Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Amusement Machines: 1930s (type: Arcade)


Entries in this index: 266
Name Manufacturer Year Type Genre Description Images
1932 All Star Baseball Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1932 Arcade / Pitch and bat
1934 Champion International Mutoscope Reel Co. 1934 Arcade / Digger
1935 Novelty Merchantman Exhibit Supply Co., The 1934 Arcade / Digger
1937 World Series Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1937 Arcade / Electro-Mechanical Skill
1938 Love Meter Exhibit Supply Co., The 1938 Arcade
20th Century Exhibit Supply Co., The 1933 Arcade / Digger
3 Shots - A Game of Skill E. E. Junior Mfg. Ltd. 1931 Arcade / Pistol
All Sports Bryan's Automatic Machine Works 1937 Arcade
All-Star Baseball Pace Manufacturing Co. 1930 Arcade Sports
AntiAircraft Machine Gun Keeney and Sons, Inc. 1939 Arcade
Aradian Blue Streak Exhibit Supply Co., The 1939 Arcade / Digger
Aristocrat Billiard Table Vending Machine Co. 1931 Arcade
Around the World Stoner Manufacturing Corp. 1937 Arcade / Electro-Mechanical
Ask Me Another Exhibit Supply Co., The 1939 Arcade
Athlete Complet Barme 1932 Arcade / Strength tester
Automatic Cinema Unknown (Temporary) 1935 Arcade / Viewer
Autoroute Sportive Autoreflex 1937 Arcade / Driving game
Avenir Bonzini & Sopransi 1937 Arcade / Fortune
Avions, Les Unknown 1935 Arcade / Skill game
B & M Ball Gum B. & M. Manufacturing Co. 1932 Arcade / Counter game
Babe Ruth Baseball Stephen's Novelty Co. 1935 Arcade / Counter game
Baffle Ball Bally Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Ball Sport Bryan's Automatic Machine Works 1937 Arcade
Bally Alley Bowling Bally Manufacturing Co. 1939 Arcade / Bowler
Ballyround Bally 1930 Arcade / Roll Down Skill
Bang-A-Deer Tru Shot Corp. 1931 Arcade
Barn Yard Golf Peo Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Barn-Yard Golf Peo Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Base 1c Ball Atlas Indicator Works 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Base Ball Atlas Indicator Works 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Baseball Atlas Indicator Works 1930 Arcade
Bat-A-Ball Peo Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Skill game
Belfry Chas. Ahrens 1930 Arcade / Working model
Billiard Practice A. B. T. Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Billiard Skill
Bingo D. Robbins & Co., Mfrs. 1938 Arcade / Counter game
Boxeurs, Les Ludo 1932 Arcade
Boxing Skill D. Robbins & Co., Mfrs. 1931 Arcade / Coin drop Sports
Boxomat Boxomat 1930 Arcade
Bridge Transporter Digger Bonzini & Sopransi 1936 Arcade / Digger
Bubble Dance, The - Stupendous Colossal Unknown 1930 Arcade / Viewer
Bull Bally Manufacturing Co. 1939 Arcade
Bunny Shooter Hawtins 1931 Arcade
Card Vendor Exhibit Supply Co., The 1930 Arcade
Card Vendor Exhibit Supply Co., The 1935 Arcade
Career Pilot International Mutoscope Corp. 1938 Arcade / Fortune
Casino New Era Manufacturing Co. 1930 Arcade / Coin drop
Century Exhibit Supply Co., The 1931 Arcade / Digger
Challenger J. F. Frantz Mfg. Co. 1935 Arcade / Pistol
Champion International Mutoscope Reel Co. 1931 Arcade / Digger
Chest-O-Graph International Mutoscope Reel Co. 1938 Arcade / Strength tester
Chicago Digger Buckley Manufacturing. Co. 1934 Arcade / Digger
Chicken Sam Seeburg 1931 Arcade / Rifle
Chinese Crystal Gazer (UK) Unknown 1930 Arcade / Fortune
Chinese Novelty Fortune Teller C Palash 1930 Arcade / Fortune
Churchill Downs Automatic Novelty Co. 1933 Arcade / Racing
Clown Shooter, The Hayden Mfg. (UK) 1930 Arcade / Pistol
Clown Target Hercules Novelty Co. 1930 Arcade / Pistol
Clutching Hand Hawtins 1938 Arcade / Digger
Counter Iron Claw Model E Exhibit Supply Co., The 1930 Arcade / Digger
Cricket Unknown (Temporary) 1930 Arcade / Roll Down
Crystal Palace Exhibit Supply Co., The 1939 Arcade / Digger
Cuckoo Clock Exhibit Supply Co., The 1931 Arcade / Strength tester Skill
Cupid's Post Office Caille Bros. Co. 1935 Arcade
Deal'Em Exhibit Supply Co., The 1930 Arcade / Counter game
Deluxe Champion International Mutoscope Reel Co. 1933 Arcade / Digger
DeLuxe Digger Buckley Manufacturing. Co. 1931 Arcade / Digger
Deluxe Grip Scale Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1938 Arcade / Strength tester
Digger Buckley Manufacturing. Co. 1934 Arcade / Digger
Ding the Dinger Field Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Draw Five Peo Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Skill game
Duce Wild Pace Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Eagle Eye Bally Manufacturing Co. 1937 Arcade / Rifle
Egyptian Mummy Ramasees The Great, The Exhibit Supply Co., The 1937 Arcade / Fortune
Electric Baseball World Champion Unknown 1930 Arcade Sports
Electric Crystal Gazer Coin Operating Co. 1931 Arcade / Fortune
Electric Radio Wave Unknown 1930 Arcade / Shocker
Electric Shock - How Much Can You Take Advance Electric Co. 1930 Arcade / Shocker
Electric Traveling Crane International Mutoscope Reel Co. 1932 Arcade / Digger
Electriseur Barme Barme 1930 Arcade / Shocker
Electro-Hoist Star Machine Mfrs., Inc. 1931 Arcade
Electroskill Evans-Kirk Mfg. Co. 1931 Arcade / Coin drop Skill
English Execution Chas. Ahrens 1930 Arcade / Working model
Fascination Pacific Manufacturing Corp. 1931 Arcade
Finger Striker Charles Fey & Sons 1932 Arcade / Strength tester
FIVE CENT CHANCE Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1939 Arcade / Digger Skill
Flip Skill Mills Novelty Co. 1938 Arcade / Counter game
Football Type 1 B. Madorsky Co. 1930 Arcade / Counter game
Football Type 2 B. Madorsky Co. 1930 Arcade / Counter game
FUN Exhibit Supply Co., The 1930 Arcade
Future Crystal Gazer Future Products 1931 Arcade / Fortune
Game of Skill, A E. E. Junior Mfg. Ltd. 1930 Arcade / Pistol
Glamour Rating - Grip Test Exhibit Supply Co., The 1930 Arcade / Strength tester
Go-Go Girl Star Amusement Co. 1930 Arcade / Coin drop
Grand Marathon Cycle Race Chas. Ahrens 1930 Arcade
Grand National J. P. Seeburg Corp. 1931 Arcade / Racing
Grandmothers Predictions Ideal Manufacturing Co. 1932 Arcade / Fortune
Great American Game Frantz Mfg. Co. of Sterling, IL 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Greyhound, The Automatic Novelty Co. 1930 Arcade / Roll Down
Grip Test Western Equipment & Supply 1930 Arcade / Strength tester
Grip Tester Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1931 Arcade
Gyro Star Machine Mfrs., Inc. 1931 Arcade
Handan-Ni Four-Ball Unknown 1930 Arcade / Skill game
Hercules Midget Base Ball Hercules Novelty Co. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Hi-Ball Exhibit Supply Co., The 1930 Arcade / Roll Down Skill
Hidden Treasure Bryan's Automatic Machine Works 1938 Arcade / Skill game
Hit Hitler Starr Vending Machine Co. 1930 Arcade / Pistol Skill
Hoops Genco Corp. 1931 Arcade
Huntsmans Derby Chas. Ahrens 1930 Arcade
Ideal Exhibit Supply Co., The 1932 Arcade
Imperial Exhibit Supply Co., The 1931 Arcade
Indoor Striker In & Out Door Games Co. 1930 Arcade / Counter game
Indoor Striker - Ball Gum Amusement Pacific Amusement Co. 1930 Arcade / Counter game
Information Vending Machine Co. of America 1930 Arcade
Jewel Box Buckley Manufacturing. Co. 1931 Arcade / Digger
Jolly Jack Unknown 1930 Arcade / Electro-Mechanical
Jungle Dodger Universal Mfg. Co. 1935 Arcade
Junior Basketball C. D. Fairchild 1930 Arcade / Basketball Skill
Junior Crane International Mutoscope Reel Co. 1932 Arcade / Digger
Kiss-O-Meter Exhibit Supply Co., The 1930 Arcade / Counter game
L'Eclair Louis Loubet 1932 Arcade / Shooter
L'Eclair Pistol La Garenne 1930 Arcade / Pistol Skill
La Chasse a Courre - Hunting with Hounds Louis Miquel 1934 Arcade / Rifle
La Chasse a Courre - The Hunt Foresty (Louis Miquel) 1937 Arcade / Shooter Skill
La Gitane - Gypsy Pierre Bussoz 1938 Arcade / Fortune
Labyrinthe Rouge, Le Unknown 1931 Arcade / Skill game
Le Petit Tour De France - Little Tour of France Rene Etoc 1934 Arcade / Racing
Le Pistolet M. Allais 1932 Arcade / Shooter
Lift-O-Graph Monkey International Mutoscope Corp. 1938 Arcade / Strength tester Skill
Little Gypsy Exhibit Supply Co., The 1931 Arcade / Fortune
Little Whirl-Wind Peo Manufacturing Co. 1930 Arcade / Counter game
Love Meter Exhibit Supply Co., The 1938 Arcade
Love Pilot International Mutoscope Corp. 1938 Arcade / Fortune
Love Teller International Mutoscope Corp. 1935 Arcade
Love Tester American Amusement Co. 1930 Arcade / Strength tester
Lucky Exhibit Supply Co., The 1931 Arcade
Lucky Roll M. Brodie Co. 1939 Arcade / Counter game
Madam Isis Fortune Teller Unknown 1930 Arcade / Fortune
Magic Eye fortune teller A. B. T. Manufacturing Co. 1935 Arcade / Fortune
Magic Finger International Mutoscope Reel Co. 1931 Arcade / Digger
Make Twenty-One Exhibit Supply Co., The 1936 Arcade / Coin drop
Marksman Shooter Chas. Ahrens 1934 Arcade / Pistol
Merchantman Exhibit Supply Co., The 1931 Arcade / Digger
Merchantman Digger Exhibit Supply Co., The 1934 Arcade / Digger
Merry-Go-Round Genco Corp. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Midget Baseball Hercules Novelty Co. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Midget Baseball Churchill 1939 Arcade Sports
Midget Golf Peo Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Skill game
Midnight in the Haunted Churchyard John Dennison of Banks 1933 Arcade / Working model
Mille, Le Unknown 1935 Arcade / Shocker
Mini Pool Home Billardette Table Co. 1931 Arcade / Billiard Sports
Miss Tyka Barme 1930 Arcade / Fortune
Model KMF 20 Mutoscope Viewer International Mutoscope Corp. 1930 Arcade / Viewer
Morel's Boxing Morel 1932 Arcade / Puncher Fighting
Motocine, Le Martin 1930 Arcade / Viewer
Mutoscope (Tin Model) International Mutoscope Reel Co. 1939 Arcade / Viewer
Mysterious Hand Chas. Ahrens 1930 Arcade / Fortune
Mystic Eye Exhibit Supply Co., The 1935 Arcade / Fortune
Mystic Ray International Mutoscope Corp. 1933 Arcade / Fortune
National Game - Deuces-Wild A.S.L. Sales Corp. 1930 Arcade / Skill game
New Pathfinder Exhibit Supply Co., The 1931 Arcade / Digger
Nickel Digger W. D. Bartlett 1935 Arcade / Digger
Nine Ball A. J. Stephens and Co. 1931 Arcade / Bowler
Novelty Merchantman 'Streamline' Exhibit Supply Co., The 1934 Arcade / Digger
Nudist Colony Bryan's Automatic Machine Works 1936 Arcade / Viewer
Open Season A.S.L. Sales Corp. 1931 Arcade
Our Firefighters at Work Chas. Ahrens 1930 Arcade / Working model
Our Firefighters at Work Chas. Ahrens 1930 Arcade / Working model
Panama Digger Model A Scientific Machine Corp. 1934 Arcade / Digger
Panama Digger Model C Scientific Machine Corp. 1934 Arcade / Digger
Par-Ket Parmley Engineering Co. 1935 Arcade / Counter game
Parcours Automobile, Le Autoreflex 1934 Arcade / Driving game
Pathfinder Exhibit Supply Co., The 1931 Arcade / Digger
Penny Pinball Genco Corp. 1935 Arcade / Skill game
Pep Finger Striker Charles Fey & Sons 1930 Arcade / Strength tester
Pete's Penny Ante Penny Ante Amusement Co. 1934 Arcade / Counter game
Pike's Peak Groetchen Tool & Mfg. Co. 1939 Arcade / Counter game
Pile Driver Automatic Games Co. 1933 Arcade / Counter game
Ping Pong Exhibit Supply Co., The 1938 Arcade
Play Ball Pace Manufacturing Co. 1930 Arcade Sports
Play Baseball Unknown 1930 Arcade / Coin drop
Play Basket Ball Filmascope Mfg. Co. 1930 Arcade / Basketball
Play Basketball Filmascope Manufacturing Corp. 1931 Arcade / Basketball
Play Golf B. M. Y. Novelty Sales Co. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Play Hi-Li R. W. McKenney 1932 Arcade / Counter game
Play Poker Peo Manufacturing Co. 1930 Arcade / Skill game
Poker Genco Corp. 1931 Arcade
Pole Vault Peo Manufacturing Co. 1933 Arcade / Coin drop Skill
Polo Skill A. Pirmischer 1930 Arcade / Roll Down
Pont Transbordeur - Crane Machine Bonzini & Sopransi 1935 Arcade / Redemption Skill
Pub Pool Mills Novelty Co. 1930 Arcade / Pool Sports
Pussy Shooter shooting cats theme Hayden Mfg. (UK) 1930 Arcade / Pistol
Radio Rifle Coinomatic Corp. 1931 Arcade / Rifle Shooter
Ranger Projectile Shooter Bally Manufacturing Co. 1930 Arcade / Shooter
Ray-O-Lite Rifle Game J. P. Seeburg Corp. 1936 Arcade / Rifle Skill
Red Rocket Unknown 1939 Arcade / Roll Down
Red Top Crane International Mutoscope Reel Co. 1931 Arcade / Digger
Rifle Range Chas. Ahrens 1934 Arcade / Pistol
Ringer A. M. Walzer Co. 1931 Arcade
Ringo Ringo Mfg. Co. 1931 Arcade
Rol-A-Score Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1931 Arcade
Rola Base Genco Corp. 1930 Arcade
Rola Score Chicago Coin Machine Co. 1936 Arcade / Ball bowler Skill
Roll-Em Dice Star Amusement Co. 1939 Arcade / Counter game
ROLO Unknown 1938 Arcade / Coin Roller Skill
Rotary Merchandiser Exhibit Supply Co., The 1931 Arcade
Rotomatic International Mutoscope Reel Co. 1931 Arcade / Digger
S. S. Merchandiser (Crane Digger) Mills Novelty Co. 1931 Arcade / Digger
Saturne, Le Unknown 1935 Arcade / Skill game
School Days Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1937 Arcade / Rifle
Scientific Automatic Palmistry Chas. Ahrens 1932 Arcade / Fortune
Selector Mutoscope International Mutoscope Reel Co. 1931 Arcade
Sex Appeal Meter Exhibit Supply Co., The 1930 Arcade / Counter game
Sharpshooter T. H. Bergmann & Co. 1935 Arcade / Pistol
Sharpshooter Scott, Adickes & Co., Ltd. 1935 Arcade / Pistol
Shoot-A-Line Western Equipment & Supply 1931 Arcade / Rifle Shooter
Shootamatic International Mutoscope Corp. 1934 Arcade / Pistol
Showbox Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1935 Arcade / Redemption
Ske-Bal-Ete Buddick Engineering Co., Inc. 1931 Arcade / Roll Down
SkeeBallEtte Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1939 Arcade / Bowler
Skill Jump Groetchen Tool & Mfg. Co. 1939 Arcade / Counter game
Skill Shot Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1936 Arcade / Counter game
Smash Hitler Shooting Machine British American Novelty Co. 1939 Arcade
Snookerette Automatic Billiard Corp. 1931 Arcade / Billiard
Star Electro Hoist Star Machine Mfrs., Inc. 1931 Arcade / Digger
Steeplechase (drop) Automatic Novelty Co. 1933 Arcade / Counter game
Steeplechase Deluxe Exhibit Supply Co., The 1933 Arcade / Counter game
Stereo Picture Box Bollands Amusement Machine Supply 1937 Arcade / Viewer
Stereoscope Automatique Unknown 1930 Arcade / Viewer
Sunny Boy Field Manufacturing Co. 1932 Arcade / Counter game
Superior Pool Keeney and Sons, Inc. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Sweep, The (1c Play) Buddy Sales Corp. 1931 Arcade / Digger
Sweet Sixteen Pace Manufacturing Co. 1930 Arcade / Skill game
Sweet Sixteen Genco Corp. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Talkie Horoscope Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1938 Arcade / Fortune
Target Practice Great States Manufacturing Co. 1930 Arcade / Coin drop
Targette J. H. Keeney & Co., Inc. 1936 Arcade / Rifle
Tel-E-Test Unknown 1935 Arcade / Shocker
Ten Strike H. C. Evans & Co. 1931 Arcade
Test Your Grip Gottlieb, D. & Co. 1931 Arcade / Strength tester
Tir Vermos Vermos, France 1932 Arcade / Shooter
Tirez Bonzini & Sopransi 1930 Arcade / Digger
Tirez Nenette - Shoot Nenette Unknown 1930 Arcade / Strength tester
Tom Mix Radio Rifle Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1931 Arcade
Topsy Turvy Derby Kelley Novelty Co. 1931 Arcade
Totalizer Daval Manufacturing Co. 1937 Arcade / Electro-Mechanical
Treasure Island Buckley Manufacturing. Co. 1935 Arcade / Digger
True Horoscope Exhibit Supply Co., The 1932 Arcade / Fortune
Twins Dice Exhibit Supply Co., The 1930 Arcade / Counter game
Twins, The L. Walton & Co. 1930 Arcade / Working model
Twirl-It Harry Harper and Assoc. 1932 Arcade / Skill game
Universal Grip Holly Engineering Co. 1939 Arcade / Strength tester
Vaudette Dean Novelty Co. 1932 Arcade / Counter game
Viewer Exhibit Supply Co., The 1935 Arcade / Viewer
Vitalizer Exhibit Supply Co., The 1939 Arcade / Service
Wee-Gee Peo Manufacturing Co. 1935 Arcade / Counter game
Whirl-Ball Peo Manufacturing Co. 1930 Arcade / Skill game
Whiz Ball Pace Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Wildcat John Goodbody 1931 Arcade / Counter game
Wizard's Pen, The International Mutoscope Corp. 1930 Arcade / Fortune
World Champion Peo Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
World's Champion Peo Manufacturing Co. 1931 Arcade / Counter game
X-Cavator Ad-Lee Novelty Co. 1934 Arcade / Digger
X-Ray Woodward, London 1930 Arcade / Fortune
X-Ray Poker Ball Scientific Machine Corp. 1931 Arcade / Bowler
Zip-O Midwest Novelty Mfg. Co. 1930 Arcade / Skill game
Zodi Fortune Teller Unknown 1938 Arcade / Fortune
