A young Ninja named Hayate battles together with his faithful pet dog, Yamato. At the center of the city, a terrorist group known as the "Asian Dawn" is commiting every imaginable atrocities known to man, including the planting of time bombs throught the metropolis. Hayate and Yamato courageously set out to gather up all the explosive placed by the evil gang and annihilate the mastermind of the Asian Dawn.
Shadow Dancer was produced by Sega in 1989.
Sega released 595 machines in our database under this trade name, starting in 1960. Sega is based in Japan.
Other machines made by Sega during the time period Shadow Dancer was produced include: Global Defense, Gain Ground, Galaxy Force, Galaxy Force II, Altered Beast, ESWAT Cyber Police, A.B. Cop, Crack Down, Alex Kidd In The Enchanted Castle, and Dynamite Dux
Name | Shadow Dancer |
Developer | Sega (Japan) |
Year | 1989 |
Type | Videogame |
KLOV/MOG # | 9499 |
Class | Wide Release |
Genre | Fighting |
Monitor |
Conversion Class | Sega System 18 |
Dipswitch Settings | |
# Simultaneous Players | 1 |
# Maximum Players | 2 |
Game Play | Alternating |
Control Panel Layout | Single Player |
Sound | Amplified Mono (one channel) |
Cabinet Styles |
Instructions | Shadow Dancer Instructions Image |
Control Panel | Shadow Dancer Control Panel Image |
Side Art | Shadow Dancer Side Art Image |
PCB | Shadow Dancer PCB Image |
Pull joystick down and push ATTACK button to send your dog to attack your opponents. To wipe out everything on the screen use NINJA MAGIC button.
Overall Like |
4.00 |
Fun (Social) | 2.50 |
Fun (Solo) | 4.00 |
Collector Desire | 3.25 |
Gameplay | 4.25 |
Graphics | 4.00 |
Originality | 3.50 |
Sound/Music | 2.75 |
Personal Impressions and Technical Impressions each account for half of the total score.
Within the Personal Impressions category, Like
carries a little more weight than the other factors.
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This game actually takes place twenty years after the original Shinobi. The main character is not actually Joe Musashi, but his raised-in-America son named Hayate. His dog's name is Yamato.
There are 15,446 members of the Video Arcade Preservation Society / Vintage Arcade Preservation Society, 9,747 whom participate in our arcade census project of games owned, wanted, or for sale. Census data currently includes 168,513 machines (7,065 unique titles).
Very Common - There are 90 known instances of this machine owned by Shadow Dancer collectors who are active members. Of these, 8 of them are original dedicated machines. 7 of them are conversions in which game circuit boards (and possibly cabinet graphics) have been placed in (and on) another game cabinet. 74 of them are only circuit boards which a collector could put into a generic case if desired.
For Sale - There are 4 active VAPS members with a Shadow Dancer machines for sale. There are 4 active VAPS members with a Shadow Dancer circuit boards for sale.
Wanted - There are 2 active VAPS members currently looking for Shadow Dancer. There is one active VAPS member looking for a Shadow Dancer circuit board set.
This game ranks a 26 on a scale out of 100 (100 = most often seen, 1=least common) in popularity based on census ownership records.
This game ranks a 5 on a scale out of 100 (100 = most often seen, 1=least common) in popularity based on census want list records.
Rarity and Popularity independently are not necessarily indications of value. [More Information]
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Moon Walker/Shadow Dancer Arcade PCB Board Sega Jamma TESTED WORKING 100%
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Shadow Dancer Arcade Game NEW OLD STOCK Flyer, Sega 1989
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SHADOW DANCER 1989 ORIGINAL Video Arcade Game PROMO Magazine PRINT Ad Artwork
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original 1989 ad 11- 8.5'' shadow dancer sega ARCADE VIDEO GAME FLYER
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Shadow Dancer Arcade FLYER Original 1989 UNUSED Video Game Art Japan Shinobi
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GIANT 13 By10" Shadow Dancer Sega 1989 Original arcade video game FLYER AD
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