Museum of the Game ®

International Arcade Museum® — Killer List of Videogames®

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The following directory includes quite a number of related books that have been published to date:

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Games and Machines Referenced in Pinball:

  1. Alarm - Pinball
  2. Amazing Spider-man - Pinball
  3. Back To The Future - Pinball
  4. Batman - Pinball
  5. Beach Queens - Pinball
  6. Big Chief - Pinball
  7. Blackwater 100 - Pinball
  8. Bombenfeuer - Pinball
  9. Brilliant Torero - Pinball
  10. Capt. Fantastic - Pinball
  11. Control Tower - Pinball
  12. Criterium 75 (EM) - Pinball
  13. Daisy May - Pinball
  14. Darts - Pinball
  15. Dodge City - Pinball
  16. Dungeons & Dragons - Pinball
  17. Eight Ball Deluxe - Pinball
  18. Embryon - Pinball
  19. Erbu-Rennen - Pinball
  20. Erbu Ball - Pinball
  21. Erbu Ball - Pinball
  22. Erbu Ball - Pinball
  23. Euromat - Pinball
  24. Evel Knievel - Pinball
  25. Favorit - Pinball
  26. Fireball! Classic - Pinball
  27. Flash Gordon - Pinball
  28. Floating Power - Pinball
  29. Genie - Pinball
  30. Gorgar - Pinball
  31. Hardbody - Pinball
  32. Harlem Globetrotters On Tour - Pinball
  33. Harvest - Pinball
  34. Haunted House - Pinball
  35. Heavy Metal Meltdown - Pinball
  36. Hi-Score Pool - Pinball
  37. Hotdoggin' - Pinball
  38. Humpty Dumpty - Pinball
  39. Imo Bomber - Pinball
  40. Imo Rennen - Pinball
  41. Imo Rennen - Pinball
  42. Imo Spurt - Pinball
  43. Imo Weltflug - Pinball
  44. Imo Weltflug - Pinball
  45. Jack in the Box - Pinball
  46. Jubilee - Pinball
  47. Kiss - Pinball
  48. Kiss - Pinball
  49. Lady Luck - Pinball
  50. Lady Luck - Pinball
  51. Landerkampf - Pinball
  52. Le Diamant - Pinball
  53. Nurburgring - Pinball
  54. Office - Pinball
  55. Party Animal - Pinball
  56. Phantom of the Opera - Pinball
  57. Ro Go - Pinball
  58. Rolling Stones - Pinball
  59. Shooting - Pinball
  60. Silverball Mania - Pinball
  61. Simpsons - Pinball
  62. Special Force Girls - Pinball
  63. Star Trek Pinball - Pinball
  64. Strange Science - Pinball
  65. Subway - Pinball
  66. Superman - Pinball
  67. Surf Champ - Pinball
  68. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Pinball
  69. Tempo-Tempo - Pinball
  70. Terminator 2 Judgment Day - Pinball
  71. Toby Ball - Pinball
  72. Treff-Gloria - Pinball
  73. Gloria Rennboot - Pinball
  74. Truck Stop - Pinball
  75. Tura-Ball - Pinball
  76. Tura Derby - Pinball
  77. Tura Glockenbomber - Pinball
  78. Turnier - Pinball
  79. Verspiel Dein Wasser Nicht! - Pinball
  80. Wild Card - Pinball
  81. World's Fair Jig-Saw - Pinball
  82. World Beauties - Pinball
  83. Xs and Os - Pinball
  84. Xenon - Pinball