ship   15000 |                                         |
| 2nd ship   50000 2nd ship   70000 |                Off  On   On             |
| and every  50000                  |                                         |
| 1st ship   40000 1st ship   30000 |                                         |
| 2nd ship  100000 2nd ship   80000 |                Off  On   Off            |
| and every 100000 and every  80000 |                                         |
| 1st ship   15000 1st ship   20000 |                                         |
| 2nd ship   70000 2nd ship  100000 |                Off  Off  On             |
| and every  70000                  |                                         |
| 1st ship   20000 1st ship   30000 |                                         |
| 2nd ship   70000 2nd ship  120000 |                Off  Off  Off            |
|                  and every 120000 |                                         |
|      No bonus ships given         |                On   On   On             |
|       with this setting           |                                         |
|  Determines number of space fighters player begins game with:               |
|         1 space fighter           |                               On   On   |
|         2 space fighters          |                               Off  On   |
|         3 space fighters          |                               On   Off  |
|         5 space fighters          |                               Off  Off  |
|                               DIP Switch 6J                                 |
|                                   | SW#1 SW#2 SW#3 SW#4 SW#5 SW#6 SW#7 SW#8 |
|           1 Player Game           |                                         |
| Press the <1 player> start button |                                         |
|       1, 2, 3 or 5 fighters       |                                         |
|-----------------------------------| Off                           Not       |
|           2 Player Game           |                               Used      |
|    Press the <2 player> button    |                                         |
|   2, 3, 4 or 5 fighters *each*    |                                         |
|           1 Player Game           |                                         |
|    Press the <1 player> button    |                                         |
|       1, 2, 3 or 5 fighters       |                                         |
|-----------------------------------| On                            Not       |
|           1 Player Game           |                               Used      |
|    with 3, 5, 7 or 11 fighters    |                                         |
| Press the <2 player> start button |                                         |
|  Difficulty level settings - "B" is the easiest and "C" is                  |
|     the most difficult:                                                     |
|                                   | SW#1 SW#2 SW#3 SW#4 SW#5 SW#6 SW#7 SW#8 |
| Rank "A" - Standard level of      |      Off  Off                 Not       |
|               Difficulty          |                               Used      |
| Rank "B" - Easiest level of       |      Off  On                  Not       |
|               Difficulty          |                               Used      |
| Rank "C" - Hardest level of       |      On   Off                 Not       |
|               Difficulty          |                               Used      |
| Rank "Auto" - (Measures player's  |      On   On                  Not       |
|               skill level)        |                               Used      |
|                                   | SW#1 SW#2 SW#3 SW#4 SW#5 SW#6 SW#7 SW#8 |
| No game continuation feature      |                On             Not       |
| Player(s) may continue game from  |                Off            Used      |
| present round after last ship has |                                         |
| been destroyed.  This costs add-  |                                         |
| itional credits.  Player(s) scores|                                         |
| are returned to zero - "0"        |                                         |
| Game provides sound in            |                     On        Not       |
|    *attract* mode                 |                               Used      |
| Game does not provide sound in    |                     Off       Not       |
|    *attract* mode                 |                               Used      |
| Freeze video (Monitor presentation|                          On   Not       |
| stops moving)                     |                               Used      |
| Monitor operates normally         |                          Off  Not       |
|                                   |                               Used      |
|  Coin counter:                    | SW#1 SW#2 SW#3 SW#4 SW#5 SW#6 SW#7 SW#8 |
| One way                           |                               Not  On   |
| Two way                           |                               Used Off  |
| NOTE: Switch number 6J-7 is not used and should always remain in the "off"  |
|   position                                                                  |

NOTE: Dip switch setting information is contributed by the community and although is believed to be correct (most of the time), has not been tested or verified.
Use this information at your own risk.

Official dip switch information may be available in the manual:
