Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Manufacturer List: R

Entries in this index: 128
Manufacturer Years Machines Arcade/
Music Pinball Slots Trade
Vending Video-
R & H Manufacturing Co. 1910 - 1910 1 1
R & S Co., The 1929 - 1929 1 1
R. A. Talbert Novelty Co. 1931 - 1931 1
R. Cross & Co. 1931 - 1931 1
R. D. Simpson Co. 1907 - 1941 22 22
R. G. Dun 1910 - 1910 1 1
R. G. Kollmorgen 1935 - 1935 1 1
R. H. Osbrink Manufacturing Co. 1931 - 1934 5 1 1
R. J. Newborough and Co. Ltd. 1950 - 1950 1 1
R. J. White Manufacturing Co. 1902 - 1905 8 4 3 1
R. Le Dentu 1910 - 1910 1 1
R. O. Whyman & Co. 1930 - 1930 1 1
R. Page 1885 - 1885 1 1
R. Reichert Automatenfabrik 1930 - 1930 2 2
R. W. McKenney 1932 - 1932 1 1
R.& H. Sales Co. 1932 - 1932 1 1
R.H. Belam Company Inc
R.M.C. 1940 - 1940 1 1
R3 Interactive 2000 - 2000 1 1
Radio Corporation of America 1932 - 1932 2 2
Railway Automatic Sales Co. 1898 - 1898 2 2
Rait Electronics 1982 - 1982 1 1
Raizing 1997 - 1997 1 1
Raizing/8ing 1996 - 1996 3 3
Rally 1961 - 1969 23 1 22
Ramsdell Engineering Corp. 1960 - 1960 3 3
Ramtek 1973 - 1979 15 2 13
Ranco 1979 - 1979 1 1
Rapid Pinball
Rare 1987 - 1990 2 2
Rare Coin Games, Inc. 1994 - 1994 1 1
Rassen 2009 - 2009 1 1
Rathbun Bros. 1931 - 1931 2
Raven Electronics 1966 - 1968 2 2
Raw Thrills 2000 - 2018 34 3 31
Raymond Courtot 1934 - 1934 1 1
RDI Video Systems 1984 - 1984 2 2
Rebufa Co., The 1931 - 1931 1
Recel S. A. 1974 - 1984 41 40 1
Recreational Games 1931 - 1931 4
Recreativos Franco 1975 - 1990 11 11
Red Baron Amusements 1980 - 1980 1 1
Red Star Sanitary Vending 1904 - 1904 2 2
Redco Products Corp. 1925 - 1930 2 2
Reel Profits, Inc. 1967 - 1967 1 1
Regal Products Co. 1930 - 1950 7 7
Regatta 1990 - 1990 1 1
Regina Co., The 1890 - 1910 25 1 18 6
Reiner, Pelzer & Co. 1900 - 1900 6 1 5
Reisinger Machine Works, Inc. 1932 - 1932 1 1
Reith Company 1933 - 1933 1 1
Reliable Coin Machine Exchange 1931 - 1931 1 1
Reliable Nut Co. 1934 - 1934 2 2
Reliance Cabinet Co., Inc. 1932 - 1932 1 1
Reliance Novelty Co. 1896 - 1898 8 8
REM 1985 - 1985 1 1
Remington Service Machines, Inc. 1927 - 1927 5 5
Renato Montanari Giochi / RMG 1970 - 1973 15 1 14
Rene Etoc 1934 - 1934 1 1
Rene Pierre 1974 - 1980 6 2 4
Renov Automatic 1968 - 1968 4 4
Retlaw Co. 1931 - 1931 1
Retro Pinball LLC 2008 - 2008 1 1
Revelle Restorations 1910 - 1920 3 3
Rex Manufacturing Co. 1915 - 1945 4 1 1 2
Rex Novelty Co. 1937 - 1937 2 2
Rhodes-Hochriem Manufacturing Co. 1926 - 1928 3 3
Rich Toys / Rich Manufacturing Co. 2 2
Richard K. Fox 1890 - 1890 1 1
Richard Manufacturing Co. 1931 - 1933 6 5
Richard Reichert 1925 - 1928 3 3
Richman Corp. 1945 - 1945 1
Richwine & Co. 1932 - 1932 2 2
Riley Leisure 2 2
Ring Ding 1950 - 1950 3 3
Ringo Mfg. Co. 1931 - 1931 1 1
Riot Pinball, LLC 2015 - 2015 1 1
Ripepi 1974 - 1976 4 4
Ristaucrat, Inc. 1931 - 1952 12 11
Ritual Entertainmet/Activision 2001 - 2001 1 1
Ro-Bo Sales Corp. 1929 - 1929 1 1
Ro-S-Co of Canada 1930 - 1930 1 1
Robert-Lawrence Electronics Corp. 1946 - 1946 1 1
Roberto Sport 2 2
Roberts Novelty Co. 1929 - 1929 1 1
Robertson Sales Co. 1906 - 1906 2 2
RocaRide Sales 1952 - 1952 1 1
Rock-Ola Mfg. Corp. 1928 - 2015 259 10 140 54 13 7 4 12
Rogers, Jack 1959 - 1961 5 5
Roll-A-Matic, Inc. 1931 - 1931 1
Roll-Etto Novelty 1933 - 1933 1 1
Roll-O Co. 1932 - 1932 1 1
Rolo Polo Company, The 1 1
Roma-Automatic 1 1
Romagnoli 1979 - 1979 1 1
Romstar 1987 - 1994 9 1 8
Ronbotics Corporation 1999 - 1999 1 1
Roover Brothers Co. 1895 - 1909 9 9
Rosenfield Mfg. Co. 1900 - 1907 15 13 2
Roth & Langley 1915 - 1915 1 1
Roth's Pansy Gum 1905 - 1905 1 1
Roto Manufacturing
Rotor Table Games, Inc. 1931 - 1936 7 6
Rotuor Co. 1915 - 1915 1 1
Rowamet Indúa Eletrometalúa LTDA 1977 - 1983 5 5
Rowe AMI 1965 - 2015 30 30
Rowe International Inc. 1971 - 1971 1 1
Rowe Vending Machine Co. 1928 - 1966 19 11 8
Roxor 2005 - 2005 1 1
Roxor Games 2004 - 2006 3 3
Roy McGinnis Co. 1943 - 1945 3 3
Royal Ball Mfg. Co. 1930 - 1930 1 1
Royal Cabinet Works 1931 - 1931 1
Royal Card Machine Co. 1897 - 1897 1 1
Royal Engineering Company 1952 - 1952 1 1
Royal Gum Co. 1915 - 1915 1 1
Royal Music Co. 1949 - 1949 1 1
Royal Novelty Co. 1897 - 1961 18 10 7 1
Royal Play 1 1
Rube Gross & Co. 1934 - 1935 3 3
Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. 1931 - 1931 2
Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., The 1933 - 1989 200 200
Ruffler and Walker, Battersea 1940 - 1949 4 3 1
Rumatic 1 1
Rumiano 1979 - 1979 1 1
Runyan Sales Co. 1942 - 1946 2 1 1
Ryede Specialty Works 1900 - 1920 5 5

Note: Number of specific types of games may not add up to the total for a manufacturer as we may occasionally be aware that a manufacturer made a machine, yet might not know what kind of machine it was.