Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

Manufacturer List: 0-9


Entries in this index: 6
Manufacturer Years Machines Arcade/
Music Pinball Slots Trade
Vending Video-
21st Century Entertainment 2008 1 1
42 Entertainment 2008 1 1
5 Star Redemption, Inc. 1997 - 2017 12 12
8ing 1898 - 1999 2 1 1
8ing/Hudson Soft 1994 1 1
8ing/Raizing 1993 - 2000 12 12

Note: Number of specific types of games may not add up to the total for a manufacturer as we may occasionally be aware that a manufacturer made a machine, yet might not know what kind of machine it was.
