Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Manufacturer List: U

Entries in this index: 69
Manufacturer Years Machines Arcade/
Music Pinball Slots Trade
Vending Video-
U-Need-A-Pack Products Corp. 1932 - 1932 2 2
U. G. Grandbois Co. 1927 - 1927 3 3
U. S. Automatic Perfuming 1890 - 1890 1 1
U. S. Electric Co. 1 1
U. S. Postal Advertising Co. 1892 - 1892 1 1
U. S. Stamp Vending Co. 1915 - 1915 1 1
U. S. Vending Machine Co. 1919 - 1919 2 2
U.S Tehkan Inc. (a.k.a. Tehkan Inc.)
U.S. Games Inc. 1993 - 1994 2 2
U.S. Woodcraft Corp. 1949 - 1950 2 2
Uchida 1982 - 1984 2 2
Ultracade Technologies 2004 - 2005 4 1 3
Uneeda Vending Service Distributors 1912 - 1912 1 1
Uniana 2001 - 2004 4 4
Unibox 1981 - 1981 1 1
Unic Stella 1895 - 1895 2 2
Unico 1994 - 2000 7 7
Unique Billiards 1 1
UNIS 2000 - 2015 3 3
United Amusement Co. 1931 - 1985 170 165 3
United Automatic Machine Co. 1905 - 1920 3 1 1 1
United Billiards 1975 - 1981 7 4 3
United Coin Machine Co. 1943 - 1943 2 1 1
United Engineering Works 1929 - 1929 1 1
United Game Co., Inc. 1931 - 1931 1
United Games, Inc. 1973 - 1979 4 4
United Industries 1 1
United Machine & Supply Co. 1902 - 1902 1 1
United Manufacturing Co. (1933 Deversey) 1933 - 1955 6 3 3
United Mfg. 1942 - 1974 125 24 7 94
United Profit Sales Co. 1933 - 1933 1 1
United Scale Co. 1920 - 1920 1 1
United Specialty Co. 1931 - 1933 2 1
United States Machinery & Inventions 1890 - 1890 1 1
United States Marketing, Inc. 1 1
United States Novelty Co. 1893 - 1894 3 3
United States Slot Machine Co. 1894 - 1899 3 3
United Vending Co. 1 1
United Vending Machine Co. 1895 - 1908 2 1 1
Universal 1977 - 1985 52 2 4 46
Universal Coin Co. 1 1
Universal de Desarrollos Electronicos, S.A. (a.k.a. Unidesa/ 1986 - 1993 12 12
Universal Distributors 1 1
Universal Handkerchief Mfg. Co. 1928 - 1928 1 1
Universal Industries 1949 - 1979 8 1 5 2
Universal Mfg. Co. 1931 - 1980 4 1 1 1
Universal Novelty Mfg. Co. 1932 - 1933 4 4
Universal Prod. Co. 1931 - 1931 1 1
Universal Products Inc. 1974 - 1974 1 1
Universal Research Laboratories, Inc. (URL) 1974 - 1975 2 2
Universal Sales Co., Ltd. 1960 - 1992 13 1 12
Universal Sales Machines Co. 1925 - 1926 6 6
Universal Salesmen Co. 1906 - 1906 2 2
Universal Space 2004 - 2010 8 4 1 3
Universal Vendors 1950 - 1950 4 4
Universal Video Spiel GmbH 1981 - 1981 1 1
Unknown 1700 - 2016 766 152 15 197 52 73 136 123
Unknown (Temporary) 1850 - 2009 125 25 3 45 2 4 11 31
Unversal Mfg. Co.
Unxld Gum Co. 1925 - 1925 1 1
Update Kits, Inc. 1982 - 1982 1 1
UPI 1979 - 1979 1 1
UPL 1976 - 1993 34 34
Urban Industries, Inc. 1 1
US Billiards 1973 - 1981 20 10 10
US Games 1986 - 1992 4 4
USSR 1982 - 1982 1 1
Uta Elektroakustik 1958 - 1958 1 1
UVG 1984 - 1984 1 1

Note: Number of specific types of games may not add up to the total for a manufacturer as we may occasionally be aware that a manufacturer made a machine, yet might not know what kind of machine it was.