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The Encyclopedia of Arcade Video Games

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Games and Machines Referenced in The Encyclopedia of Arcade Video Games:

  1. Lady Bug - Videogame
  2. Star Castle - Videogame
  3. Sea Battle - Videogame
  4. Cosmic Guerilla - Videogame
  5. Warrior - Videogame
  6. Mortal Kombat - Videogame
  7. Computer Space - Videogame
  8. Pong - Videogame
  9. Paddle-Ball - Videogame
  10. Winner - Videogame
  11. TV Ping Pong - Videogame
  12. Crazy Foot - Videogame
  13. Paddle Battle - Videogame
  14. Pong Doubles - Videogame
  15. Pro Tennis - Videogame
  16. TV Hockey - Videogame
  17. Winner IV - Videogame
  18. Fun Four - Videogame
  19. Olympic TV Football - Videogame
  20. Quadrapong - Videogame
  21. Leader - Videogame
  22. Playtime - Arcade
  23. Asteroid - Videogame
  24. One On One - Videogame
  25. TV Pin Game - Videogame
  26. TV Flipper - Videogame
  27. TV Goalee - Videogame
  28. Space Race - Videogame
  29. Star Trek - Videogame
  30. Gotcha - Videogame
  31. Touch-Me - Arcade
  32. Rebound - Videogame
  33. TV Pinball - Videogame
  34. Gran Trak 10 - Videogame
  35. TV Basketball - Videogame
  36. Gran Trak 20 - Videogame
  37. Qwak! - Videogame
  38. Heavy Traffic - Videogame
  39. Tank - Videogame
  40. Racer - Videogame
  41. Wheels II - Videogame
  42. Gun Fight - Videogame
  43. Steeplechase - Videogame
  44. Bombs Away - Videogame
  45. Fire Power - Videogame
  46. Drop Zone 4 - Videogame
  47. Jet Fighter - Videogame
  48. Shark JAWS - Videogame
  49. Maneater - Videogame
  50. Goal IV - Videogame
  51. Ski - Videogame
  52. Robot - Videogame
  53. Crash 'N Score - Videogame
  54. Destruction Derby - Videogame
  55. Hi-Way - Videogame
  56. Trivia - Videogame
  57. Anti-Aircraft II -- aka Anti-Aircraft - Videogame
  58. Outlaw - Videogame
  59. Score - Videogame
  60. Attack (Exidy) - Videogame
  61. Futsball - Videogame
  62. Demolition Derby - Videogame
  63. Bazooka - Videogame
  64. Tornado Baseball - Videogame
  65. Breakout - Videogame
  66. Sea Wolf - Videogame
  67. Flyball - Videogame
  68. Checkmate - Videogame
  69. Secret Base - Videogame
  70. Road Race - Videogame
  71. Amazing Maze - Videogame
  72. Quiz Show - Videogame
  73. Fonz - Videogame
  74. Death Race - Videogame
  75. Super Death Chase - Videogame
  76. Stunt Cycle - Videogame
  77. Night Driver - Videogame
  78. Super Flipper - Videogame
  79. Cops 'N Robbers - Videogame
  80. Cobra Gunship - Videogame
  81. LeMans - Videogame
  82. Alley Rally - Videogame
  83. M-79 Ambush - Videogame
  84. Dominos - Videogame
  85. Road Champion - Videogame
  86. Star Cruiser - Videogame
  87. Boot Hill - Videogame
  88. Circus - Videogame
  89. Meadows Lanes - Videogame
  90. Sprint 4 - Videogame
  91. Robot Bowl - Videogame
  92. Car Polo - Videogame
  93. Super Breakout - Videogame
  94. Road Runner - Videogame
  95. Desert Gun - Videogame
  96. Triple Hunt - Videogame
  97. Pool Shark - Videogame
  98. Sprint 8 - Videogame
  99. Double Play - Videogame
  100. Canyon Bomber - Videogame
  101. Guided Missile - Videogame
  102. Tank 8 - Videogame
  103. Frogs - Videogame
  104. Barricade - Videogame
  105. M-4 - Videogame
  106. Laguna Racer - Videogame
  107. Clowns - Videogame
  108. Sea Battle - Videogame
  109. Dead Eye - Videogame
  110. Space Wars - Videogame
  111. 280 ZZZAP - Videogame
  112. Dog Patch - Videogame
  113. Space Walk - Videogame
  114. Sea Wolf II - Videogame
  115. Sky Raider - Videogame
  116. Skydiver - Videogame
  117. Avalanche - Videogame
  118. Smokey Joe - Videogame
  119. Dark Invader - Arcade
  120. Fire Truck - Videogame
  121. Gypsy Juggler - Videogame
  122. Orbit - Videogame
  123. Star Fire - Videogame
  124. Extra Inning - Videogame
  125. Shuffleboard - Videogame
  126. Tournament Table - Videogame
  127. Space Invaders - Videogame
  128. Warrior - Videogame
  129. Speed Freak - Videogame
  130. Tail Gunner - Videogame
  131. Kreepy Krawlers - Videogame
  132. Side Trak - Videogame
  133. Atari Basketball - Videogame
  134. Atari Baseball - Videogame
  135. Atari Soccer - Videogame
  136. Subs - Videogame
  137. Lunar Lander - Videogame
  138. Starhawk - Videogame
  139. Sundance - Videogame
  140. Rip Cord - Videogame
  141. Blue Shark - Videogame
  142. Asteroids - Videogame
  143. Submarine - Videogame
  144. Super Speed Race - Videogame
  145. 4 Player Bowling Alley - Videogame
  146. Phantom II - Videogame
  147. Video Pinball - Videogame
  148. Fire One! - Videogame
  149. Galaxian - Videogame
  150. Space Invaders Deluxe - Videogame
  151. Space Encounters - Videogame
  152. Space Zap - Videogame
  153. Eagle - Videogame
  154. Star Castle - Videogame
  155. Bandido - Videogame
  156. Targ - Videogame
  157. Missile Command - Videogame
  158. Monaco GP - Videogame
  159. Rip Off - Videogame
  160. Monte Carlo - Videogame
  161. Extra Bases - Videogame
  162. Head On 2 - Videogame
  163. Asteroids Deluxe - Videogame
  164. Astro Fighter - Videogame
  165. No Man's Land - Videogame
  166. Car Hunt - Videogame
  167. Cosmic Guerilla - Videogame
  168. Battlezone - Videogame
  169. Cheeky Mouse - Videogame
  170. Stratovox - Videogame
  171. Magical Spot - Videogame
  172. Polaris - Videogame
  173. Berzerk - Videogame
  174. Astro Invader - Videogame
  175. Bump 'n' Jump DECO - Videogame
  176. BurgerTime (DECO) - Videogame
  177. Puck Man - Videogame
  178. Defender - Videogame
  179. Pac-Man - Videogame
  180. Stargate - Videogame
  181. Frogger - Videogame
  182. Radar Scope - Videogame
  183. Phoenix - Videogame
  184. Rally-X - Videogame
  185. Make Trax - Videogame
  186. Mouse Trap - Videogame
  187. Gorf - Videogame
  188. Red Baron - Videogame
  189. Wizard Of Wor - Videogame
  190. Pleiades - Videogame
  191. Zarzon - Videogame
  192. Colony 7 - Videogame
  193. Omega Race - Videogame
  194. Centipede - Videogame
  195. Lady Bug - Videogame
  196. Turtles - Videogame
  197. Moon Shuttle - Videogame
  198. Qix - Videogame
  199. Tempest - Videogame
  200. Astro Blaster - Videogame
  201. Eliminator - Videogame
  202. Warlords - Videogame
  203. Caveman - Pinball
  204. New York! New York! - Videogame
  205. Space Firebird - Videogame
  206. Warp Warp - Videogame
  207. Shark Attack - Videogame
  208. Venture - Videogame
  209. Strategy X - Videogame
  210. Scramble - Videogame
  211. 005 - Videogame
  212. Cosmic Avenger - Videogame
  213. Solar Quest - Videogame
  214. Armor Attack - Videogame
  215. Kaos - Videogame
  216. Eyes - Videogame
  217. Quantum - Videogame
  218. Victory - Videogame
  219. Liberator - Videogame
  220. Tazz Mania - Videogame
  221. Pepper II - Videogame
  222. Popeye - Videogame
  223. Monster Bash - Videogame
  224. Donkey Kong - Videogame
  225. Robotron: 2084 - Videogame
  226. Looping - Videogame
  227. Frenzy - Videogame
  228. Joust - Videogame
  229. Ms. Pac-Man - Videogame
  230. Super Pac-Man - Videogame
  231. Baby Pac-Man - Pinball
  232. Satan's Hollow - Videogame
  233. Millipede - Videogame
  234. Space Duel - Videogame
  235. Dig Dug - Videogame
  236. Fast Freddie - Videogame
  237. Pole Position - Videogame
  238. Turbo - Videogame
  239. Buck Rogers - Planet Of Zoom - Videogame
  240. Pengo - Videogame
  241. Dark Planet - Videogame
  242. SubRoc-3D - Videogame
  243. Sinistar - Videogame
  244. Space Dungeon - Videogame
  245. War Of The Worlds - Videogame
  246. Jack The Giantkiller - Videogame
  247. Moon Patrol - Videogame
  248. Slither - Videogame
  249. Lost Tomb - Videogame
  250. Oli Boo Chu - Videogame
  251. Bagman - Videogame
  252. Tron - Videogame
  253. Electric Yo-Yo - Videogame
  254. Kram - Videogame
  255. Fantasy - Videogame
  256. Wild Western - Videogame
  257. Bosconian - Videogame
  258. Pit, The - Videogame
  259. Swimmer - Videogame
  260. Tank Battalion - Videogame
  261. Boxing Bugs - Videogame
  262. Jump Bug - Videogame
  263. Tac/Scan - Videogame
  264. Zaxxon - Videogame
  265. Solar Fox - Videogame
  266. Gravitar - Videogame
  267. Lil' Hustler - Videogame
  268. Loco-Motion - Videogame
  269. Domino Man - Videogame
  270. Pooyan - Videogame
  271. Jungle King - Videogame
  272. BurgerTime - Videogame
  273. Pirate Pete - Videogame
  274. Reactor - Videogame
  275. Mr. Do! - Videogame
  276. Lazarian - Videogame
  277. Adventures of Robby Roto, The - Videogame
  278. Tutankham - Videogame
  279. Time Pilot - Videogame
  280. Kick-Man - Videogame
  281. Mappy - Videogame
  282. Food Fight - Videogame
  283. Crystal Castles - Videogame
  284. Journey - Videogame
  285. Kozmik Krooz'r - Videogame
  286. Wacko - Videogame
  287. Aztarac - Videogame
  288. Bubbles - Videogame
  289. Mad Planets - Videogame
  290. Star Trek - Videogame
  291. Xevious - Videogame
  292. Donkey Kong Junior - Videogame
  293. Major Havoc - Videogame
  294. Popeye - Videogame
  295. Donkey Kong - Videogame
  296. Krull - Videogame
  297. Track & Field - Videogame
  298. Star Wars - Videogame
  299. Great Guns - Videogame
  300. Laser Grand Prix - Videogame
  301. Dragon's Lair - Videogame
  302. Cliff Hanger - Videogame
  303. Astron Belt - Videogame
  304. NFL Football - Videogame
  305. Star Rider - Videogame
  306. Interstellar Laser Fantasy - Videogame
  307. M.A.C.H. 3 - Videogame
  308. Firefox - Videogame
  309. Mario Bros. - Videogame
  310. Us Vs. Them - Videogame
  311. Professor Pac-Man - Videogame
  312. Elevator Action - Videogame
  313. Zoo Keeper - Videogame
  314. Discs Of Tron - Videogame
  315. Change Lanes - Videogame
  316. Tin Star - Videogame
  317. TX-1 - Videogame
  318. Blaster - Videogame
  319. Crossbow - Videogame
  320. Mazer Blazer - Videogame
  321. MotoRace USA - Videogame
  322. Varkon - Pinball
  323. Arabian - Videogame
  324. Vs. Tennis - Videogame
  325. Punch-Out!! - Videogame
  326. Congo Bongo - Videogame
  327. Spy Hunter - Videogame
  328. Return Of The Jedi - Videogame
  329. Zektor - Videogame
  330. Space Ace - Videogame
  331. Galaxy Ranger - Videogame
  332. Goal To Go - Videogame
  333. Thayer's Quest - Videogame
  334. Super Bagman - Videogame
  335. Super Don Quix-ote - Videogame
  336. Three Stooges - Videogame
  337. Cheyenne - Videogame
  338. Mystic Marathon - Videogame
  339. Curve Ball - Videogame
  340. I, Robot - Videogame
  341. Two Tigers - Videogame
  342. Hyper Sports - Videogame
  343. Circus Charlie - Videogame
  344. Mikie, High School Graffiti - Videogame
  345. Chicken Shift - Videogame
  346. Marble Madness - Videogame
  347. Root Beer Tapper - Videogame
  348. Tapper - Videogame
  349. Paperboy - Videogame
  350. Bank Panic - Videogame
  351. Turkey Shoot - Videogame
  352. Up'n Down - Videogame
  353. Gaplus - Videogame
  354. Pac-Land - Videogame
  355. Peter Pack Rat - Videogame
  356. Mister Viking - Videogame
  357. Super Punch-Out!! - Videogame
  358. Timber - Videogame
  359. Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom - Videogame
  360. Star Wars - Empire Strikes Back - Videogame
  361. Arm Wrestling - Videogame
  362. Gauntlet - Videogame
  363. Sarge - Videogame
  364. Demolition Derby - Videogame
  365. Name That Tune - Videogame
  366. Spiker - Videogame
  367. Street Football - Videogame
  368. Trivial Pursuit - Videogame
  369. Night Stocker - Videogame
  370. Rampage - Videogame
  371. 720 Degrees - Videogame
  372. Super Sprint - Videogame
  373. Spy Hunter II - Videogame
  374. Stompin' - Videogame
  375. R-Type - Videogame
  376. World Series - The Season - Videogame
  377. Aeroboto - Videogame
  378. PlayChoice 10 (cabinet) - Videogame
  379. Rolling Thunder - Videogame
  380. Galaxy Force - Videogame
  381. Xybots - Videogame
  382. Galaga '88 - Videogame
  383. Exterminator - Videogame
  384. Superman - Videogame
  385. Batman - Videogame
  386. Time Traveler - Videogame
  387. Revolution X - Aerosmith - Videogame
  388. Michael Jackson's Moonwalker - Videogame
  389. Trog - Videogame
  390. Dragon's Lair II - Videogame
  391. Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf - Videogame
  392. Rampart - Videogame
  393. Title Fight - Videogame
  394. Terminator 2: Judgment Day - Videogame
  395. Tri-Sports - Videogame
  396. Mortal Kombat - Videogame
  397. Simpsons, The - Videogame
  398. Virtual Combat - Videogame
  399. Aliens - Videogame
  400. House Of The Dead, The - Videogame
  401. Battle Of Atlantis - Videogame
  402. Super Shot - Videogame
  403. Star Trek - Videogame
  404. Star Wars - Videogame
  405. Tapper - Videogame
  406. Noah's Ark - Videogame
  407. Tug Boat - Videogame
  408. Granny And The Gators - Pinball
  409. End The - Videogame
  410. Spy Hunter II - Videogame
  411. Gaplus - Videogame