Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Amusement Machines: 1910s (type: All)


Entries in this index: 494
Name Manufacturer Year Type Genre Description Images
12, Le Pierre Bussoz 1910 Slot Machine / Wall game
1916 Bell Mills Novelty Co. 1916 Slot Machine / Bell
1918 Accurate Scale Mills Novelty Co. 1917 Vending / Scale
1c Matchboxes Philadelphia Vending Co. 1912 Vending / Match
1c Matches Advance Machine Co. 1915 Vending / Match
3 Jacks Charles Fey & Sons 1910 Slot Machine / Coin drop
3 Tetes, Les Unknown 1910 Slot Machine / Wheel
3-Way Lifter Pacific Scale Works 1913 Arcade / Strength tester
6-Way dice machine - 26 Atlas Novelty Co. 1911 Trade Stim. / Roulette
A Good Turn National Institute For The Blind 1910 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Absolutely Sanitary Duplex Stamp Vendor Duplex Vendor Co. 1910 Vending / Stamp
Admin 001 Mills Novelty Co. 1910 Slot Machine
Advance Match Machine Advance Machine Co. 1916 Vending / Match
Advance Model D Advance Machine Co. 1912 Vending / Gum
Advance Operators Special Advance Machine Co. 1916 Vending / Gum
Advertising Scale Toledo Scale Co. 1919 Vending / Scale
Aeroplan Mills Novelty Co. 1910 Trade Stim. / Reel
Alball Alball Manufacturing Co. 1912 Vending / Gum
Alexander Match Alexander Manufacturing Co. 1910 Vending / Match
Alexander Match Vendor Alexander Manufacturing Co. 1915 Vending / Match
American Vending Stamp Machine Mills Novelty Co. 1915 Vending / Stamp
Aristocrat Caille Bros. Co. 1916 Vending / Scale
Aristocrat Peerless Weighing & Vending 1919 Vending / Scale
Arrow Mills Novelty Co. 1918 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Au Pere Bidard Louis Mejeannel 1911 Slot Machine / Wheel
Auto Hance Manufacturing Co. 1915 Vending / Bulk
Auto Scale Automatic Beam Scale Co., The 1911 Vending / Scale
Automatic Bowling Alley Caille Bros. Co. 1913 Arcade / Bowler
Automatic Bowling Alley (Counter) Caille Bros. Co. 1913 Arcade / Bowler
Automatic Cashier and Discount Machine Almy Manufacturing Co. 1915 Trade Stim.
Automatic Coin Operated Gas Pump Automatic Vending Machine Co. (Chicago & Oshkosh) 1915 Vending / Gas Pump
Automatic Gum Vender Mills Novelty Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Reel
Automatic Gum Vendor O. D. Jennings & Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Reel
Automatic Hammer, The - Le Marteau Automatique C.L. Barnhart 1910 Arcade / Strength tester
Automatic Phonograph Caille Bros. Co. 1913 Music / Phonograph
Automatic Phonograph Mills Novelty Co. 1913 Music / Phonograph
Automatic Pulling Machine (Cabinet) Caille Bros. Co. 1913 Arcade / Strength tester
Automatic Pulling Machine (Platform) Caille Bros. Co. 1913 Arcade / Strength tester
Automatic Receiving Teller American Banking Machine Corp. 1910 Vending
Baby Lincoln Sloan Novelty Co. 1915 Unknown
Baby Vender - no jackpot Burham Novelty Works 1910 Slot Machine / Reel
Bajazzo (Clown) Jentzsch & Meerz 1912 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Barrel, The Original Amusement Games 1911 Arcade / Poker
Base Ball National Novelty Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Base-Ball Silver King Novelty Co. 1914 Trade Stim. / Reel
Baseball Caille Bros. Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Reel
Baseball Cawood Novelty Co. 1913 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Baseball Paupa & Hochriem Co. 1918 Vending / Gum
Bayle's George E. Bayle Co. 1910 Vending
Bayle's Salted Peanuts Agner & Bushman 1910 Vending / Bulk
Bayle's Salted Peanuts George E. Bayle Co. 1910 Vending / Bulk
Bell Fruit Gum Industry Novelty Co. 1913 Slot Machine / Bell
Berlin Or Bust Unknown 1917 Pinball / Mechanical
Big Six Gum Vender Charles Fey & Sons 1911 Slot Machine / Reel
Big Six O.K. Gum Vender Watling Manufacturing Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Reel
Bijou Pickwick Pessers, Moody, Wraith & Gurr 1914 Slot Machine / Wall game
Billiard Vertical, Le Unknown 1910 Slot Machine / Wall game
Bluebird 1-2-3 Blue Bird Products Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Bluebird Bulk Vendors Blue Bird Products Co. 1915 Vending / Bulk
Bluebird Trap Door Blue Bird Products Co. 1915 Vending
Bowling Alley Caille Bros. Co. 1913 Arcade / Bowler
Breath Pellet National Novelty Co. 1910 Vending / Bulk
Breath Pellet Vending Machine Co. of America 1910 Vending / Bulk
Breath Pellet Millard Vending 1916 Vending / Bulk
Breath Perfume National Novelty Co. 1913 Vending / Bulk
Brownie Counter Wheel Watling Manufacturing Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Wheel
Brownie Jackpot Mills Novelty Co. 1918 Slot Machine / Wheel
Bulk Vendor Blue Bird Products Co. 1915 Vending / Bulk
Bull Dog Handan-Ni Ltd. 1919 Slot Machine / Wall game
Burham Burham Novelty Works 1910 Slot Machine / Bell
Bushnell Sales Co. Bushnell Manufacturing Co. 1910 Vending / Stamp
Bussophone Cyril de Vere 1919 Music / Jukebox
BX Orchestrion Nickelodeon Auto Piano Wurlitzer Automatic Phonograph Co. 1917 Music / Jukebox
Cannon, Le New Polyphon Supply Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Wall game
Capsule Vendor Stamping & Tool Co. 1915 Vending / Stamp
Cardinal Gum Unknown 1910 Vending / Gum
Case Pepsin Gum Case Chicle Co. 1910 Vending / Gum
Castle Range Gustav Schultze & Co. 1918 Arcade / Pistol
Challenge T. Flory 1914 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Challenge, The F. W. Mills Mfg. Co. 1911 Arcade / Puncher
Champion Punching Bag Exhibit Supply Co., The 1917 Arcade / Puncher
Chasse, La R. Le Dentu 1910 Slot Machine / Wall game
Check Boy Caille Bros. Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Reel
Check Boy Gum Vender Mills Novelty Co. 1918 Trade Stim. / Reel
Chocolate Menier candy dispenser Unknown 1910 Vending / Candy
Choice Package Gum Vender Northwestern Corp. 1917 Vending / Gum
Cigar Dice Smokers Supply 1918 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Cigars Automatic Vending Machine Co. (Indianapolis) 1910 Vending / Cigar
Clawson Candy Machine Clawson Machine Co. 1917 Vending / Candy
Clawson Snow Flake Clawson Machine Co. 1917 Vending / Gum
Clifford G. Pierce Clifford G. Pierce 1913 Vending / Gum
Clown Jentzsch & Meerz 1912 Slot Machine / Wall game
Coin Scale Toledo Scale Co. 1919 Vending / Scale
Color Match Watling Manufacturing Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Wheel
Columbus 36 Columbus Vending Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Columbus Model 48 Columbus Vending Co. 1910 Vending / Match
Columbus No. 5 Gum Columbus Vending Co. 1910 Vending / Gum
Combination Phonograph & Picture Caille Bros. Co. 1913 Music / Phonograph
Combination Phonograph & Picture Machine Caille Bros. Co. 1913 Arcade / Viewer
Combination Vendor Ryede Specialty Works 1910 Vending
Comet Caille Bros. Co. 1911 Trade Stim. / Reel
Counter Balance Scale Watling Manufacturing Co. 1914 Vending / Scale
Counter O.K. Mills Novelty Co. 1915 Slot Machine / Bell
Counter O.K. Gum Vender Mills Novelty Co. 1918 Slot Machine / Bell
Counter OK Vendor Silver King Novelty Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Bell
Counter Style Future Play Gum Vender Caille Bros. Co. 1917 Slot Machine / Bell
Counter Style Operator Bell Caille Bros. Co. 1917 Slot Machine / Bell
Counter Style Operator Bell Cabinet Caille Bros. Co. 1917 Slot Machine / Bell
Counter Style Operator Bell Gum Vender Caille Bros. Co. 1917 Slot Machine / Bell
Cresset, The Cresset Auto Machine Co. 1910 Trade Stim.
Dainty Confection Chic-Mint, The Chic-Mint Gum Co. 1915 Vending / Bulk
Daisy Progressive 1910 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Daisy "Diamond Top" Hamilton Manufacturing Co. 1910 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Dewey Jackpot Mills Novelty Co. 1918 Slot Machine / Upright
Diabolique, Le P. Beraud 1910 Slot Machine / Wall game
Diamond Matches Beaton & Caldwell Co. 1915 Vending / Match
Diamond Matches Atlas Manufacturing Co. 1916 Vending / Match
Digesto Gumball Digesto Gum Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Dixie Cup Vendor Individual Drinking Cup Company Inc. 1913 Vending / Service
Dominos, Les A. Feige 1911 Slot Machine / Bell
Dr. King's Fruitlets Pulver Company Inc. 1910 Vending / Gum
Dun Cigar R. G. Dun 1910 Vending / Cigar
Duo Charles Fey & Sons 1910 Slot Machine / Wheel
Duplex Midland Supply Co. 1912 Vending / Stamp
Eagle Eagle Manufacturing. Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Wheel
Eclipse phonograph Edison Phonograph Works 1910 Music / Phonograph
Electra Automatic Shooting Machine Electra Co. 1910 Arcade / Pistol
Electric Sailor Polyphon Musikwerke 1910 Arcade / Shocker
Electric Shocker A. Braesch 1910 Arcade / Shocker
Electricity J. Schoenbach 1910 Arcade / Shocker
Elk Caille Bros. Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Reel
Energie Unknown 1910 Arcade / Shocker
Erie Gum Rex Manufacturing Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Esmeralda Fortune Teller Unknown 1910 Arcade / Cards
Feu, Le Unknown 1910 Arcade / Shocker
Five Star vendor Adams Gum Co. 1915 Trade Stim.
Fleur de Lis Fleur De Lis Pepsin Chewing Gum 1910 Vending / Gum
Fleur de Lis Hopkins & Kost Co., Ltd. 1910 Vending / Gum
Flip Card Viewer Mills Novelty Co. 1910 Arcade / Viewer
Floor O.K. Mills Novelty Co. 1915 Slot Machine / Bell
Floor Style Future Play Gum Vender Caille Bros. Co. 1917 Slot Machine / Bell
Floor Style Operator Bell Gum Vender Caille Bros. Co. 1917 Slot Machine / Bell
Ford Ford Gum and Machine Co. 1919 Vending / Gum
Four Ball Machine Handan-Ni Ltd. 1913 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Fowler & Wheeler Matches Fowler & Wheeler 1910 Vending / Match
Foxy Grandpa Pulver Company Inc. 1915 Vending / Gum
Freeport Gum Vendor Standard Gum Machine Works 1910 Vending / Gum
Freeport Gum Vendor Freeport Novelty Co. 1910 Vending / Gum
Future Pay Bell Caille Bros. Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Bell
Future Play Caille Bros. Co. 1913 Slot Machine / Bell
Gabel's Automatic Entertainer Gabel Co. 1917 Music / Jukebox
Game O' Skill Unknown 1912 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Generic Advertiser R. D. Simpson Co. 1918 Vending / Bulk
Globe Advance Machine Co. 1911 Vending / Match
Glocken-Tivoli Unknown 1915 Pinball / Mechanical
Greyhound Stadium, The Caille Bros. Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Wheel
Griffin Griffin Vending Co. 1911 Vending / Bulk
Grip Test Caille Bros. Co. 1910 Arcade / Strength tester
Griswold Griswold Manufacturing Co. 1914 Vending / Bulk
Gum Uneeda Vending Service Distributors 1912 Vending / Gum
Gum Blue Bird Products Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Gum and Confections Klinkert's 1910 Vending
Gum Vender Watling Manufacturing Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Reel
Gumball Blue Bird Products Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Gumball Millard Vending 1916 Vending / Gum
Gumball Advance Machine Co. 1919 Vending / Gum
Hamilton Safety Matches Hamilton Manufacturing Co. 1910 Vending / Match
Hance Hance Manufacturing Co. 1915 Vending / Bulk
Hance Peerless Hance Manufacturing Co. 1915 Vending
Happy Home Caille Bros. Co. 1910 Arcade / Fortune
High Striker Gatter Novelty Co. 1918 Arcade / Strength tester
Honey Dew 1-2-3 Blue Bird Products Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Hot P-Nut Columbus Vending Co. 1915 Vending / Bulk
Ideal Safety Matches Ideal Manufacturing Co. 1910 Vending / Match
Imperial Imperial Manufacturing Co. 1910 Vending
Improved Base-Ball Caille Bros. Co. 1911 Trade Stim. / Reel
Improved Pickwick Handan-Ni Ltd. 1912 Slot Machine / Wall game
Improved Pickwick Pessers, Moody, Wraith & Gurr 1914 Slot Machine / Wall game
J.A. Birsfield Stamp Machine Stamping & Tool Co. 1915 Vending / Stamp
Jacob's Gum Jacob's Gum Co. 1916 Vending / Gum
Jefferson Counter Wheel Watling Manufacturing Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Wheel
Jello Advertising Stamp Vendor U. S. Stamp Vending Co. 1915 Vending / Stamp
Jim Dandy Goober Manufacturing Co. 1910 Vending / Bulk
Jim Dandy W. B. Graves & Son 1916 Vending / Bulk
Jockey Caille Bros. Co. 1915 Trade Stim. / Card game
Kalamazoo Duplex Kalamazoo Automatic Music Co. 1916 Music / Jukebox
Kone Klutch Kone-Klutch Corp. 1911 Vending / Stamp
L'Aerodrome - Airfield Unknown 1912 Arcade / Redemption
L'As De Trefle - The Clover C. Georg 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
L'Athlete - The Athlete Pierre Romand 1914 Pinball / Mechanical
L'Avenir - The Future Braesch 1912 Arcade / Fortune
L'Aviateur Reserviste - The Reservist Airman Maurice Moreau et Mole 1911 Pinball / Mechanical
L'Infini - Infinity Paul Valter 1911 Arcade
L'Observatoire - Observatory New Polyphon Supply Co. 1913 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Caille - The Quail Caille Bros. Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Cantiniere Unknown 1911 Vending
La Cantiniere - The Canteen Unknown (Temporary) 1911 Slot Machine / Reel
La Couronne - The Crown A. Bourdes 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Gauloise - The Gallic M. Moreau 1911 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Girouette - Weathervane Pierre Bussoz 1914 Slot Machine / Reel
La Grappe - Grapes The Pierre Romand 1910 Arcade / Skill game
La Grenouillere Unknown 1910 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Grenouillere - The Frog Lecuyer, Mejeannel and Osswald 1910 Slot Machine / Reel
La Joconde - The Jovial P. Beraud 1911 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Martingale Unknown 1913 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Mascotte - The Mascot E. Eisman 1913 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Mirobolante a Billes - The Mirobolante Ball Gaston Pereaux 1913 Arcade / Mechanical
La Petite - The Small Nau 1911 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Petite - The Small Nau 1913 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Pluie D'Or - The Golden Rain Joseph Soukhostavski and Antoine Verdier 1914 Pinball / Roll Down
La Roue - The Wheel A. Bourdes 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Roulette a Consommations - Consumption Roulette Nau 1914 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Roulette Visible - Visible Roultte Pierre Bussoz 1913 Slot Machine / Reel
La Siamoise - The Siamese A. Feige 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Sirene - The Mermaid New Polyphon Supply Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Tournee Generale - General Tour Unknown (Temporary) 1910 Arcade / Mechanical
La Tricolore - Tricolors Marius Poncet 1914 Slot Machine / Wheel
La Triple Entente - The Triple Agreement Unknown 1912 Arcade
La Triplette - The Triplet C. Georg 1913 Slot Machine / Wheel
Laclede Matches La Clede Manufacturing Co. 1915 Vending / Match
Large Electric Shock Mills Novelty Co. 1913 Arcade / Shocker
Le Boxeur - The Boxer A. Chatounowski 1913 Slot Machine / Wheel
Le Boxeur Blanc - The White Boxer Unknown 1910 Arcade / Strength tester
Le Cameleon - The Chameleon Lombard-Lecavelie 1911 Arcade
Le Coq Chantant - The Rooster New Polyphon Supply Co. 1910 Pinball / Mechanical
Le Diabolique P. Beraud 1911 Trade Stim.
Le Dragon Unknown 1911 Arcade
Le Grand Prix Maurice Moreau et Mole 1911 Slot Machine / Racing
Le Grand Prix Unknown 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
Le Jeu Des Petits Chevaux - A Game of Small Horses Unknown 1911 Arcade / Mechanical
Le Jockey Unknown (Temporary) 1910 Arcade / Mechanical
Le Juge De Paix - The Justice of the Peace New Polyphon Supply Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Dice
Le Magic P. Beraud 1910 Slot Machine
Le Manneken Pis - The Little Angel Piss Unknown 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
Le Marocain - The Moroccan E. Bignell 1912 Slot Machine / Roulette
Le Mignon - The Cute Unknown (Temporary) 1911 Arcade
Le Papillon - The Butterfly Unknown (Temporary) 1910 Arcade
Le Pierrot Amoureux - The Pierrot in Love Siegfried Wollstein 1910 Arcade
Le Resultat Des Courses - The Result of the Races Unknown 1911 Slot Machine / Racing
Le Sans Rival - The Unrivaled Pierre Romand 1913 Arcade
Le Tourniquet - The Turnstile Clamour and Champredonde 1912 Slot Machine / Roulette
Le Tout Nouveau - Brand New Paul Valter 1911 Arcade / Mechanical
Le Vainqueur - The Winner Unknown 1910 Arcade / Mechanical
Leader Sloan Novelty Co. 1910 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Leebold C. E. Leebold 1917 Vending / Bulk
Lehman Lehman & Son 1910 Vending / Gum
Les Courses de Longchamp - The Longchamp Races Joseph Soukhostavski and Antoine Verdier 1910 Slot Machine / Racing
Les Petits Chevaux - The Little Horses Nau 1910 Slot Machine / Counter game
Les Petits Chevaux - The Little Horses Nau 1911 Slot Machine / Counter game
Les Petits Chevaux - The Little Horses - Prototype Nau 1914 Slot Machine / Wheel
Les Sametoff - The Sametoffs Yvan Samet 1913 Arcade / Skill game
Les Tonneaux - Barrels Lemaziere et Bunzli 1911 Arcade / Mechanical
Liberty Bell Gum Fruit Mills Novelty Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Bell
Liberty Bell Gum Vender Caille Bros. Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Bell
Liberty Gum Unknown 1915 Vending / Gum
Lift Strength Tester Caille Bros. Co. 1910 Arcade / Strength tester
Limehouse Nights, Raid on an Opium Den Canova Novelty Co. 1910 Arcade / Working model
Lincoln Caille Bros. Co. 1912 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Lincoln Hot Nut R. D. Simpson Co. 1915 Vending / Bulk
Little Gem Bradford Novelty Co. 1913 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Little Perfection Mills Novelty Co. 1912 Vending / Bulk
Little Scarab Mills Novelty Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Roulette
Little Scarab Vender Mills Novelty Co. 1914 Trade Stim. / Roulette
Lone Star Special Watling Manufacturing Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Upright
Loving Cup Caille Bros. Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
Ludiator Ch. Ullmann 1910 Arcade / Mechanical
Lutetia Emile Bugand 1910 Arcade / Mechanical
Malaussena Unknown 1912 Vending / Bulk
Manneken-Pis Parfum Levinsky 1910 Vending
Marin Electrique, Le - Electronic Sailor The Polyphon Musikwerke 1910 Arcade / Strength tester
Marksman Automatic Sports Co. 1912 Arcade / Pistol
Matador Bally 1911 Slot Machine / Reel
Match Machine International Vending Co. 1910 Vending / Match
Match Vender Mills Novelty Co. 1911 Vending / Match
Matches Samuel Cupples Wooden Ware Co. 1910 Vending / Match
Matches Iowa Paper Co. 1910 Vending / Match
Matches Mills Novelty Co. 1911 Vending / Match
Merchant Blue Bird Products Co. 1915 Vending / Bulk
Millard Breath Pellet Millard Vending 1916 Vending / Bulk
Millard Breath Pellet Machines Millard Vending 1916 Vending / Bulk
Millard Gumball Millard Vending 1916 Vending / Gum
Millard Peanut Vendor Millard Vending 1914 Vending / Bulk
Mille, Le Pierre Bussoz 1910 Slot Machine / Wall game
Mills Match Mills Novelty Co. 1910 Vending / Match
Mills Novelty Co. Mills Novelty Co. 1912 Vending / Bulk
Mint Gum Vender F. W. Mills Mfg. Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Reel
Mint Gum Vendor F. W. Mills Mfg. Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Reel
Mint Vendor Counter Machine F. W. Mills Mfg. Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Reel
Mirror Front Watling Scale Co. 1916 Vending / Scale
Mo-Jo Chicle Products Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Mo-Jo Mo-Jo 1915 Vending / Gum
Mo-Jo Roth & Langley 1915 Vending / Gum
Model 1 Adjustable Package Machine Columbus Vending Co. 1915 Vending
Model 11 Superb Plain Weigher Watling Scale Co. 1917 Vending / Scale
Model 3 Columbus Vending Co. 1911 Vending / Gum
Model 30 Columbus Vending Co. 1913 Vending / Match
Model 36 Gum Columbus Vending Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Model 5 All Steel Cabinet Plain Weigher Watling Manufacturing Co. 1916 Vending / Scale
Model 8300 "Big Head" Toledo Scale Co. 1915 Vending / Scale
Model A Bulk Columbus Vending Co. 1910 Vending / Bulk
Model A Bulk Columbus Vending Co. 1915 Vending / Bulk
Model A Gum Columbus Vending Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Model A Profit Northwestern Corp. 1912 Vending / Stamp
Model A-3 Columbus Vending Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Model B Columbus Vending Co. 1912 Vending / Bulk
Model BD Columbus Vending Co. 1910 Vending / Bulk
Model C Columbus Vending Co. 1910 Vending / Bulk
Model D Columbus Vending Co. 1911 Vending / Gum
Model D Full Value U. S. Vending Machine Co. 1919 Vending / Stamp
Model D Listerated Gum Columbus Vending Co. 1911 Vending / Gum
Model D Match Vendor Specialty Mfg. Co., The 1915 Vending / Match
Model D Stamp U. S. Vending Machine Co. 1919 Vending / Stamp
Model F Columbus Vending Co. 1915 Vending / Bulk
Model G Full Value Northwestern Corp. 1912 Vending / Stamp
Model K Columbus Vending Co. 1917 Vending / Gum
Model L Columbus Vending Co. 1910 Vending / Gum
Model No. 5 Gum Columbus Vending Co. 1910 Vending / Gum
Model No. 7 Counter O.K. Gum Vender Mills Novelty Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Bell
Monorail Skittle Alley New Polyphon Supply Co. 1910 Arcade
Music Box Style 18 Gum Vending Machine Regina Co., The 1910 Vending / Gum
Mystery Columbus Vending Co. 1911 Vending / Gumball
National National Novelty Co. 1910 Vending / Scale
National Elgin Pencil Vending Machine Co. 1911 Vending
National Corham Manufacturing Co. 1915 Vending / Stamp
National Chewing Gum National Automatic Vending 1917 Vending / Gum
National Novelty Co. National Novelty Co. 1910 Vending / Bulk
National Peanut National Novelty Co. 1910 Vending / Bulk
National Stamp National Vending Machine Co. 1915 Vending / Stamp
Necromancer Canova Novelty Co. 1910 Arcade / Working model
New Special Tiger Caille Bros. Co. 1911 Trade Stim. / Reel
New Star Type 0 (See 'Self Pay') Griswold Manufacturing Co. 1919 Trade Stim. / Wheel
New Star Type 1 Griswold Manufacturing Co. 1919 Trade Stim. / Wheel
New World Horoscope Mills Novelty Co. 1912 Arcade / Fortune
Nickel Gum Advance Machine Co. 1916 Vending / Gum
Northwestern Stamp Vending Machines Northwestern Corp. 1912 Vending / Stamp
Notre, Le Caille Bros. Co. 1913 Slot Machine / Wheel
O.I.C. O. I. C. Co. 1911 Vending / Bulk
O.I.C. Vender Hance Manufacturing Co. 1916 Vending / Bulk
O.K. Counter Gum Vendor Watling Manufacturing Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Deluxe No. 24 Watling Manufacturing Co. 1913 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Deluxe No. 25 Watling Manufacturing Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Gum Vender Watling Manufacturing Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Gum Vender Mills Novelty Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Gum Vender No. 18 Watling Manufacturing Co. 1914 Slot Machine / Bell
O.K. Vender Mills Novelty Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Bell
Oak Perfume Dispenser Unknown 1915 Vending / Service
Oh My Negro Dancer W. Hart 1910 Arcade
Ohio Vendor Columbus Vending Co. 1910 Vending / Bulk
OK Deluxe #24 Watling Manufacturing Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Bell
OK Gum Vender Silver King Novelty Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Reel
OK Gum Vendor Watling Manufacturing Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Bell
Old-Fashioned Stick Candy Clawson Machine Co. 1917 Vending / Candy
On the Square Mills Novelty Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Upright
One Cent Matches Advance Machine Co. 1916 Vending / Match
Operator Bell Mills Novelty Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Bell
Operator Bell Watling Manufacturing Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Bell
Operator Bell Mills Novelty Co. 1915 Slot Machine / Bell
Operator Bell Caille Bros. Co. 1916 Slot Machine / Bell
Operator Bell Cooper Manufacturing Co. 1919 Slot Machine / Bell
Operator Bell Deluxe Caille Bros. Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Bell
Operator's Bell Model A Mills Novelty Co. 1918 Slot Machine / Bell
Operators Bell - Spearmint Mills Novelty Co. 1916 Slot Machine / Reel
Operators Bell - Wooden Case Mills Novelty Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Bell
Operators Bell, The Caille Bros. Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Bell
Operators Bell, The - Iron Case Mills Novelty Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Bell
Oracle Caille Bros. Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Upright
Original Premium A. J. Fisher and Co. 1910 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Oui...Mais!!! - Yes...But!!! Barland 1912 Arcade
Package Gum Merchandiser Northwestern Corp. 1917 Vending / Gum
Paddle Wheels Mills Novelty Co. 1913 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Palmolive Soap Northwestern Corp. 1914 Vending
Paris Courses Pierre Bussoz 1911 Slot Machine / Racing
Peanut Vending Machine Co. of America 1910 Vending / Bulk
Peanut Blue Bird Products Co. 1915 Vending / Bulk
Peanut Vender Vending Machine Co. of America 1910 Vending / Bulk
Peerless Hance Manufacturing Co. 1915 Vending
Penny Matches Northwestern Corp. 1911 Vending / Match
Penny Peanut Griswold Manufacturing Co. 1910 Vending / Bulk
Pepsin Gum Unknown 1910 Vending / Gum
Pepsin Mint Gum Unknown 1910 Vending / Gum
Perfection Perfection Automatic Machine Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Perfection Mills Novelty Co. 1918 Trade Stim. / Card game
Perfection Perfume Unknown 1915 Vending
Perfecto Perfecto 1910 Vending / Gum
Perfume Sprayer Mills Novelty Co. 1916 Vending
Pickwich Reserve Handan-Ni Ltd. 1912 Arcade
Pickwick (Improved) Pessers, Moody, Wraith & Gurr 1914 Pinball / Mechanical
Pierrot Unknown 1915 Slot Machine / Wall game
Pix Matches Albert Pick and Co. 1915 Vending / Match
Pix Matches Krema Manufacturing Co. 1915 Vending
Pix Safety Matches Albert Pick and Co. 1915 Vending / Match
Play Ball Cawood Novelty Co. 1913 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Porte-Bonheur, Le Unknown 1910 Slot Machine / Wall game
Postage Vender Unknown 1910 Vending / Stamp
Postage Vendor Unknown 1910 Vending / Stamp
Premium Mills Novelty Co. 1911 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Premium Mills Novelty Co. 1916 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Premium Gum Machine Mills Novelty Co. 1912 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Premium Trader Mills Novelty Co. 1915 Slot Machine / Reel
Premium Trader F. W. Mills Mfg. Co. 1917 Trade Stim. / Reel
Princess Gum Cosmos Manufacturing Co. 1910 Vending
Professor Pulver Company Inc. 1915 Vending / Gum
Profit Sharing Gum Vender Watling Manufacturing Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Wheel
Public Weigher Pacific Scale Works 1912 Vending / Scale
Pulver Kola-Pepsin Pulver Company Inc. 1910 Vending / Gum
Pulver Kola-Pepsin Gum Pulver Company Inc. 1910 Vending / Gum
Pulver Too Choos Pulver Company Inc. 1915 Vending / Gum
Punch-A-Bag International Mutoscope Corp. 1910 Arcade / Strength tester
Pure Gum Merchandiser Northwestern Corp. 1919 Vending / Gum
Pure-Gum Merchandiser Northwestern Corp. 1919 Vending / Gum
Puritan Caille Bros. Co. 1916 Trade Stim. / Reel
Purity Perfume Vending Machine Self Selling Sales Co. 1910 Vending
R & H Stamp Vendor R & H Manufacturing Co. 1910 Vending / Stamp
Red Cross Pulver Company Inc. 1910 Vending / Gum
Red Cross Griswold Manufacturing Co. 1914 Vending / Bulk
Red Star Griswold Manufacturing Co. 1914 Vending / Bulk
Red Star Match Griswold Manufacturing Co. 1914 Vending / Bulk
Red Star Peanuts Griswold Manufacturing Co. 1910 Vending / Match
Revamp Bell Industry Novelty Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Bell
Revamp Bell Charles Fey & Sons 1914 Slot Machine / Bell
Rex Gumball Hance Manufacturing Co. 1916 Vending / Gum
Rotuor Rotuor Co. 1915 Arcade / Skill game
Roulette Buffalo Unknown 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
Roulette Bussoz Pierre Bussoz 1911 Slot Machine / Wheel
Roulette L.M.O. Lecuyer, Mejeannel and Osswald 1913 Slot Machine / Wheel
Roulette, La Pierre Bussoz 1910 Slot Machine / Wheel
Royal Vendor Royal Gum Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Rubber-Neck Blowing Machine Caille Bros. Co. 1913 Arcade / Strength tester
Rubberneck Lung Tester Mills Novelty Co. 1912 Arcade / Strength tester
Running Hare Original Musikverke 1910 Arcade / Pistol
Safety Matches Automatic Vending Co., Ltd. 1915 Vending / Match
Sanitary Toothpicks Dispenser Standard Manufacturing Co. 1916 Vending / Bulk
Select Roulette Pierre Bussoz 1913 Slot Machine / Wheel
Selective Counter Vendor Advance Machine Co. 1912 Vending / Gum
Self Pay Griswold Manufacturing Co. 1916 Trade Stim. / Wheel
Sellem Northwestern Corp. 1912 Vending / Match
Sellum Match Vender Northwestern Corp. 1912 Vending / Match
Seven Arches Handan-Ni Ltd. 1919 Pinball / Pre-flipper
Shoe Brusher National Service Enterprises 1912 Vending / Service
Shoe Buffer Automatic Machine Co. 1914 Vending / Service
Shooting Big Game Automatic Sports Co. 1912 Arcade / Pistol
Sibille Fortune Teller Mills Novelty Co. 1910 Arcade / Fortune
Silver Cup Mills Novelty Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Wheel
Simplex R. D. Simpson Co. 1917 Vending / Bulk
Simplex Cast Manufacturing Co. 1919 Vending / Bulk
Soda Mint Gum Freeport Novelty Co. 1910 Vending / Gum
Soleil Unknown 1910 Slot Machine / Coin drop
Sourire, Le Unknown 1910 Slot Machine / Wheel
Spirometer Medina Manufacturing 1911 Arcade / Strength tester
Square Deal Mills Novelty Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Reel
Square Deal Gum Vender Eagle Manufacturing. Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Bell
Star Target Practice Mills Novelty Co. 1919 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Stimulator Watling Manufacturing Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Wheel
Strength Test - Ring the Bell Revelle Restorations 1910 Arcade / Strength tester
Strength Test - Three Way Tester Revelle Restorations 1910 Arcade / Strength tester
Style 1 Watling Manufacturing Co. 1918 Vending / Scale Fortune
Success New Polyphon Supply Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Wall game
Sweet Chocolate - Model S National Automatic Vending 1917 Vending / Candy
Talking Scale Unknown 1915 Vending / Scale
Talking Scale Metal Moore Company 1915 Vending / Scale
Target Practice Mills Novelty Co. 1918 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Ten Pin Alley, A Caille Bros. Co. 1913 Arcade / Bowler
Tiger Fortune Teller Caille Bros. Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Reel
Tiny Tim Golf Unknown 1910 Trade Stim.
Tir Electra Allemange 1910 Arcade / Pistol
Tir Fritz Unknown 1910 Arcade / Pistol
Totem Mills Novelty Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Upright
Totem Watling Manufacturing Co. 1911 Slot Machine / Wheel
Tourist Caille Bros. Co. 1912 Slot Machine / Reel
Triple Roll Charles Fey & Sons 1914 Trade Stim. / Roulette
True Love Letter Exhibit Supply Co., The 1917 Arcade
Twins Watling Manufacturing Co. 1913 Slot Machine / Wheel
U.S. Stamps Mills Novelty Co. 1915 Vending / Stamp
Uncle Sam Unknown 1910 Arcade / Strength tester
Unit A Advance Machine Co. 1916 Vending / Gum
Universal Northwestern Corp. 1914 Vending / Match
Universal Products Blue Bird Products Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Unknown Penny Drop Fortune Machine Unknown 1910 Trade Stim. / Coin drop
Vaporisateur Automatique Levinsky 1910 Vending
Venroy Towel and Soap Krema Manufacturing Co. 1915 Vending
Verbal Fortune Teller Mills Novelty Co. 1912 Arcade / Fortune
Vibratory Doctor, The Watling Manufacturing Co. 1910 Arcade / Strength tester
Wa-Wo-Na, La Caille Bros. Co. 1910 Slot Machine / Bell
Walter Baker Co. Autosales Corp. 1910 Vending
Whiffs of Fragrance Mills Novelty Co. 1916 Vending
Wi-Co Unknown 1910 Vending / Gum
Wizard Clock (4 Column) Pogue, Miller and Co. 1910 Trade Stim. / Counter game
Wizard Fortune Teller Metal Mills Novelty Co. 1919 Arcade / Fortune
Wrigley's William Wrigley Jr. & Co. 1915 Vending / Gum
Y & S Alball Manufacturing Co. 1912 Vending / Gum
Your Fortune and Weight Watling Manufacturing Co. 1915 Vending / Scale Fortune
Yur-Wate scale Watling Scale Co. 1917 Vending / Scale
Zenith Hance Manufacturing Co. 1915 Vending
Zeno Chewing Gum Zeno Manufacturing Co. 1910 Vending / Gum
